Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/11/12 ‘Severing Cabal Communication Lines’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Sat, 08/11/2012 - 20:19

Traces of what is happening in you world is beginning to leak out through portions of your mainstream media. It is impossible for these stories to be prevented from sooner or later bursting through the floodgates into public consciousness and awareness. We have been carefully monitoring this situation, and we at this time report to you that there are many more stories that are available to be reported than have been up until this point. There have been many more arrests and larger sized arrests and legal proceedings than what has been reported. There have been bigger fish, so to speak, tossed into the frying pan, and sooner or later these stories will break beyond the barriers of what your media networks and major news outlets can conceal.


We will do what we can to assist your major news outlets do what it is they need to do. They know what is needed from them, they know what their call of duty is, but many of these individuals are afraid at this time, they are in fear for themselves and their families. This is certainly justifiable; however, we wish to make it clear that we will do everything that we can to protect them, to safeguard them and their families from any harm or wrongdoing at the hands of those paid by the cabal. The cabal members themselves and most of their associates do not do any of their dirty work themselves. These men and some women are more office types, they are ‘pen and pencil pushers’, as you say in your world. They do not ‘mix with the help’, to coin a phrase that they themselves often use. They give orders from long distances away through the telephone or through proxy. They very rarely meet with any of their underlings personally. They whisper commands and strategies to one or two of their closest personnel, who then whisper these instructions to another and so on throughout a long chain of subordinates by the time it gets to their minions who actually do their dastardly deeds for them.


We, the Galactic Federation of Light, wish to break this chain of command. We wish to begin operations where these underlings in their long line of order are taken into custody. This is what we would like to see, as they are an integral part of this dark operation, for without them the commands and instructions from the top of these pyramidal structures to the bottom will be cut off, broken, disconnected, leaving those at the top with no one to bark orders to. They will not be able to move any longer any of their pawns on the chessboard. They will be cut off from the game, and this is our goal. This is what we wish to see, and we are discussing this plan with our Earth allies at this time.


We would like to see efforts on this front where the men and women who carry these messages from the top down a long line of underlings to pawns in the field are taken into custody for their complicity in these crimes against the people of your world. These associates are just as guilty as the men who today stand atop these large pyramidal structures of power and control. Their crimes are just as severe, as without them the agenda of the dark could not be perpetuated, and this is what we wish to see. We ask the men and women on the front lines at this time to focus at least some of their attention on breaking these long lines of communication by apprehending these individuals who engage in the communication and the passing down of orders and instructions from their superiors. This is what we would like to see at this time and we, as we always do, will offer our intelligence and our surveillance in this area to assist with this phase of the operation, and we ask for the cooperation of the brave men and women on the front lines battling for freedom for the people of your world.


We would like to report at this time that we continue to observe arrests and legal proceedings involving the members of your criminal cabal. These arrests continue, they have not stopped and they have not slowed on many fronts throughout your entire world, not just in the United States. We wish to make this clear that many of you are focusing your attention on arrests and legal proceedings in the United States, though we say to you these arrests are global, they are worldwide, they are happening in many countries. Considering this, we say to you focus most of your attention on matters transpiring outside the borders of the United States, for the United States is but one country and there are many countries involved in these proceedings and therefore you may have the ability to locate for yourselves information pertaining to these proceedings in other countries around your world.


We have come upon news items of several of these arrests and proceedings while we have searched your Internet for evidence of these proceedings, and we feel you too will find success if you focus your efforts in this direction for now, but we do say to you that there will come a time when the United States is more the focal point of these ongoing arrests. Remain vigilant, for the floodgates will soon begin to open and evidence of arrest after arrest will flow like breakwater through living rooms all across your world. As we have said, these stories cannot be withheld from the people of your world for a very long time before some kind of evidence begins to break through the barriers constructed by your cabal. It will only take one major story in the United States or perhaps even another country to first penetrate this wall of silence, of secrecy, allowing other stories to then begin to burst through the dam. It will be at that time when there will be no slowing or stopping any longer the news of these arrests and legal proceedings and it is that day we, just as much as you, eagerly anticipate and look forward to.


Remember dear friends, that what you want we want. We all want the same thing. We all want the members and associates of the cabal removed from your societies and incarcerated and we are doing our parts, just as there are representatives of your world doing their parts. No one is slacking. No one is taking this operation lightly. There are many men and women on your front lines who are risking their lives day in and day out on this mission and we want you to remember this and think about this when you are choosing to complain throughout your online circles that this operation is not moving fast enough for you, who may be sitting in the comfort and protection of your own home.


Think about this, and think about those on the front lines who, in many cases, read your words as they too search the Internet for news stories of what they themselves are accomplishing, what they are risking their lives to do. Do you think that these men and women also wish so very much for the media to begin to cover and report these stories? Of course they do, because they too want what you want and what we all want. As we have said, we are all one. We are all one family, and we all want the same things for ourselves, our loved ones, our friends, coworkers and strangers on the street alike, for in reality, none of us are really strangers as our world is a group effort, a group project. We have all worked on it together in our own ways. We have all designed it, we have all created it and we have all built it from the ground up working together, so how could we possibly be strangers from one another when we all share the same home? Today we are all together redesigning and rebuilding your world. We are all pitching in in our own ways, for we are one large family living in one large home.


We are part of this family. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.




As channeled through Greg Giles English - Spanish - Brazil - Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch -German - Greek - Hebrew - Polish - Japanese Portugal - Romanian - Russian - Slovenian -Swedish - Traditional Chinese - Hungarian French Turkish


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