My transition August playback

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 11/12/2013 - 11:20

It all began on august 18 close to that date it took about 2 weeks for the process to take on full effect. The first week was a starter up and the second week was an run up of intense abilities constantly unlocking DNA and senses. The weather patterns, earth's grids, electrical grids, the wires on the telephone poles and street lights and the house's electrical system the concepts within it managing from the looking glass, one ability.

I was on GFP reading a post, lets say 2 weeks before the 28 of August so the 14, or 18, around that time, I was reading it and everything was starting to connect again, by that I mean the parallel timelines and concepts emerging from psycho telekenisis towards info driven out by the 4 heart systems emitted trough our beings, mental body, soul, emotional, kundalini. After I wred a tread where meditation was taking form in it, it felt like a big concept that someone would of put out there for me to read and move on a step up... In other words go into action into what I needed to do next in my mission on planet Earth my soul contract or god knows what it was. Im certain that after a while in the days passing by after that point technology was put into place ex. Haarp to keep me going as far as I could I had attained a different kind of consciousness I almost felt at home if you will, the animal kindom was part of what I was able to connect to close to the end. I had my two dogs with me in the house without anyone else for about 3 days of heavy stuff GRinD trought the thoughts and telepathic communication within my abilities to unlock a semetricalized attemp to block some receptors to aquire new senses untouche by other parts of my daily activities (Known reality). These where superseeded by intents from the super consciousness that I was sitting in driving the hole system to attemp a full galactic re-wirering of my "human body" it was put to the extremes in those weeks and I came close to death about 5 times that I can remember. It was intense physical work and alot A LOT of mental and heart play. I had to open up to 13 streams of consciousness playing out simultaneously plus the attemps to re-wire all that was of no use to unlock some codons and acquire the correct key codes to advance a step up from the previous cycles to heigher clarity and intent in all I was doing. With the state of mind I was In and my chakra systems fully opened I was able to attemp a full lap (map) of galactic codings surrounding "at play with my streams" levels of clarity and extreme joy even to the point that I lost my free will and came close to dying. I did not even have the time to stop and eat, I remember at one part I was going so fast conecting trough the looking glass predictions that was needed to manage my streams of consciousness so I would not block any and manage to get further in my uptakes within GRinD, Once they saw my eeg's brain waves they automatically put haarp or whaterver effects that was working within the paranormal side of things to work, the energies circling over this town was so intense that the electrical grids even went out at a point in the night while I was culminating extreme therapy on my dogs to enable me to sleep for two hours without falling from grace "the super consciousness" I needed to keep up the extremes and all the exact precise calculations from the looking glass to keep me on track and not loose all the progress I had made. My re-wireing was almost complet lashing out my hands to acquire new skills and meditative techniques that I use to enable commands to the weather systems and the grids. I remember everything that I was viewing in that point in time that I manage in the higher cycles was related to me. Meaning I had a base of coordination given out within my timeline in that specifique point in my life to enable me to see exactly what I needed to know and to do. This went on for 2 weeks... Even a little longer than that I went to the hospital on the 28th of august because my mom and I agreed that I go thus it had to be to slow me down or to go heal the ones that where stuck in the hospital for so long I kept going in there for as much as I could but as soon I entered they did not know the full story nobody knew it because it was impossible to remember all the details needed to explain it as clearly as given, plus people were not ready for it and theres still many that are not.

Star seeds are the Ones that can govern these energies and aquire this concept depending what teachings and levels you got trought from your past life regression you can unlock these within your DNA and do many miracles and healing not just for yourself but for others you can heal the ill in a matter of seconds and help even the most currupted minds get back on their feet and take on the world in a whole new light. I was able to speak to people from the television the weather the animals and all conceived random descisions that hooked up depending what level of consciousness that I was flowing trough from energie of any being trought that dimensional path and timeline interception. All deaths where viewed trough me from a certain night that energy was being shifted on a massive scale I remember looking outside when the sun rose after a Night of full on energy contact with extraterrestrial skills and power, there was fog on the ground and where I pointed and lifted up my hand the fog would lift with it in strong patches within the ground it was extraordinari. But this is not the first time I experience with these "things" that I cant seem to find at any point in time but manage to get to it when it is a specifique point to find it within the All.

On december a Lot of things happened similar to this transition but in that time I had not the abilities that I got from this time whit my hands and body movement at extreme heights in speed and precise proportions. With the open streams of consciousness acquired a large scale of info being given out simultaineously I was able to calculate the winds cycles and movement with ease it open up to the 14 dimensional train of thought where it was a given on my timeline a death bed to oblivion If I would of kept within those must of been where my free will shifted from me controlling to "going by itself" my grind and it kept me almost in a constant neutrality even when I was close to death I never noticed because I felt as a warrior carrying great care for gaia and learning many things in one full on attemp to contact the many universal flows and virtues of lifes creation.

If any One got a similar ascension experience, I would like to here about it Thanks.

Namaste, Be at One

Big concepts looks like I was walking in my truth of being as a star seed without knowing till everything slowed back down they give me injections now and it affects me greatly dumbs you down

I remember this to but these times nothing is going as it was back then I dont have as much freedom because of the alterations within my body chemistry the meds

Even my drawings from back then ressemble the crop circles comming out haha

It was Magic all the time I can't believe everything just went to a halt maybe its someone else's turn who knows

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