
Substantiating the Differences

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 03/20/2015 - 12:29

Substantiating the Differences

Prosperous amount of time, devolving attributes, conformal to higher grids/links in temporal fields. Alignments which are made in co-disposition towards the general flux in decisions or how we chose to manifest greater life venues, for experiences, and other type of conditions, which can bring about a multitude of alignments, towards what you are looking for in life, or simply what you love to do.

In constant fields, either static or constantly in change, the fabrics which helps us evolve or devolve some attributes which are needed in time of greater events, as alignments... Change is gradually accepted for conventional expanses, towards the general light flux, which is needed when we are ingrained in a system which is in a constant, as a cycle, repeating experiences, or repeating articles, when we want change in a way, to adjust to newer concepts or things which are needed for a gradual augmentation to something new. We imply on proper things as our decisions to have something new, may come to us gradually after having said words within, in search of greater service, as messages and such, there will always be a time in which the concepts will come to fruition if you’re ready to be selective, receptive of said changes, which usually comes in abundance, in many different ways, occasionally for some new constants to be ingrained until some more expansions come your way from delving deeper in constructs or your works.


Submitted by Mario on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 16:46


This content is acquired when we develop the fundamental parts of our being's, to greater aspect's, within moments, of higher opportunities, while the governing factors are driven by eventual exempts, in the fabrications, which allow velocity to flow at better causes...

These may have in effects greater residual matters at hands, but the responsibility factors, conforming the gradual bonds in which we can explain these… The opportunities^ (manifestations) can be gathered for a select few individuals, in momentum arriving independently for greater use in synchronizing flows, at causation points for {integrations}, while adapting within the responsibility factors*.

While synchronizing with the higher flows, the contemplations, or so abilities, to drive the factors of our lives to greater extents, is govern within attributes conformal to the natural flows within our genomes, while expansive to the nature of life itself.

Having the higher implementations, can renew “open” our senses, which are deemed conformal in events carrying the “ebb & flow” which can be causation of the vortexes coming to fruition within moments of the higher aspects [abilities] developed at greater lengths to advance in evolution, from moments of assimilation and construct (Creations) … To co-create by tapping into the flow, {concepts} for download and implementations, while dependences, are at, temporal factors for velocity in said accounts, which causes general/gradual mappings in extents to the evolving flows, which independently gives higher attributes, within moments of greater residual flux, in accountants.

Intellectual development, {advancements} are quadrupling in extents the general fabrics of the “consensus”, understanding for velocity, momentum, within creation’s…

Hyper Dimensional Thought

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 12:46

Hyper Dimensional Thought

Degradations throughout the planetary grids… Composing crystal fields… Matter which abolishes the flows…. Conceptualizing the remaining parts, header, and choices within developments.

Formal attributes are composing crystal fields.

Implementations acquired once devotions rise in the sub selective avenues/fields, within mappings (Generated from Quantum Thought).

The Hyper Dimensional aspects, within those fields, (creations/manifestations) has attributes of what we may term advance or higher technology in dispositions, within the fields, manifested, developed within, from moments of generalized contact… Which composes/counteracts the devious programs while having the higher adaptations within moments of truthful matters (Sub selected), formed in groups, deviated from factions where the key matter (Composition) is in need of balance factors.

Contributing to new advents, implementations which constructs/contemporizes the eventual (factious) denominations, which interlinks by interchanging information (Light) at greater avenues, disrespected if one allows the nominal factors to co-create within moments of intellectual stamps. (Generated concepts) for “Mappings” to begin and cause sub selective fields/avenues to augment in dispositions, towards the higher actualizations, which in key notations has developed the greater attributes within moments of simple deviations towards the generated flux.

The Higher and Lower Self

Submitted by Mario on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 09:09

Now what is the lower self, what is known as the lower self is the "state" you carry around, everywhere you go. Simply put, it is you, yourself, your temple, the body in which you are in and can make things, have choices, as cleaning, talking, having conversations, driving a car, meeting people, going into situations for work, working for an income so you can live if needed, going to parties, interacting with nature, thinking and thoughts that come about from the ego and other people telepathy etc... lighter thoughts and ways of thinking are forms of ego in transmutation to a higher consciousness (Interacting with nature as example)... basically the two brain hemispheres are the driving force between how are lives are being conveyed Lightly or with pressure and disorganization up to our lives being lived in and out, in body and out. The Lower self has an awareness a consciousness a view point. To sum it up the lower self is you (Being).

My transition August playback

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 11/12/2013 - 11:20

It all began on august 18 close to that date it took about 2 weeks for the process to take on full effect. The first week was a starter up and the second week was an run up of intense abilities constantly unlocking DNA and senses. The weather patterns, earth's grids, electrical grids, the wires on the telephone poles and street lights and the house's electrical system the concepts within it managing from the looking glass, one ability.

Sin – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 5, 2013

Submitted by Gabrielle on Sun, 05/05/2013 - 11:50

Note: Unfortunately Facebook seems to block me again, they don’t like what I post and share. I don’t know if I can share this message on my personal site or in any of my groups. If not, I ask you to please share the message on your sites and in your groups if you like the message. The Divine Mother and I, we say thank you very much.

It is impossible for me to share in any of my groups or on my own wall, not even in the GFP group. :(




You cannot sin, my child. Why? It is so easy, because sins don’t exist. They are a fabrication of your religions to take away your power from you. To create fear in you and to make a lot of money out of that. You are in the illusion to make experiences and to learn lessons for the further evolution of your soul. Nothing more. But that doesn’t mean that you could now jauntily steal, lie or murder. This would without any doubts have only nasty Karma as a result. You are but not on earth to amass more Karma, but to remove and release it. I have created you, that YOU wonderful soul can make wonderful experiences for me through which I can experience my Self. Whatever experiences you garner, I would never punish you for them. And how could I? It would only be totally against my intention. You would only punish yourself, when you create more negative karma for yourself. So live according to the 10 proposals I once gave to you and you will make glorious experiences without any consequences for yourself. I love you so much for that, my child. ~

The Third Eye - My Activation And Experiences

Submitted by jm94 on Sat, 11/10/2012 - 04:20


         The Third Eye – The Pineal Gland

       Activating And Using The Third Eye

                       My Experiences




This is a write up, on my experiences that led up to, and resulting from my use of my third eye, and advice on activating it.


I have written this article in laymans terms so anyone who is not clued up on the ascension process can understand.




The Third eye has been a very controversial topic over the years. What is it's true purpose and function? What gland in the body is associated with it? I will be sharing my story of my third eye activation, and along with tips in it's use. I am sharing this information to assist others in finding their spiritual self.


The third eye has been known as the 'spiritual' eye.


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