Natural Remedies: How Attached Are You To Illness? (Part 2)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/11/2012 - 06:40

Yesterday I most likely pushed a LOT of buttons and stirred up a host of "bad" emotions. Some people most likely projected these feelings and fears back towards me (which is ok, I understand..) and some brave superhero people actually began to ponder their own values placed on illness and disease.

As you ask those pesky "why" questions and learn so much about yourself, there will be those other voices. You know, the ones that tell you "it's all hocus pocus", "after all the crap you've done in your life, you deserve this illness", "yes, but...."

Welcome to the wacky world of doubt. Just when you think you're strong and able to try some self-healing, doubt sneaks in and tickles your ear. 

Resist the temptation to become frustrated and quit (doubt wins), or to beat yourself up for letting these thoughts get anywhere near you (doubt wins).

The secret, as the Buddha says, is to embrace doubt as you would a little child, then let it go.

In other words, embrace the doubt. Say hello to it, thanks for stopping by, but now you have to go.

I usually acknowledge the doubt, then wrap it in a pink bubble and send it into the light.

Tip:  (Learning to quickly execute any exercise in visualization will be very useful to all your endeavors as a Higher Be-ing.)

*wink-wink* read: super important tip!

Faith and belief are powerful tools, so much more powerful than the plant-based tools we talked about yesterday in natural medicine.
Belief is a complete 100% deep "knowing" that what you are capable of will be manifested.

Right away, I can sense the doubt entering your minds. "But Boo, I desperatly want a new car, but I can't just believe it so much that it appears!"

Really? Who told you that?
Belief has no limits, as long as what you seek is done with the highest good and with harm to no one, it's a done deal!

AA Michael and other Ascended Masters have been reminding us a lot lately that the veil between realities is getting thinner and thinner.

Several months ago, when I needed guidance I would have to meditate and would usually get some help as I slept. More often than not though, it would be a day (or several days) before I would really feel that I had the information I sought.
These days, it's nearly instantaneous. I ponder and ask, then "poof!" I suddenly "know" the answers or direction I was seeking.
Along with this thinning veil, I also have lots of practice under my belt and I have complete belief that the answer is quickly within my reach.
If I can do it, so can you!

Greg Braden has this wonderful video where he talks about an experiment done in Beijing, China with some energy healers and an MRI machine.

In three minutes time, healers worked with a patient who had a large tumor and using simultaneous cameras, they were able to document the tumor dramatically shrinking in size on the MRI right before their very eyes!




This "stuff" really works. But as you watch the video it's important to gain an understanding of the depth of belief both the practitioners and the patient had
in the results.

Do you see how even a whisper of doubt would have
interrupted the process?

This is why it's so important to find a visualization
technique that works for you, and to practice it so that when you're in a stressful situation like an illness, you can quickly implement your tool of
acknowledging and releasing that doubt from your energy body.

Another pitfall of human behavior closely tied to both doubt and belief is self-worth.
Oh, all the crazy things we've been told about self-worth!
"Don't brag, it's not nice"
"Who do you think you are??"
"I think that poor little girl with Cerebal Palsy deserves to be cured more than you!"
On and on, we play that head game with ourselves.


Here's the truth: it gets you no where!

That's why self-worth is suppressed in our culture.

Sick people with no self-worth don't cause trouble, they don't seek Enlightenment, they don't fight their way through illlusions.

The illusion is there to keep you from remembering how Divine you really are!

You are worthy of a well body, and you have the capability to get healthy and stay healthy.

Gaining self-worth is so much more than just standing in front of the mirror for 20 minutes a day repeating, "I am a good person, I deserve the very best" or whatever quick fix mantra may be going around.
You have to believe in your own self-worth without any doubt.

I can tell you that you're marvelous and perfect but when I do, your little voices begin ("she doesn't know the real you", "yeah- so marvelous that I yelled at my kids", or "oh yes, I'm perfect -a perfect mess!")

Embrace that voice for just a moment then send it on it's way - away from you!
The more you practice this, the fewer times those pesky messages will show up.

Soon, nothing is left but the peaceful acknowledgement that, yes- you really are worthy of everything your heart desires.
Then when I tell you that you're marvelous and perfect, you will be able to smile at me and say, "yes, I know."

I really hope these last 2 days have given you much to think about and even more to work on.

The goal is simple: to ready your mind and body for a total reunion with your soul, and to be better prepared for lfe in higher dimensions. With all it's freedom and newly-remembered skills, you will need to be whole and
healthy in every sense of the word.


Vendo (not verified)

Fri, 05/11/2012 - 07:11

Thank you Boo, .... it is very hard on the ego to face the fact of full responsibly because if it can not blame or feel unfortunate, .. then it can always fall back on the feeling of failure. If nothing else, it is a failure at doing the right thing. There is always a fall-back position.


For me, .. no practice has ever been able to replace the need for a higher plateau, ... consciousness/perspective. I could have practiced "the secret" until the cows comes home and it would not have fulfilled me.


But for those well acquainted with their heart/soul, .. your advise will work wonders, .. no doubt.


And I'm glad to have read it for the reminder of my full responsibility. I still need to hear it stated plainly.


thank you

Thanks Vendo! You're comment addressed that "old" human behavior... the need to have a fall-back or a back up plan. As with everything in our journey of Ascension, it begins with total surrender. No back up plan, no safety net, just the trust that you need to be wherever your path leads you. Talk about scary!! But with the faith / belief / surrender comes peace and freedom.


You can't have one foot in the old ways and one foot in the new "just in case." It doesn't work like that (besides, pretty soon you're doing the splits- ouch!)

Just take a deep breath, step fully into this new world with us.

May your day be filled with wonder greater than you can imagine!


Fri, 05/11/2012 - 10:08

Wonder-FULL and amazing post DIVINE Lady Boo:)  

"Sick people with no self-worth don't cause trouble, they don't seek Enlightenment, they don't fight their way through illlusions. The illusion is there to keep you from remembering how Divine you really are! You are worthy of a well body, and you have the capability to get healthy and stay healthy.... " yes, yes and yes again... a message to be broadcasted and posted in every emergency waiting room :)

Bruce Lipton has really made some advances into the medical field most recently guiding and introudcing Florida University med-students on the New Biology... this inspires me to know things are "changing" in how we do have alternate avenues to approach sick bodies and re-educate society, beginning with those in the medical field altering their approach and expanding their awareness.  Bruce also does a test with a candiate going into surgery and re-creating that moment via a placebo affect ...  Adore Bruce Liption and the strides and efforts he has made since 85' to evolve with this idea carrying it into an authentic truth. 

Till today, feel this is one of the best radio interviews Lipton has done yet, really picks up in the 2nd segment ...

This was a refreshing post Boo of our true empowerment withIN ......... heart hug, Maia


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