Submitted by AstroEyes on Mon, 05/14/2018 - 20:03


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This is a highly charged Taurus New Moon!  Taurus New Moons are usually very soft and relaxing with loving earthy energies….and all though this Taurus New Moon has those energies….there will be little time for relaxing or snoozing.  This New Taurus Moon also ushers in one of the most powerful shifts of 2018 and beyond!  Just 3 hours after the New Moon peeks….Uranus moves into Taurus!  Uranus….the revolutionary, the constant of change, radical change and things happening out of left field….with the energy of lightning bolts and earthquakes…the Awakener!   Uranus will be in Taurus and continue its revolutionary energies along with its liberating presence until November 6th when it re-enters Aries while retrograde.  Then Uranus will re-enter Taurus again on March 6th 2019 where it will stay until April 25th 2026!  Taurus is about security and our self survival and Uranus moving into Taurus suggests that there may be a revolution in the material world. With Uranus in Taurus, we will have the ability to deepen and ground some of the dynamic changes that were initiated when Uranus was in Aries!  Uranus in Taurus will be influenced (Venus rules Taurus) by Venus…..the planet of creativity, beauty, and love.  Uranus moving into Taurus at this New Moon….is bringing in a new phase and a new focus for our collective growth and evolution….both individually and for all humanity!! 

With Uranus moving into Taurus…..there will be changes within all the areas that Taurus represents.  With our abilities to manifest and create….we will be called on to…. create a more peaceful world.  One where we can connect with our hearts, our bodies, the Earth and Spirit….opposed to mechanical things!  Uranus is about the tribe, the community, and Humanity!  Uranus moving into Taurus…. is saying….it is time to connect with each other in a human way, by talking face to face with each other.  Feel each other’s energies.  We are all human….we are not mechanical objects.  Our responsibility, with Uranus in Taurus, is to take care of our bodies, the Earth, the Water, the Sky, all animals, the Earth energy centers, our food, our ability for self-survival, our Values systems, and to take care of each other!

This Taurus New Moon….is also asking us to embody Mother Earth….to Ground in her beauty and feel her energy.  Over the last several years we have been losing some of the simple energies and activates of Taurus….   We have been disconnected from our bodies and the Earth.  We have been too connected to devices that speak for us and that keeps us from listening to our bodies….. Listening to our thoughts…..and listening to the natural music of the Earth!  Put down the IPhones, the hand held computers or leave the others in your office. Move away from the TV’s, etc. and connect with Earth!   These are part of the changes that can come about with Uranus the Awakener moving into Taurus! 

During this time Your senses will be heightened….    Go outside and listen to nature….enjoy the sounds of the birds, the wind, and water.  Let you feet touch the Earth…let your feet “kiss” the Earth with merging energies.  We have been in a whirlwind of chaotic energies over the past several weeks/months.  This Taurus New Moon is asking us to relax, listen to music, be with the Earth, Meditate, Manifest and take care of our Mother Earth and our own bodies and our Soul!

This New Moon could intensify your feelings…..bringing to the surface of your consciousness, your true feelings in many areas. This New Taurus Moon beckons us to be seduced by Nature and the Earth energies……to become one with our deeper self…..take in the beauty….take in the Love.  It is a wonderful time to celebrate Beauty, Love, and Nature!

New Moons bring new beginnings.  New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle. Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies giving us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. All New Moons are about creating the “new”.   Starting something “new”…..manifesting and creating the “new”……and we are all in the process of Co-Creating the “New” world and Co-Creating our newly evolved selves!   During this powerful New Taurus Moon….meditate and manifest on Peace….within yourself and in the World.   It is a powerful time to manifest, meditate and create! 

This New Moon is in Taurus…..which is about, enjoying the senses, nurturing, growing your own food and medicines, flowers and gardens, love, sensuality, creativity, grounding, security, the joys of food and cooking, your own self worth, your values, the Earth itself etc.  Watch that you don’t slip into the gray side of Taurus during this time which is about greed, hoarding tendencies, overindulgence in food/drink, security fears, stubbornness, and withdrawing from others by going into your cave.  Taurus is about self-survival, your values and how you put food on the table and roof over your head.  It also is very Earth orientated and seems to have a special spiritual connection with the Earth.  Earth Spirituality (Taurus/Scorpio axis) is part of this New Moon.  Focus on the Earth….her beauty, the life she gives us and the love we need to give her back.  

With the Taurus energy we are being asked, along with the collective, to shift into the higher energies, as we are interacting with the physical (Taurus) world. We are being given the opportunity to ground the high Spiritual energies and activations…..that we have been receiving over the last few months….. so that we can bring them into physical form.  With all the energies and activations we have been receiving……. we are now, with this Taurus New Moon, being asked to pull back a little….to breathe and to rest.  We are being asked to focus and “see” the beauty in the Earth and the physical world that is all around us, and think of Peace!  Spend time outside.  Take time to sit with the Earth…and embody her Energy. 

During this Taurus New Moon….. We have the ever present and powerful Cardinal Square being activated by the conjunctions of Pluto/Mars squaring Uranus/Eris/Mercury.  This will continue to bring about Radical and Revolutionary Energies of change even as Uranus moves into Taurus, as Eris (chaos, discord, jealousy and competition) in Aries…..will continue the Cardinal Square!  When you have Mercury and Uranus together you can expect some flashes of Genius!  Even with Mercury having just entered Taurus!!    Meditate and listen to what insights you might hear.....   It might surprise you as futuristic thoughts may come into your mind.   Then Mercury, Uranus, and Eris are also in square with Pluto (transformation, integrity and respect) bringing into this New Moon lots of transformative, changeable, chaotic and passionate energies. These energies can also become volatiles.  Whenever a major planet (Uranus) changes signs the energies can become very unstable, and add all the other energies of this Taurus New Moon….it is definitely a time to be cautious.  Meditate on unconditional Love and the beauty of the Earth and Listen to what you might hear……Powerful messages are there for you to hear

This Taurus New Moon will bring about the energies to turn your life around, or if you decided not to listen to your Soul….. have it turned around for you.

Allow extra time in all areas of communication and travel with this grouping of Mercury/Uranus/Eris.   Walking our Talk is of upmost importance now…..however during this time we are being asked to rethink what “our talk” really is.   It is a time to think, meditate on, go inward and listen to what you are hearing about “your talk”.   You are being given the opportunity to revise and upgrade so that you can take the steps necessary to begin speaking  in a grounded Spiritual heart filled way…… for all.

Another indication from the Universe that we need to sit back and breathe… the fact that we have, at this New Moon, 3 planets that are retrograde!   They are: Jupiter (higher knowledge, religions, philosophy, Joy, “good luck”) until July 10th, Saturn (the father figure, structures, Elder wisdoms, CEO’s) until Sept 6th, and Pluto (planet of transformation, passion, intensity) until October 2nd .   That is a lot of retrograde planets.  When a planet is retrograde it is time to internalize the energies of the planet that is retrograde.  To go inward…to think about… mediate on the energies of that planet, and then Listen to what you might be hearing… or feeling…. as you concentrate on each retrograde planet and the energies that planet brings to you.   Go inward….relax…..think….meditate….be one with the Earth, and let her loving energies guide your thoughts and your insights….. so you can then bring them into each planet (and its specific energies) turn direct and begin moving forward… on the dates that I gave you above.  It will then be time to take action on all the wisdoms and information given to you during these “quiet” times.

This Taurus New Moon is saying that it is time to connect with the energy of the Earth, to bring into balance the Feminine and the Male energies in all arenas.  It is time to bring old outdated structures (Saturn - Lord of structures, Karma and Father figure) which is retrograde……into balance with Nature.   One area that has really opened up in this arena is organic foods (Taurus), and no GMO’s etc…..the ability to grow and eat these foods without corporations controlling them.   Also, a lot has been put out there in the arena of natural medicines.   Again, bringing the focus to balance, between corporate (pharmaceuticals, GMO’s) and the individual (natural foods and medicines).  Uranus moving into Taurus will help to bring these messages out in the open so that changes can be made!  Meditate/manifest during this New Taurus Moon …to bring about ways to make this happen.

Venus which rules Taurus and this New Moon…. Is in Gemini and is also sitting with Pallas Athena….the female warrior!  That makes for a busy Venus! Venus is also currently spending a few weeks in what is called “out of bounds”.  She can be a little more flirty and sensual….loving to party and entertain a few mavericks.  She is in her party mode and her ability to “chatter” keeps the current party moving……..Peace and Love

Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio is opposing this Taurus New Moon…..this can also add to the above party J    Jupiter with its ability to bring about some joy, hope and love.   If you are in a relationship it is time to look deeply at it and make sure that partner is enhancing the relationship or not. 

Remember that we are co-creating our world with our thoughts and our intentions daily.  The choices you make….are creating your future.   We are learning to look at the big picture.  To get a “picture” of how things can look down the road.   But we don’t have to see the Big Picture in detail or know exactly how it will turn out….to move forward!

Meditate and manifest on how to bring all areas of your life into Balance!!  Also meditate and manifest on ways that you can help to bring the community, your tribe, humanity and the World into a peaceful Balance, with all, and with the Earth itself!!   We are co-creating our own reality…..make it a beautiful one!   Above all manifest…..meditate….ask for guidance…...and Listen!

Ask yourself….. how can I take care of my area of the Earth… can I create more beauty in all areas of my life?  How can I help to bring Peace to the Earth……to those around me, and also to myself?    How can I help to bring balance to the Earth, Humanity,  my Community and to myself?   Meditate…..Listen…..follow you’re Heart!

This Taurus energy is being accented by the Universe…..Uranus moving into Taurus… for a reason and the Universe wants us to pay attention to these energies.    Take time during this Taurus New Moon energy….. and breathe………just breathe!    Connect with the Earth…..walk barefooted, touch the Earth!   Planet flowers and food…..get Dirty!!!!    Feel her energy.    Embody the Earth Spirituality!  What do you feel and sense from the Earth?  Take time to be outside and look…..walk, ride, sit with the Earth…..what do you see in nature that you haven’t taken the time to look at for a while?  Notice the trees, the flowers, the clouds?  Feel the stones; talk with love to the animals.  Watch the animals play, the butterflies and the birds.  Get in touch with the Fairies and the Earth Elementals.   Listen to the Earth sounds…..remember them?  Take a day or two or more and connect with the cycles of the Moon and the Stars.  As above… below.   Manifest and create the beauty of the “New.”    Meditate and Listen to what the Earth sends you intuitively.  Embrace the Magic

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below).  Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2018   Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved.

Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey  515-779-7154




also, Mars enter Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus, a few hours later, squaring Uranus now in Taurus....

this is more strong energy for the Aquarian Age of enLightenment, community, and the Space Age!

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