Taurus New Moon


Submitted by AstroEyes on Mon, 05/14/2018 - 20:03


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This is a highly charged Taurus New Moon!  Taurus New Moons are usually very soft and relaxing with loving earthy energies….and all though this Taurus New Moon has those energies….there will be little time for relaxing or snoozing.  This New Taurus Moon also ushers in one of the most powerful shifts of 2018 and beyond!  Just 3 hours after the New Moon peeks….Uranus moves into Taurus!  Uranus….the revolutionary, the constant of change, radical change and things happening out of left field….with the energy of lightning bolts and earthquakes…the Awakener!   Uranus will be in Taurus and continue its revolutionary energies along with its liberating presence until November 6th when it re-enters Aries while retrograde.  Then Uranus will re-enter Taurus again on March 6th 2019 where it will stay until April 25th 2026!  Taurus is about security and our self survival and Uranus moving into Taurus suggests that there may be a revolution in the material world. With Uranus in Taurus, we will have the ability to deepen and ground some of the dynamic changes that were initiated when Uranus was in Aries!  Uranus in Taurus will be influenced (Venus rules Taurus) by Venus…..the planet of creativity, beauty, and love.  Uranus moving into Taurus at this New Moon….is bringing in a new phase and a new focus for our collective growth and evolution….both individually and for all humanity!! 

Taurus New Moon - April 26 2017

Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 04/26/2017 - 22:14


NEW MOON IN TAURUS – April 26th 2017    

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Taurus New Moon….is asking us to embody Mother Earth….to Ground in her beauty and feel her energy.  This Taurus New Moon is a quite New Moon as it doesn’t make any aspects to any other planets.  It is Peaceful and serene.  It embodies all of Taurus’s energy without being altered by any other connection.  True Taurus!    Your senses will be heightened….    Go outside and listen to nature….enjoy the sounds of the birds, the wind, and water.  Let you feet touch the Earth…let your feet “kiss” the Earth with merging energies.  We have been in a whirlwind of chaotic energies over the past several weeks.  This Taurus New Moon is asking us to relax, be with the Earth, Meditate, Manifest and take care of our Mother Earth and our own bodies and our Soul!

This New Moon could intensify your feelings…..bringing to the surface of your consciousness, your true feelings in many areas. This New Taurus Moon beckons us to be seduced by Nature and the Earth energies……to become one with our deeper self…..take in the beauty….take in the Love.  It is a wonderful time to celebrate Beauty, Love, and Nature!

It is a powerful time to manifest, meditate and create! 

This Taurus New Moon also begins the Super Moon’s of 2017.  It is the first out of Three Super Moon’s.  Super Moons….are often called…Perigee Moon.  That is when the Moon comes within 90% of its closest approach to earth.  This generates greater gravitational and electromagnetic pulls…..on our tides, tectonic plates, the Earth, and all its inhabitants including ourselves and our psychic! Bringing about accelerating shifts in consciousness. These Super-Full-Moons appear to last longer and look larger than any other Full Moons.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Thu, 05/05/2016 - 22:55

 AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This Taurus New Moon….is asking us to embody Mother Earth….to Ground in her beauty and feel her energy.  New Moons bring new beginnings.  New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle.  This Taurus New Moon is the 3rd Super Moon in a row.  A Super Moon is when the Moon is in its nearest approach to the Earth…the gravitational pull is stronger and it also affects the tectonic plates….along with our psyche.  This New Moon could intensify your feelings…..bringing to the surface of your consciousness, your true feelings in many areas.   This Taurus New Moon is also sitting with Mercury (your mind and your communication) and Venus (which rules Taurus, is about love, creativity and beauty)….which makes the energies of this New Moon even stronger. It is time to honor the truth of your feelings and communicate them to yourself and to those whom your feelings are about.  This New Taurus Moon beckons us to be seduced by Nature and the Earth energies……to become one with our deeper self…..take in the beauty….take in the Love.  It is a wonderful time to celebrate Beauty, Love, and Nature!

 It is a powerful time to manifest, meditate and create!  

Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. These electromagnetic wavelengths activate our Pineal Gland or 3rd eye, which is sensitive to frequencies beyond our five senses. The Pineal Gland/3rd eye, is kind of like a spiritual antenna!  All New Moons are about creating the “new”.   Starting something “new”…..manifesting and creating the “new”……and we are all in the process of Co-Creating the “New” world and Co-Creating our newly evolved selves!  

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