Sananda Unteaches and Reprograms: Learning Self-Definition, Allowing Non-Limitation, Being Beautiful, Playing the Game, Laughing

Submitted by JTariah on Thu, 08/30/2012 - 21:44

Sananda Unteaches and Reprograms: Learning Self-Definition, Allowing Non-Limitation, Being Beautiful, Playing the Game, Laughing, Breathing, and Drinking Water
(two channelings below)

We of Sananda's Eagles Welcome You with Open Starship Hatches! All are welcome to join our Galactic Family of Starseeds, Walk-Ins and Lightworkers! Please write to janisel(at) to begin your Ground Crew Mission with Project: Eagle Triad today.



By Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ Ascended)
channeled by Debbie Wright of Sananda's Eagles

You will find yourself in places and with people that can show you WHO you really are if you 'allow'.  Therefore, when you are finally in the NOW, and you shall get back upon your chariot and drive away, do so with the anticipation of a distant mountain, but stop and enjoy the interesting excitements along the way.

There is one more thing I would like for you to consider taking into your heart. Those that have seemed strong to you in the past, in those yesterdays that are forgotten, when you find them in the tomorrows that never come, allow them to be who they truly are, without taking along with you those preconceived notions that you developed yesterday.

Now those around here claim that I still speak in parables, and at times this is true, but you see it is how I get around the prime Directive at times, in being able to give 'clues' without actually going over the boundaries of freewill.  Allow each individual that you come across to be WHO they really are. For you see, this is the 'illusion' that meeting each other causes when you meet the way all of you have met... in the third-dimensional reality.  For you meet the projection of who that person 'wishes' to be. And this is not saying they cannot be that person, this is just saying that sometimes when you allow them to be who they truly are, you will see that in some cases it was just that... a projection. So just drop the limitations and the restrictions of the preconceived notions.

If you hold no limitations to any of those that you meet, you will see beyond the words into the beauty of their Light.  For if I have not taught often enough the one thing that I truly wish to be remembered for teaching all, is the fact that each and everyone one of you are a truly beautiful Being of Light manifested to YOUR conception of who you are.  I, my brother Ashtar, my brother Sanat Kumara, my brother Adama, my brother Metatron... we see beyond the facade of your manifestation because we see your true Light.  However, we cannot even talk to you of your true Light or it might disrupt your manifestation ... which is a part of your freewill choice.  

So therefore, all I can say is, "You are a beautiful Being of Light manifested."  Day by day, minute by minute, second by second you are letting go of those conceptions of who you are.  You are changing your own preconceived manifestated form, but it's something that only YOU can change. We cannot do anything except remind you of what beautiful Beings of Light you are.  We cannot tell you of your true origins, we cannot tell you of some of the things about yourselves.  

We can tell you of instances, or validate instances, of past lives, of 'some' soul origins, or 'some' things that are not going to interfere with your freewill choice of continuing in this manifested form.  For you see, it is not OUR game... it is YOURS.  It is the game that YOU set up for yourself.  We do nothing more than play by your rules.



By Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ Ascended)
Through the body of Debbie Wright

There are three things that the people that come here are told to do.... laugh, breathe and drink lots of water.  It's the essence of life... those three things.   Did you realize that?  

I'm sure most of you have heard that wonderful story about sometime, way back in history, where someone turned water into wine...or something like that?  <grin>  Now, you see, the 'trick' is this:  This [a glass of water in a clear glass] is 'clear', yes?  But the only reason that you really know it is clear is because the container that it's in is clear, yes?  Now, picture in your mind, please, 2000 years ago.  Having an item such as this, that one could see through, was not 'known' where this story took place.  Therefore, you had large 'clay' urns that the water was stored in… perhaps the bladder of a goat, this kind of thing.  But in the story that we're referring to was large clay urns, you see.  Now, we also are going to take into account that that's the storage container, yes?  The drinking vessel, itself, was not 'clear', either.  

Now, much of the time it was just a bladder-bag that was passed around.  But this was a celebration, you see, so the 'fine china' was brought out and used.... which was 'clay' that had been baked. and etched with a few designs. <grin>  And you want to know what?  It was RED clay.  Now, the trick was... because I did tell you I was a magician, yes?... was, if that would have been put in this container here (clear glass), it would have still been water.  For you see, the water didn't change.  The THINKING of those drinking it changed.  For the simple 'twist' of the 'trick' of the magician was not to change the alchemy of the water into the alchemy of wine, it was to change the mass-consciousness in the room.  A very fine burgundy, I should say!  For, once you have a room full of people, mass-consciousness also takes place within that room.  Therefore, this ‘magician’ that is there, that is asked to turn the water into wine, is there with other magicians... his 'adepts', his 'apprentices', so all he need do is say, "The water is now wine."  yes?  And all of the students say, "Yes".  Those that sat around also said "Yes".  Well, the next thing you know, the people all the way across the room that didn't hear, are drinking the water yet tasting the wine.  Now, some of you might be disappointed in the fact that this is discounting a true 'miracle', but you see, the biggest miracle is in being able to prove that the human brain can be reprogrammed... which is exactly what took place.  

For you see, this (water) is the blood of your Mother (Earth). It is what your body is made of, the machine that you reside within is made from this (water).  If something goes wrong with that machine, it needs 'oil', and this is the oil that you give it.... for this is what it's made of.  And if you were to take in enough of this at any one given time, you could manipulate what your container looks like, if you knew how to have your brain accept it.  For THAT is the 'miracle'

Breathing is your connection to Source.  Your Source, your Father, your Goddess, whoever it is you deem your Creator to be, gave you  'breath', and it is the 'signature' on your Contract for this lifetime.  Did you know that?  

When you made the contract to come into this container, this machine, at this time, the Creator looked at you and said, "Then all I require of you is to breathe in and out, the breath of Life that I give you, until I tell you to stop.  For only you and I, right now, know when it is that you are suppose to stop. And once you're in that container you will be veiled, so you will forget.  Therefore, you have to hear my voice tell you to stop.".   

So every time you breathe you are reaffirming the contract you made with the Creator for this lifetime.  You are 'resigning' your signature on that contract.  You are affirming that you're living up to your contract with your Creator for this lifetime.  Now... that explains water and that explains breathing... now we get to 'laughing'.


You realize that out of all of Creation, this 'Life' that is taken so seriously, is nothing more than a minute little scratch in all of Creation.  Now... this is not meant to make you feel 'minute' yourself, for that is not it at all.  For in the grand scheme of things, in Creation, you are so much bigger than this life.  Now, for some strange odd reason, human freewill has determined that this life has to be a 'serious' affair.  It is to be taken so seriously.  

This human freewill that the Creator gifted upon you that you've all taken so seriously over the course of time, it has just been incorporated into the mass-consciousness that life is a 'serious' thing.  And when things get 'serious', perhaps a bit stressful, perhaps just a wee bit 'out of kilter', if you were to pay attention to your body at those times you would be breathing very shallowly.  You find yourself barely taking in breath... which is barely taking in your connection to the Creator.  If you laugh... laughing makes you breath deeper.  Laughing can become a 'habit'.  It can become a structure within your Being if you do it often enough.

If you remember nothing else in your life, remember these three simple things!  You see, the Creator realized a long, long time ago that ten is just too many  (the Ten Commandments, right? <grin>).  So if you just concentrate on those three things, you'll be so busy you'll HAVE to follow the other ten. Right?  You won't have time to do anything else!  

And just think... it is like that human-thing that came out years ago... the 'Happy Face'.  It was intentionally set out for people to pass on smiles to each other.  But instead of them passing them on as real smiles, they passed them on as buttons so they didn't have to do it themselves!  Well, let's re-do it!  Try wearing one on your face, then it gets passed on instead of on coffee cups, T-shirts, buttons and cars.  Put it on your face.  Then, once you find out that the smile is contagious, walk into a very 'tense' moment and start laughing hysterically.  You don't even have to explain why you're laughing hysterically.  I guarantee you the tension in the room will dissipate. It is fantastic!  Let's make it contagious.  You go out, you make others laugh, they help you continue laughing.  Then all of you go out and have other people laughing.  Pretty soon, everyone's ribs will hurt so bad they won't be able to have wars from laughing so much!  Right? <grin>   Of course, they won't be having babies, either, but that's neither here nor there.  <grin>  




We of Sananda's Eagles Welcome You with Open Starship Hatches! All are welcome to join our Galactic Family of Starseeds, Walk-Ins and Lightworkers! Please write to janisel(at) to begin your Ground Crew Mission with Project: Eagle Triad today.


Fri, 08/31/2012 - 11:58

I think I got it thank you very very veeeeeeeeerrrrrrry muuuuuuuuuuuckk breath  drink and laugh.

Sananda's Eagles Welcomes YOU with Open Spaceship Hatches! Please begin your Ground Crew Mission -- by committing yourself to 15-minutes of global channeled meditation per day --  by writing to: sanandaseagles(at)

You can begin your Ground Crew Mission today by joining Project: Eagle Triad. We welcome you to our family at:




Sananda's Eagles Welcomes YOU with Open Spaceship Hatches! Please begin your Ground Crew Mission -- by committing yourself to 15-minutes of global channeled meditation per day --  by writing to: sanandaseagles(at)

You can begin your Ground Crew Mission today by joining Project: Eagle Triad. We welcome you to our family at:



Fri, 08/31/2012 - 20:49

In reply to by notmindcontrol

Sananda's Eagles Welcomes YOU with Open Spaceship Hatches! Please begin your Ground Crew Mission -- by committing yourself to 15-minutes of global channeled meditation per day --  by writing to: sanandaseagles(at)

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