Starseeds and The Guardian Code Activations

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 15:08

Starseeds and The Guardian Code Activations

The Guardian by Moroka323


Spiritual 'downloads' seem to come in two forms, one is a packet of encoded information and the other is an instant stream of information sent directly into your conscious mind. Its also possible that these instant downloads are simply old downloads which have been activated and decoded. Tonight is one of those nights, I sit here trying to get down the stream of information I received this evening while its all still fresh in my mind.


Ive been made aware of a particular energetic code within the DNA which I will call the Guardian Code Activation. This is interesting because as far as I can understand it at this time, this is something which has always been around but has recently been activated in many people around the planet in the last few days. This code seems to have been activated around the time of the Spring Equinox of 2012 with the new energies and astrological alignments around that time.


The Guardian Code is activated in many Starseeds and this will become apparent very soon if it has not been already to those who carry these codes in their Life Blueprint and or DNA. As I understand it this appears to be the activation of the mission for the role of a Guardianship for someone, this is the role of protection. This may be for someone you already know or someone you will meet very soon. The Guardian Code has been triggered in Starseeds, Indigos and Lightworkers to protect another person from harm, physical or spiritual but more likely this is on an energetic level for most concerned.


This Guardian role will usually involve shielding someone from psychic attack for instance, or any threat from negative forces or entities. Those chosen for these roles are literally switched on or 'triggered' into action, and this will likely be going on without much conscious awareness. The Starseeds that are in need of this extra support may well be from the same star system as the one who takes on the temporary Guardian role but this is not always the case, especially where various alliances are formed across different star nations.


In extreme cases multiple Guardians will be called on and activated to lend their strength and shield the more vulnerable person from harm, acting like sentinels anchoring specially configured multidimensional shields within the grid.


Why this is happening now I cant say though it makes sense, there feels like there is something very much at steak here, I believe we all have Guardians in physical and spiritual worlds but at certain points in our life extras are needed or sent in for particular reasons. Some of this work may be occurring while we sleep, those who are very conscious of this role, who may be reading this now may be actively shielding, fending off negative entities or cloaking another's energy for their protection. Either way they will know what to do at the right time or will be doing it without even knowing.


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Seventh Element


Mon, 03/26/2012 - 15:48

I totally agree.  Two have just been activated  to protect me from what I dont know but they are adamant that I am in danger - from what I dont know but this was very interesting.  Thank you for the insight.


Love and Light,




For those of Us All drawn to Be here reading this is No accident. We are Allowing our Light to shine in areas that had been previously dark be it unconsciosness within own self or in others that we relate with in our  life. Perhaps we are focusing light into our neighborhood,neighbors,family,our city,this country,gov.,finacial areana,ect ect. I am gonna lets this little light of mine shine brings attacks from our own ego,fear patterns,family,neighbors,city,country,ect ect. We then realize we are attacking our own self  via our perceptions,,We call,cry,kneel,,pray,,use mantras,sage,sea salt,,,eat  right,exercise,,You  get the picture,,,,we become intentional,,,,Our Soul ,higher self,,,,and God becomes audible,,manifesting in so many majikal ways,,,Seeing orbs of light,,light ships,,yes  from  space,,,dark  cabal  ships,,,seeing  when others  are not in integrity,,,seeing  when  we  are not in integrity,,,,and Becomming more Intentional with every thought,,every word and action. We start the relationship with self. We grow to see that  the Others in our life stream  are  Us. We help,forgive,love,accept or we make a shield and become aware how to not allow negative,thoughts perceptions ,,activities,,reactions to control us anymore. Those that show up too assist us Arch Angel  Micheal,,Metatron,,Sannada ,,,,ect.ect. is Our Higher self,,We are Not Seperate from the Arch Angels  and Ascended Masters  we Are Them. And we our individual personality,,,,We can never be harmed,,The Soul ,  God  never left Us,,Our individual personality has been playing a game of I'll forget who and what I Am.  The Bell has rung.


Wakie  Wakie


Love n Light


First of all, thank you so much for FEELING our energies which yes, have come in at the equinox... you are very intune!

If I may shed a little light on the subject of "Guardian Code Activation"


It has two meanings...

The first is the code activation to be DNA enlightened in those who have that mission to be a guardian.  It's just to call the members to say "It's Time to Work".  So then they become active in the role of Guardian.


Now there are guardians of many dimensions, universes, starships, planets.  I can tell you what my "mission" is.... 


I come from the Star Elders within the Pleiades... a very loving, feminine, yet powerful environment which holds ancient, mostly indigenous traditions... which are timeless and hold the "matrix" of a certain way of living on certain planets throughout systems.


 I am delighted to be here with this great plan, now.  


A part of me has been in the physical for a few lifetimes to identify with emotions, thoughts, problems, and the blessedness of life on earth,gaia so I would understand consciousness levels within and without the Self.


I have chosen to be a part of your commencement now. My name, MaAlaea, means Salt of the Red Road, or Red Earth, Gaia... most of the Elders who have lived on this planet identify with the vibration of red earth.   The call of the salt has many meanings of an esoteric nature.  Jesus called his disciples the salt of the earth... Salt is sacred wisdom and makes everything "taste" better!


The second meaning is to assist in the enlivening of DNA for beings on Earth, on the Ascension Wave. A guardian has the responsibility (much as Spider Woman has woven within your native tribes) to weave lives together into their identifiable families so that they are happy leaving this 3D as you call it. You can look at us as a Frequency Determinator... 


We have NO JUDGMENT, if we come from the stars, we are only of light.... we first ask you where would you like to go?  Our job (within the spectrum of which I exist) is to be a cosmic coach so to speak... and to give you information, if you wish, to enhance your awakening.  The hesitation one may be feeling is that it is Graduation time.  If this time is uncomfortable to you, just go with it and also perform your meditations, etc.  There is nothing to fear... everyone is ascending... sometimes I bring light directly from those stars to dispell fear. I enjoy that invitation.



In the Pleiades, we are very used to helping and supporting each other, nurturing each other, without expectation of return, because we know we also receive without needing .... so with love as my foundation, that I never question about myself or my "sisters", I come to you with knowledge, confidence, empowerment and bliss to help in any way I can with the 7 Sisters' Goddess energy... Keep in mind that beyond your earth energy there is no separation of sex... so I use the term sister or feminine to describe those attributes based on the wave of love.  


We love your love,


MaAlaea, Your Guardian Star from the Pleiadian Elders






Thank  You MaAlaea,


Working together as ONE with our Galaxtic Friends ,,,Gaia as the many other realms are lifting the veil throughout All That Is. Thanks for BEing here NOW.


Love n Light




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