SUPER Full Moon Workshop 28th June

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 06/25/2018 - 06:46

Dear Readers,

Our Solstice Energy Transmission was a joy-filled event and we had a great time with the Angels! Archangel Michael led us in a guided meditation to cut us free from our fears using his blue flamed sword of Truth, which serves to sever from our energy fields all fear based programming.

We are still integrating and stabilizing the powerful Solstice energy and now we’re looking forward to a super powerful and bright Full Moon this coming Thursday the 28th June, which promises to uncover even more of that which we have stowed away in a file marked “to deal with later……”.

Beloveds, I’m afraid that later is NOW, and it can no longer be delayed. It is imperative that this dissonant energy be uncovered and dusted off so to speak, so that you can sparkle and shine again! Remember this 2018 year is marked as the year of LUMINOSITY! And shine we will!

In this upcoming Full Moon Workshop, we will be dong a massive clearing of our lineages going back through the generations of time to clear past programs of limitation brought forth into this lifetime through our parents and grand-parents, and their parents, as far back as we need to go, we will go! There is no stopping us now!

Then we will be lovingly nurtured through a guided meditation with our beloved friends Master Jesus and Lady Master Nada, who will come forward to heal our wounded hearts and help us to resurrect our best Self, so that can rise from the ashes, united in our Christed Hearts, in perfect harmony and balance with our Divine Feminine and Masculine energy, in Sacred Marriage and union.

At this time, as the energy amplifies following the Solstice and upcoming Full Moon, taking us into the Eclipse season in July, and the Lions Gate opening on 8.8., we’re needing all the assistance we can get. The Masters are willing to assist us all the way. We only have to be willing and dedicated to creating the change within ourselves so we can radiate and anchor our Light into our World.

It befalls those of us who are conscious to do this work, to assist our brothers and sisters who have yet to awaken from their slumber.

We love you, and are here to assist you always.

Have a great and wonderful day!



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