
SUPER Full Moon Workshop 28th June

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 06/25/2018 - 06:46

Dear Readers,

Our Solstice Energy Transmission was a joy-filled event and we had a great time with the Angels! Archangel Michael led us in a guided meditation to cut us free from our fears using his blue flamed sword of Truth, which serves to sever from our energy fields all fear based programming.

We are still integrating and stabilizing the powerful Solstice energy and now we’re looking forward to a super powerful and bright Full Moon this coming Thursday the 28th June, which promises to uncover even more of that which we have stowed away in a file marked “to deal with later……”.

Beloveds, I’m afraid that later is NOW, and it can no longer be delayed. It is imperative that this dissonant energy be uncovered and dusted off so to speak, so that you can sparkle and shine again! Remember this 2018 year is marked as the year of LUMINOSITY! And shine we will!

The new Meditation Vibrations CD is out now!

Submitted by meditationvibrations on Tue, 09/24/2013 - 12:26

Listen to it here!

Latest unsolicited testimonials about Meditation Vibrations' Energy Alignment Music:

”OMG!  Is all I have got to say about your music right now!  I am listening to it right now and the vibrations that are moving in and through me are incredible!!  I am receiving a DEEP complete transformative healing right now as I type!   Thank you for sharing this amazing gift!   Beautiful music!  Beautiful energy!”

- Carol Longacre

"I've listened to the meditation cd several times and it is absolutely stunning. I am blown away - such depth, such beauty. Thank you for sharing this rich gift with me. Seriously, stunning."

-Tai of

Listen to it here!

Blessings to you all.


How To PREVENT & CURE All Diseases

Submitted by Gagan Polanki on Tue, 09/24/2013 - 07:23

The Most Important Healing Videos You will ever see...


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Everything you need to know about Health, Healing & Prevention of all diseases.


Please Save these links for your future reference.


Please Share & "HEAL" The World ♥ ♥ ♥


1.            The Miracle of Earthing


You Can Banish Negative Energies!: Eleven Tips

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Sun, 11/11/2012 - 10:10

I was asked recently how to handle negative entities and unwanted astral projection experiences. Someone was having 'The Sixth Sense' type of psychic activity, that was both disturbing and unwelcome. I thought my response might be helpful to others that are in this situation.

Here is my reply:

I am smiling. For years I was 'floaty' and used to try to find big strong men in relationship to help me 'ground'. I wasn't as 'open' as you, but I was uncomfortable with the way I was.

1. You can make anything horrible go away. That is the rule of Free Will. Any dark ANYTHING come near you, and all you have to do is THINK or SAY 'GO AWAY'--and it will. It HAS to. It is the Law of 'Woo-Woo'. Okay. No more FEAR. That feeds it, and ATTRACTS the icky.

2. Invoke Archangel Michael to 'cut the ties or cords' between you and the offending entity. Michael can be in more than one place at once. You call, He answers. Got that?

3. You need Margaret.

4. The golden web of protection will help you to 'stay in' and 'keep everything out'. Get your home cleared, yourself 'assessed, with removal of negative entities, and protected with the golden mesh'

5. Last, you have a gift! Rejoice! Times are changing, and soon, like me, you will be like the ugly duckling who has learned he is a swan! As the vibrations increase, you will feel more 'at home'. Learning Reiki is what did it for me. By the time I went through Reiki Master, and made it to Karuna, everything for the first time felt 'right'. You are likely a higher-dimensional person.

6. And guess what? When we Ascend, you are GOING TO GET YOUR HEARING BACK! (The questioner was deaf) Everyone will be made whole again. Missing teeth, missing legs, missing organs--all back! Isn't that great? I will be sure to include you in tomorrow's healing.

Only a Dream?

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Mon, 10/01/2012 - 04:42


I am starting to manifest things. Yesterday I manifested a catfish dinner, pineapple, and a japanese modern 'bento style' lunch box. It didn't pop up out of thin air, but through the course of the day these objects came to me through this pattern:

1) I think of it, like, 'I really would like to have X'

2) in the course of the day, it 'pops up' into my consciousness, for example,

 I walk into Curry House Restaurant for first time, with friends who are regulars, and the Special of The Day, on a poster, is catfish and curry and rice

3) I recognize 'this is for me' and I give thanks for it, order it, and enjoy.


Here is a story from yesterday morning about the powerful ability to manifest, demonstrated after a vision-like or portending-type dream:




Sananda Presents "ASCENSION TOOLS" <---> Cutting Cords for Regaining Power, Focus, Grounding, Centering and Clarity

Submitted by JTariah on Sat, 09/01/2012 - 23:42

Sananda Presents "ASCENSION TOOLS" <---> Cutting Cords for Regaining Power, Focus, Grounding, Centering and Clarity <---> What Cords Are, and How to Get Rid of Them Permanently


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