Thoughts and Meditation - Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri

Submitted by will on Thu, 04/11/2013 - 08:24

Thoughts  and  Meditation

Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
April 10, 2013

© John Graf "Joy"


“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”    

                              The Golden Rule

Every day, start your life in peace and joy. Come from spaces within your heart, so that each day you have an inner place of calm and centeredness. Help Gaia: take part daily in sending her prayers and much Healing Energy. She has been suffering for millennia at the hands of unconscious humans and dark forces. Now, it is our sacred responsibility to help her. In fact, it always has been our responsibility. Think before you act. What can we each do better? What can we choose to do to help?

Long before I knew anything about Disclosure or other star nations, I always knew that I was one of Gaia’s caretakers. For me, it continues to be a sacred responsibility: take care of the birds and other “sweeties” --as I called them when I was a child; and I still do. The “sweeties” are the animals (great and small) that wander through my garden. My place is a sacred and safe place for them all to gather. Taking care of my garden is a special joy. For years I have said: “By tending my garden, I tend my heart.”

Caring for my garden with TLC is my daily heart connection with Gaia.

Think before you speak. How can we say what we want to in a calmer, better, and kinder way? We all have lived our lives in societies based on harm, and trauma, and fear. Every day: let all that go. Release this negativity with each breath you exhale. We can choose to dis-engage from the corporate-controlled/government-instilled fear that has permeated everything. We all have the internal courage to re-evaluate what we think we know, based on new information –and the willingness to change for the better. We can choose to create our days filled with peace and love. We can share this with everyone. With this, can you imagine what wonders we can accomplish together?

We have all been raised with stories of war and conquest. That’s what we learn in school. This is the negatively instilled side of education. It was deliberately created by the dark visions and agendas of great harm. There is much more that we have to learn. What about the stories of womens’ contributions to our collective past --in music, in art, and in science? What about those contributions of people of color?  There is the extraordinary American sculptor Edmonia Lewis (1843-1907), for example. We have been given a lopsided and often untruthful telling of the past. This is very soon to change, so that we can have new beginnings of harmony.

Go though your day with peace in your heart. Center yourself to know what is you and what is exterior that has nothing to do with you. Let go of un-necessary baggage. Send prayers of healing to those you love and everyone else. It is for the Higher Good. Practice the Golden Rule.

Think of all the positive things we can each do, if we base our lives on compassion, caring, kindness, thoughtfulness, understanding, and peace. These are the tools of change for our new beginnings. Gaia and all of us are to be transformed to beings of integrity, of caring, and of Love. Years ago, before I knew of our space family, I taught my children that the most important thing in our lives is Love. I have always believed this is true. Now we have messages from the stars to tell us what I knew in my heart.

My marvelous spiritual guide, the late Carmella Corallo, gave me a meditation prayer that I say daily. Here it is to share. Sit somewhere calmly, and take a few cleansing breaths. Then, when you inhale, say: “I am Light, and Love, and Healing Energy in every cell and atom of my body right now.” When you exhale, release all the negativity. It’s Spring! So this is a perfect time to Detox all the negative Winter energy and change head spaces towards Higher realms of consciousness. The flowers are blooming. The birds are singing. What good can we do together?

Ask for help from the Higher Spheres. It does work! Even though, for the time being, we cannot see these Beings of Light, they are actually there and can and do help, if we choose to ask. I have seen this repeatedly over the last few years.

We are all part of the grand scheme of Light and Love! We are sovereign beings of Peace. Healing ourselves and choosing a path of Peace and Joy, will bring about our new Gaia in very short order.  Let us join together to help take Gaia and all of us towards a marvelous new direction: Higher Consciousness, our belovèd Gaia and all of us living on a healed planet, and living together in harmony.

The Harmony of the Spheres can be the harmony in our hearts. Peace and Love start with each one of us and our new collective vision. It is here now. May we all join together to create Victory for the Light.


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