

Submitted by alexiskarpouzos on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 05:36

The Multiplicity and the Unity are one and the same thing, a thing that is both many and one at the same time. The waves, and the currents underwater, make up the ocean. The ocean is the underlying basis for every wave. Neither the ocean, nor the waves, can be understood in isolation from each other. We must preserve the sense of unity and the sense of diversity and multiplicity. We must recognize that the One and the Many are the same thing viewed from different angles. The One is the Many. The One is manifested only in and through the Many. It has no separate existence apart from the Many. Equally the Many are the One. Even during their temporary separation, they are always part of the One, and always united with the One. Every one of us is always part of the One, and can unite with the One at any time we choose.

alexis karpouzos - universal consciousness

Submitted by alexiskarpouzos on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 05:22

We need a sense of the unity of life and of humans for the sake of human welfare and for the survival of the planet. We need a sense of unity with the cosmos so that we can connect with Reality. But we also need a sense of individuality, for the sake of our own dignity and independence and of the loving care for others. We need it to appreciate each natural form, each animal and plant, each human person in their uniqueness.

We must preserve the sense of unity and the sense of diversity and multiplicity. We must recognize that the One and the Many are the same thing viewed from different angles. The One is the Many. The One is manifested only in and through the Many. It has no separate existence apart from the Many. Equally the Many are the One. Even during their temporary separation, they are always part of the One, and always united with the One. Every one of us is always part of the One, and can unite with the One at any time we choose.

Alexis karpouzos


The Presence of Stillness

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sat, 02/24/2018 - 14:35
by April Bender

Since the passing of my beloved grandmother this past fall, I've had many opportunities to re-explore the vast nature of Stillness. Subtle and mysterious, unfolding and enfolding, centering and spacious, encircling and spiraling away. . .choosing to dance with the presence of Stillness offers us passage through the many gates of inner and outer awareness.

Journey with us to the Himalayas in honor of Mother Earth!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 12/23/2017 - 04:31

It was in answer to a cry of Love that we found ourselves here, willingly and in complete service to this beautiful Blue Planet named Earth. She became our Earthly Mother and has sustained our life here for many eons of time, even when we ourselves fell into darkness. She cries out to you again. Will you listen?


Journey To The Blue Flame Diamond Temple of the Will of God


The Will of God is the attribute of God that will take you all the way home through its divine grace. When you decide to make a real commitment to your ascension and to your spiritual journey you must be willing to pass the tests of surrender to Divine Will. God does not really want to test you. His love is unconditional. But when you are willing to surrender your will to the Will of God, the universe responds rather quickly to help you to achieve this goal. The minute you make a consistent commitment to your God Presence to totally surrender to the process, your Presence will guide you to the fastest and smoothest way possible to obtain the object of your desire, and literally opens the doors to “Everything”!

Read more here:…

The 7 Steps of Gratitude

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 06/10/2017 - 06:32

Are you feeling it-those wild waves of energy that are crashing into and pulling back from the planet like mini tsunamis? This movement has been continuous lately, as we’re currently in the throws of some tremendously powerful upgrades.  These can look and feel like paradise one day, and then shock us to our very core the next.  All of this up and down and back and forth can really wreak havoc on our sensitive physical and etheric bodies, and also can take a quite a toll on our state of mind.  As I’ve been  dealing with this myself, I have found  that by far the most effective and spiritually enriching way of surviving the shift is to focus on, and remain in a state of gratitude.  Gratitude is highly infectious, and the act of giving thanks has a pure and honest, pay-it-forward kind of effect.  The energy of gratitude flows quite naturally and it easily expands, affecting everyone and everything we come into contact with. I wanted to share with you a simple set of 7 steps, which I devised and use as a meditation  tool.

2017 Divine Love and Galactic Codes of Light Pouring In

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 12/20/2016 - 11:43

Imagine with me, this image. Imagine yourself in the crystal center of the earth. And in this image you are now miniaturized to fit on a crystal, a crystal that represents your soul.It contains the Akashic Records of your lives and experiences on earth. The end of the soul crystal is a pyramid shape, the point for you to sit on and with this it is like you are seated upon a crystalline pyramid. It is the activation of all lifetimes as one lifetime representing wholeness with all that you are, and also connected to all that is. Within this place, you access your whole souls knowing and also the earth's knowing and the galaxy's knowing. The higher knowing comes in on crystalline codes of light, through your human self now and transfers to your inner earth self, all deriving from the Great Central Sun and beyond and traveling through the earth's sun, yourself on earth, and this you that is within the crystalline core of Mother Earth, as a part of here. Receive all that is being gifted to you on the etheric level for a place of openness and worthiness of the transforming and transcendence energy to take you to a higher place.

Finding your Inner Peace and Contentment

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 11/29/2016 - 04:37


Finding your Inner Peace and Contentment
Are you perhaps feeling anxious, jittery, on edge, unable to settle your mind and find inner peace and contentment? Take a deep breath now and go inside your body. Focus on your center point, your high heart. Breathe into your heart, feel your chest area expanding with Universal Life / Love Force energy and feel your heart chakra opening. Take several more deep breaths into your heart. Now let us say a prayer together:
"Dear God, please help me to feel your love so that I may find my inner peace and contentment. Thank you!"
Continue to breathe and focus within your body whilst you begin to feel your inner peace and contentment returning. Stay in this space for as long as your like and ask your Higher Self to help you ground and anchor the energy.

So often, especially when there is intense energy about like today with the New Moon, it can become challenging to maintain a clear mind, and keep focus on our center point, and so we lose our inner equilibrium. The result is that we feel wobbly and insecure and we begin to feel anxious which then causes physical discomfort in the neck and shoulders and wherever your body tends to hold tension.

Changing the World from the Inside Out

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 14:34

It is said that form or manifestation arises from a point, called a bindu in ancient India, and from the unified field there is an outpouring of diamond light and sound (called OM light and OM sound) which then moves from the subtle and unseen vibratory level into becoming structures as vibration. The process, the blueprint of creation, of all matter forming is based on mathematics and sacred geometry. I was introduced to these ideas which mesh with other innerstandings of how the universe is created from the subtle (unseen world) to the seen which is the manifested form that appears as matter. Yet we know that matter is not solid as atoms are mostly empty space. This is a formula to creation from the ancient rishis sharing the divine blueprint of how all things are made and it involves the formation within the shape of an 8 x 8 square making a cube, interspersed with the  five elements, spinning and creating waveforms which turn into our manifested reality, that which we see with our eyes. 

Mending the World with the Glue that is Love

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Wed, 06/29/2016 - 17:10

Many ways of meditation can take us into the heart space, and I have been experimenting with them for a long time. I had a guided experience that made a huge personal impact recently at a workshop with Viola Rose who teaches Drunvalo Melchizedek's material on going into the sacred space of the heart. She is a teacher from his School of Remembering which carries on his work as he is semi-retired and onto other discoveries.

Benefits of Living in the Heart

There is great value in living in the heart and it sounds cliché, so cliché that we may dismiss it. We miss something without the inquiry as to what this really means- to live in the heart. She explains the difference of living in the head (which most of us do much of the time) versus living in the heart. Living in the head for me can feel like I have certain pathways of thought that I travel over and over. It is not fun to be in this state and I am sure most everyone has experienced this. When it becomes neutral of emotion it is much easier for me to have obsessive thinking patterns. What I do is to simply acknowledge it which then allows me to let it go.

Anchoring the Grid of Light on the Solstice

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Fri, 06/10/2016 - 18:24

A number of individuals are located around the world connect together energetically at the equinox and solstice times for meditation, all at the same time.

Many of these people I do not know but we are connected and all doing this work together. The meditation on these days are to anchor the light of the Worldwide Grid, the Grid of Light that is here to help bring forth the new paradigm. My way of seeing a new paradigm could be this: a heart based world based on more love, more equality and sharing, with more environmental awareness and respect for Mother Earth and living creatures. Many on earth, wish for peace in the world, and a new way of being and living as so many people in the world do. We, who envision a new paradigm, are dreamers and visionaries, and hold the vision of a peaceful earth within us. We know that through us as individuals becoming peaceful, then our environment and world can become peaceful.

For many, changing the world could be seen as changing the inner world vibrationally, which projects to the outer reality and shifts it. Let this be a calling for more awareness and participation in meditation, meditating together, anchoring the light and anchoring the grid. The calling can be internal as a feeling and it can be sparked by knowing others are participating as well.

Tipping Point of Light

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