
Circle of Grace 1 in The Age of Remembrance

Submitted by Brother_Francis on Thu, 04/28/2016 - 06:52

     Hi Everyone...My name is Brother_Francis and I have been on my spiritual path since the mid-1970's and I was born and raised in Long Island, NY; moved to New Jersey and lived there form 2005 thru 2011. I taught in various Long Island, NY and NJ locations. I have had the pleasure of being a guest Numerologist with astro-numerologist Lloyd Strayhorn (1982-1987) and formerly of NYC's KISS 98.7 FM's Wake Up Club with Jeff Fox (2006), then permanently relocated to Albuquerque, NM in November 2011 and love it as my new spiritually based home....I am the Founder and Chief Principal Teacher of my spiritual / metaphysical ministry called - CIRCLE OF GRACE 1 (founded 7/2/1999 AD) and its  five tiered metaphysical / spiritual institute called - The Circle of Divine Grace & Remembrance (founded 2/7/2009 AD) and both come under the Aegis & the Anointing of The Angel of Grace through Divine Providence.

Receiving Gifts from the Inca Medicine Wheel and Animal Totems

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 15:21

Many cultures and spiritual traditions honor the four directions, each with special qualities and animal totems. The animals are often from the area in which the spiritual tradition originates. The Inca Medicine Wheel is from Peru, and it has four animals in the four directions. After being introduced to this system, I am greatly inspired with new information for me. Humbly sharing what has come to my understanding through meditation, I honor the indigenous sacred culture of the Q'ueros. The Q'ueros hold Mother Earth and all life sacred, seeing the Apus which are Mountains in the Andes as sacred sentient beings.

Please take what resonates with you from within this writing. Be inspired. Tune into your own information on this and other medicine wheels. Research the Q'uero Inca Medicine Wheel further to learn about this path. You can work with this as if the animals and what they represent are energies to integrate, as if they are messengers or guides, or as archetypes.

The Value, and Ways to Work with the Medicine Wheel

Turning up Inner Guidance

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sat, 04/09/2016 - 18:28

Spirit is trying to speak to us in so many ways. We receive from our senses, such as feeling, hearing, seeing, and knowing. The world around us is communicating too with special messages that are there for the noticing to awaken our awareness, and with the awareness of our soul's knowing. The most simple and pure inner guidance is from a feeling excitement we that have inside, from our wanting and desiring something. 

Nothing is More Important than How You Feel

Most of us could use practice in noticing how we feel. Culture trains us not to notice or express how we feel and this causes some bottled up emotions that harm us. It also means that we may not hear our most primitive yet accurate form of inner guidance and listen to it. Guidance is there to help us have a most delicious, juicy life! Guidance is the transmission of our soul's knowing which is aligned with love for us, and love for all, leading us to navigating our human experience with ease and grace.

Connecting with your Higher Self within your Sacred Heart ~ Meditation and Energy Transmission

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 09/19/2015 - 02:38

For the past 3 years Michael has been guiding me to “stay in my heart”, and now more than ever this is possibly the most important advice you will ever receive. If you’re not in this sacred space, you may find that your world – your living experience – is becoming more chaotic by the day.

If you thought that by now you would be experiencing less resistance in your transformation / ascension process, then you may just want to rethink that because for me personally my ego mind and lower consciousness is putting up a royal fight, and the only place / space I’m finding peace of mind and a sense of balance is in my heart.

Yesterday Michael guided me to a passage in Emmanuel’s Book 1 (Pg 32 of the Kindle book). It served to remind me how powerful my mind can be:

“The heart is an unerring compass. The heart knows the Soul better than the mind does. Unless your mind is in service of the heart it becomes a warped and twisted master.”

He goes on further to say:

“The only path that is right for you is the one that is already designed within you. To find this path you have to hear your own heart. There simply is no other way.”

Recently we released the 2nd Mp3 energy transmission to help people to form this energetic connection within their sacred heart, and to make this connection to their Higher Self and Source energy – to the God within.

Please make use of this meditation. It will help you now to find inner peace and to become stronger energetically. You will find this transmission here:

The lunar energy from the powerful Blue Moon releases a Mother Lode of negative energy.

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 08/30/2015 - 02:40

This past week the lunar energy from the powerful Blue Moon has been bringing up what I call “the mother lode” of negative energy for release. While this full moon has been one of the strongest ever, the next and final Blood Moon on the 28th September promises to do a whole lot more. But more about that later.

Michael just wants to interject here and add his interpretation to my term “the mother lode”. It seems the dictionary defines this term as this:

Mother lode is a principal vein or zone of veins of gold or silver ore. The term is also used metaphorically to refer to the origin of something valuable or in great abundance.”

He is wanting me to share with you that by ridding yourself of this mother lode of negative energy you are opening yourself up to an even greater abundance, that of being closer to your Principal Greatness and Source of Being. He wants me to say that when you are closer and more connected with your Source of Being YOU ARE ABUNDANT because you are in the flow of ALL THAT IS –THE FLOW OF CREATION. He is telling me that with each huge release of negative energy you bring more of your True Self into the Light and therefore you shine forth as PURE GOLD.

Thank you Michael! (Smile)

It is easy to become despondent when releasing and all it takes is one person to stick a thorn in our proverbial flesh for us to plunge once more into our lower consciousness. Sadly this happened to me yesterday. But the blessing that came out of this experience was that I am now fully aware of when I am plunging and I can quickly ‘save myself’. I am noticing now that I become much weaker when navigating the realms of my lower consciousness, and it’s not a nice feeling.

Energy Healing Transmission

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/17/2015 - 00:13

Artist ~ Josephine Wall (

I’ve recorded my first energy healing transmission as guided by my Highest Consciousness, my Beloved Archangel Michael. The recording has been light encoded with Reiki energy which will continue to be felt each time the recording is listened to. In fact, the energy will only become stronger. It will never dissipate.

Reiki is Divine Love, it is the universal flow of Everything that is Love, so what the transmission does is help you let go and release all that is not love within you. Basically, all that is not love is negative energy because all positive energy has its origins in love, which comes from the Soul.

Our objective as an ascending Being is to be love once more – to return to a higher state of consciousness means to return to a higher vibration, and the higher we go, the more love were able to hold. Love is light, light is love. Love is all there is!

So this wonderfully powerful transmission will help you to let go of the ego and all of the negative energy associated with the ego – guilt, blame, sadness, pain, disease, fear, feelings of  unworthiness etc., and bring you into alignment with your Soul Self so that you can experience more love, peace, gratitude, health, harmony, joy and bliss, and all that goes with those higher vibrational energies. This includes abundance in every way. When you are living more in your heart i.e. in love, you begin to experience an abundant life!

What Does it Mean to Connect Multidimensionally?

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 07/14/2015 - 16:34

I wish to make you aware of an important date coming soon, emphasizing what we may be called to do together. Why is the 8-8 important? August 8th is called the Lion's Gate or the Infinity Portal, connected with the Star Sirius, and also the double numbers of 8 and 8 representing infinity. 2015 is also an eight number if you add up the digits as numerologists do, which means it is the 888 portal to infinity. I am seeing that it connects to a grand orchestration by our universe, and our solar system to beam light onto planet earth in a way that brings keys and codes that help us evolve. The light codes come into the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid in Giza, anchoring this light to earth. Light carries codes, which is light in-formation or light information. The Great Central Sun is transmitting, and it is a grander orchestration for life on earth to receive, along with the planet herself.


Why shouldn't we try to build a better world?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/11/2015 - 17:55


It look obvious to an ordinary man that everybody should try his/her best to build a better world. However, it is not quite what is best to do! Just look around yourself and see what damages have people done with an intention to build a better world! People have destroyed nature, society, and the very foundation of humanity with an intention to build a better world. In the THE TAO, it is recommended not to try. Not to try in a sense that let the natural flow of the universe manages itself in an appropriate way. If we could just recognize ourselves as a part of this universe, then we would realize that the universe doesn't need our help to make it a better place. Instead, any unnatural and forceful action of us would be unnatural and alien to this system and make it worse. Understanding this image would stop us from forcing ourselves and everybody around us to become soldiers of salvation. Salvation does not need militant fighters. It simply needs harmony. What is called in Zoroastrianism as the law of ASHO, is the harmony of the universe with which we need to fell and align our being with, in order to find salvation, Nirvana, heavens of GOD, internal peace, or whatever you prefer to call it.

Zen Masters and Alan watts refers to these principles in the following videos:

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