The Trigger Mechanism has been set!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Mon, 07/11/2011 - 19:01

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. We say to you that every new step in your awakening and universal ascension comes with a triggering thought ;word; or action by one of you in your third dimensional plane of existence, though it will be as a message from yourself in your higher expression of existence. Yes it is true that it is set off originally by a higher soul who is representative of each of you. It was set to be this way the moment we sat and discussed the plans for the creation and living out of the life plan of each of you in your world. Then when the day of the Last Judgment and the Consummation of the brass age was to end, the stage would be set and we would be the ones to provide you with the clues and the triggering mechanisms ( at their proper time) that would set off each scheduled event in your world and ascension process. This would bring in the Golden Age.


And so we are here dear ones doing just that and many triggers have already been set or put in action you could say. For it only takes a single word; thought; or action for this to happen each time and with every message or channel that comes to you, whether from a reliable source or one that is not so reliable, all sources were meant to be provided here, and every message to be heard whether it resonates or not. For it does not matter what the message is here today as what will happen will happen when the time comes for each event to happen. No matter what the bad guys do and no matter when the good guys believe they are to act, all things will still happen on schedule.


When you awaken dear ones all will be set in motion according to your wishes, and your wishes will be according to the wishes of the "you" who is living in the higher realms and knows the choices you will make simply because this has all been played out before. Remember! "There is nothing new under the sun." And though this is a saying taken from the Christian bible we can surely confess that these words ring true. So you see everything will indeed happen on schedule and all will come to believe that they have free will in life and that they are acting out their free will at this day. This is true in that your free will does not come from the life and thoughts of the third density human being or soul, but from your higher being and soul of whom you are hearing from even at this moment.


If free will were given to third density human beings would they not end up killing all beings in society that would not bow the knee to them? Do you really think lower density beings can be permitted free will dear ones? So why is life so miserable for human beings in third density if they truly do not yet possess free will in life? Because each soul came here to learn certain lessons in life within the confines and over a period of time that stretches for the duration of four seasons of life. Within these four seasons of life humans are permitted to live life according to the manner in which they wish to live ( as third density planet earth is the schoolhouse and seminary of each soul), while at the same time the higher realms have set limits as to the level of free will each three dimensional human will be permitted to possess in life. For instance a human can not be responsible or cause the destruction of their planet, or any other planet or star system. No human being can be responsible for or cause harm or loss as well to any other world or star system period, as this would go against their (apparent free will) that they too believe they possess in life. And they cannot be permitted to learn different while living life in third density.


And so each soul or human being in third density is given a life and certain circumstances in order to carry out their lifes plans and learn the lessons set for them to learn while living the life of each human they come to be within their "Circle of Life. Still this is just one of the scenarios you will hear which will explain the lifes purpose and workings of human beings. The point is dear ones you do not possess free will ever, while in third density, as there is a higher power above every soul or third density being  so that no human or soul can get so deep into trouble in their "Circles of Life," (get too far off track of their lifes plan) that they cannot be gotten back on track with the aid of their higher self. Still there are set limits and laws that even your higher self cannot go against, but those laws and limits are only for your higher selves to know. 


With all that being said we tell you again that when you are in your fifth density self at this day, which will happen on and off until you enter fifth density for good, you will possess free will to choose all things in your life as you are now conscious of the fact that you are the creators and co - creators in life. Because you now possess this knowledge you must possess the free will to either accept the fifth density life and ascension or reject it, as it must now be your choice. And all souls will spend enough time in life going in and out of fifth density so as to have ample time and experience to make that choice between fifth and third density life. You will not be living the fifth density life as of yet, but you will remember and gain the knowledge needed to make your decision, no matter who you are in life. Some will possess and remember this knowledge sooner, and some later, as each soul is different and at a different level of maturity in life. Once you have decided to asdcend however then things take off and get really fun, and you will continue to possess free will at this point.


So you see dear ones you are in the drivers seat at this day, and you will be given all the sighns and activation triggers in order to know what is going on in the world and that it is here or about to take place in the world, according to what you come to understand is supposed to happen in the world during these last days on your planet (Mother Earth). Now as you have been awakening more and more every day now, we say to you to prepare for many different activation triggers to be set in motion, as you are in the ascension process and mother earth must help guide you along as she is ready to change over to fifth density very soon as well.


The time for talk is over, and we have given the dark ones plenty of lead way to make their preparations for what is about to take place in the world. Their hand has been forced, and they must now decide which direction they will go in a matter of hours dear ones. And we did not say days or weeks. For as  it has been said, many things have been going on in the world that the citizens of the world have been kept from for quite some time now, and they will now come to the surface dear ones. We plan on bringing about a new way in your world at this present moment  ( not tommorrow any longer) and the nescessary actions have already been carried out to provide this take over scenario with a speedy success. You are about to hear of the plans that have been layed out for the New Wolrd Society.


These plans have been in action and have bore much fruit while the citizens of the planet have been blind folded by the dark ones and rulers of your present world. We say to all who read these words and all who come across them by accident even, that that time is "Now." Wake up all of you who were once dead in your flesh. Wake up those of you who hear the call of a new day. Rise once again to a new age of humanity, that Golden age of Aquarius.  Stand tall for the Lion is about to lay with the Lamb! There will be peace on earth like never seen before, and no harm will come to a single one of our dear soul brothers and sisters, as we will all come to that great party together as One, while those who were invited originally did not show. It is up to you dear ones to make it all happen now, for even though we give you all the tools to complete the task, it is you who must go and do the work, as we can only help according to your will. The plans have been laid out, the work has already begun, and we say to you now Awaken! Awaken! Awaken!



With so very much love and light, we come to you in complete unconditional love and light. We ask that you share and reflect this love and light with those of your world as well.


We are Emmanuel and we love you so - as you are we - and we are you!




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