The Unconditional truth based on Unconditional love!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Sat, 07/16/2011 - 08:17

The Unconditional truth based on Unconditional love!



We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. We have sent you other messages of this type recently but they have been intercepted by those who would not have the truth spoken at this time in your awakening process today. They will not succeed however in keeping this message from the public as we will continue sending it out in all areas of your internet until it is known by the masses of your world. And so we will proceed with our message for you all to hear dear ones.

There are a large handful of souls out there in your world and internet today who would still have you believe that your ascension will come on a certain day and at a certain time in some cases, in your world. There have already been published in numerable places these dates as October 28,2011 and December 21, 2012 throughout your internet and we see that many souls in your third dimensional plane have taken hold of these statements and made them their truths in life at this time. There have been other postings as well of times not even mentioned here as it is not important that we do so at this time. We simply tell you all now that you must become aware of what is going on in your world at this day, and realize the time is so very close to your ascension, and therefore coming to leave this third density planet that the dark ones know they must raise the stakes much higher at this time, and make their statements viral in some cases so as to fool the masses.

And so the words are being heard all over your world and internet, and the people have come to believe their words, based on what we see in the astral planes dear ones. Those who have not yet awakened or are barely just coming to awaken arte being fooled and the dark ones wish it to be this way as they seek to keep the world population in sleep state at this time. The world leaders and governments have a plan dear ones and their plan is a devious one, one that will not work and has already failed. Still they continue in their venture to fool the masses into believing that ascension will come on a certain date in your world so that they can bring about one more world Catastrophic event that will bring the masses from nearly seven billion souls down to one third of that or less.

As we say again dear ones this plan will not work, and has already failed as we speak, but they will not let up, and plan on taking down as many with the ship (so to speak) as they can before all is said and done. The masses are awakening dear ones and they are truly afraid that they will be left with no one to rule over any longer and to do their bidding in their new world they too are setting up in your third dimensional world and plane. We do not like to cause the people to fear as there is truly no fear in unconditional love, which is what we feel for all of you dear ones yesterday, today, and forever. We merely intend on warning the masses who will hear our words at this time, as the time is truly growing short for the citizens of your world, and the split is about to occur for all of you.


There is about to come a wye in the road in a representative sense dear ones, and each of you must now come to make your decision ( not that you each have not actually already made your decision), but what we do and say here today dear ones will help many of you to make that decision in the end. So we say to you again to hear our words and heave our warning as this is what you would call the “Narrow Gate,” or the “Road less traveled.” In the end however dear ones we say to you to keep in mind that every soul will ascend, every soul will awaken, but a human being is not a soul in that those bodies you each wear is nothing more than your house or your shell in your three dimensional world, and that house or shell goes and does what you as a soul comes to do in life. It is true your human form will go with you in your ascension if you wish to take it with you, but it is your spirit and soul that will awaken and ascend in these last days dear ones.  

And so you can now see that it is your soul the dark ones truly want and not your bodies as they can create bodies in what ever numbers they wish today. For if they possess your soul and come to rule over it they gain more power in the lower realms of evil. Then evil becomes stronger in their world and they retain their power in their world. But again we say dear ones that they have already lost and simply plan on taking as many souls with them as they can steal from the grasp of Mother Earth as she goes through her new childbirth. For just as there is pain in each birth so too are we all going through birth pains with Mother Earth at this time. So we say to you dear ones you are each becoming a new creature or being very soon, and the dark ones do not wish to see this happen for many of you. We will speak a little more about the days and times of your ascension and we will go on from there dear ones.

Every soul comes to ascend as every soul simply moves up a notch in their spiritual world where they each live and exist as a member of the same spiritual society and soul group to eternity. This society will continue to grow in wisdom and maturity to eternity however and will never come to move from their spot within the actual Macrocosm. As we said all souls will awaken and ascend, but they will ascend in a manner that is not truly explained in your world today as it should have been by now. We are here to get the ball rolling (so to speak). There is no set day and time to awaken or ascend for anyone as those times are meant only for the Lord to know, and the Lord is nothing more than another representation of your higher self dear ones. It is your higher self who knows all things about you, but you cannot be trusted with these things while living life in third density. But you will truly awaken and ascend right on schedule, and no one can ever keep this from taking place in your world or ours.

In third density it appears that all people or souls come to awaken at many different times and that ascension is taught to take place for all souls [who will ascend] at the same time. This is a fallacy however as all souls awaken and ascend at the same time, but appear to awaken at different times and ascend at the same time, given the fact that the world rulers and dark ones would have you believe these things, so that many of you come to think not all souls will ascend, and we will be leaving many family and friends behind in the end. Or they wish for you to think that you will go in ascension to the heavens, while certain of your family and friends remain here to continue suffering the burdens of this present world, only to eventually die and never be seen by you again. What ever the case may be dear ones they wish for you to remain in fear at this day so that they keep you in their grasp of fear. If they keep you in fear they have you. But you will not remain in fear if you hear the words we speak to you dear ones, and if you come to awaken to what is really taking place in your world today. And you will truly hear them as you were meant to hear them, but when you hear them is still up to you, as you are in control of your destiny if you have awakened. If you have not yet awakened you probably would not be here reading these words in the first place.

So here it is: In third dimensional reality everything appears to take place according to time, and we therefore allow ourselves to be led astray by world leaders behind the scenes to tell us things will indeed take place according to certain times. We are here to tell you they are incorrect and it is all a part of the illusion. You will all truly appear to awaken at different times, and it may even appear that all of you will ascend at the same time in this present world. It may even appear to some that the ascension will take place in three different waves, but this too is a fantasy and a fallacy. Everyone has already awakened in our actual and spiritual world. Everyone has already ascended in our spiritual society and soul group. And in our spiritual society and soul group we live life and exist just as the person we are, but we live the illusions of our lower and third density life in third density, which appears to be separate from your fifth density life. In other words you think you as our third density representation of our self are separate from us your higher self, when in reality we are not separate and this you will each come to know and remember very soon.

Again we say each and every soul has already ascended as there are souls in fifth density all the time who are you and you simply come to meld with those souls when your time comes, and you never even feel you were once separate. So even though times appear to be different for each human as far as their awakening is concerned this is a fallacy and an illusion. The dark and evil ones however wish you to see it as reality. As far as them providing time and dates through the false channels of those who are supposed to be from the higher dimensions this too is a fallacy and illusion. Do not trust those channels that provide you with this type of message. No one knows dates and times dear ones. Please truly think about what we are about to tell you:

As we said every soul will ascend as they already have. When you awaken and ascend into fifth density you will know at that time that you have ascended. Not before, and neither will you be able to tell any other when they will ascend. Indeed people are already ascending all over the world as we speak and they cannot explain to third density beings how it works and when it happens, only that it will happen when it is time, for each of us. That time is very near for all, just as you can all feel how near it is. We would say that December 21, 2012 is probably when all will have complete their ascension, based on the number of souls who have ascended at this day dear ones. Still that is our estimate and our opinion based on the state of your world and ours at this time.Once you have ascended you will live in your third dimensional world as you always have, but you will remain here only to act as a guide to other souls who are right on the threshold of changing over as well. You can return to fifth density any time you please or you can switch back and forth to third density so as to help guide others( just as we are doing) so as to provide them with a warning as to what the dark ones in the world are up to.

They will appear to be spreading a message of love and light but they will be deceiving you the whole time dear ones. For they will always attempt to hid facts and truth from you while always sugar coating the facts and truths with a veil of unconditional love and light. Do not be deceived by this dear ones as you already have all the unconditional love and light you will ever need, and what you need now is the facts. And the facts are that everything you need today to awaken and ascend you already possess, in which case you need not pay for lessons or teachings as you already possess what you need. So if they come to you to seek monetary gain for their services to you dear ones     run, run as fast as you can to the nearest exit! (In a manner of speaking of course) It is very good to love all unconditionally today dear ones, and to love them from the greatest of white light, but you already possess all of this which is why you are moving on to fifth density in the first place.

We have known the human we use here for our channelings has suffered greatly these last days because he could not seem to grasp the fact that people all over were listening to the channels of dates and times. As well as sights on your internet that teach all love and light and no actual facts or truths that correctly guide you in your awakening and ascension process dear ones. That human has now awakened to these truths and he is here with us today to provide these truths to the world where ever and whenever possible in these last days. The time of your ascension is so close dear ones that the dark ones are running scared now. Do you or did you really think a God so loving as ours could have left your awakening and ascension to chance, so that you would have had to depend on other human beings to provide you with what you need for ascension? No dear ones, and not even the Galactic Federation of Light can provide you with what you need, but only what your third density human beings wants today, and that is money, and power through technology. But they promise world peace as well right? That is the sugar coating to make you believe they are truly for peace dear ones.


But is all comes down to this in the end: You are a sovereign soul and being and you need no one to provide you with anything for your awakening and ascension at this day. All you need is someone to come along and point out to you who is leading you astray and who is not, so that in the end you can each decide for yourselves. We are simply here dear ones to show you what you already have. We do not even tell you that you need our assistance in order to awaken and ascend as this is all your doing. When someone does come to you in these last days of your ascension and offer you teachings, psychic readings and lessons on how to find or go to your inner self, walk away, as you already know these things and simply need to remember when your timer comes for you to remember. That time has already been chosen for you, and you will choose again when that time comes dear ones, which is so very soon. Good things are indeed coming your way dear ones, but they will not come at the hands of man, they will come from you!

So what are you each to do from this point on dear ones? You are to continue to imagine a perfect world for all based on your ruling love in life, you are to continue loving all unconditionally in life, and you are to wait and be patient for all things to continue to awaken in your minds, and therefore the continuance and completion of your ascension. It is coming dear ones and it is indeed just at the door, and the dark ones will ramp us the heat now as they know it is just at the door. Be strong and fear not as there is truly no fear in love.


Wee love you all dear ones unconditionally and we say to you to spread your love unconditionally to the people and souls of your world, as they need it immensely at this day, as do you dear ones.


We are Emmanuel and we come to you with only the truth. You can receive our truth or continue seeking another. The choice is yours and yours alone. We love you as you are we and we are you! 

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