Submitted by Lia on Tue, 12/06/2011 - 07:37

My thoughts exactly...I thought, wow no need to feel fear after that one! These time lines in different articles are frustrating....I have read good things to happen after the first of the year, major events in January and February, now this sounds like things not happening until May or June.....need to stop reading these!

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 12/06/2011 - 14:37

In reply to by Denize

The last few months have been quite disorientating for me in a way. I prefer that if something bad is going to happen I would rather know about it. I am not one to bury my head in the sand, I would rather know so that I can prepare. Having said this, there is always the issue of 'timelines' which I have become more aware of recently, and this could explain the seeming contradictions that sometime seem to happen between our expectant realities. I was abruptly awoken to the scenareo above (Nibiru) in September this year when a friend of mine alerted me to the rumours of Elenin and Nebiru. It seemed that danger was possibly iminent, and that we should prepare, although I had not expected to start to prepare in haste for 2012 until at least the new year. I have had an interest in Self Sufficiency and Bushcraft for quite some time now, so I had quite a lot of stuff around the house that would be useful in such a scenareo. I filter all my water with a British Berkefeld water filter for example and have done for many years, and that obviously woud be a lifesaver in itself.


As I posted in reply to http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/lightworkers-story-i-dont-suffer-insanity-i-enjoy-every-minute-it, after 28 Oct 2011 I felt that we had skipped over this scenareo, and I felt an increadible peace fall over me literally overnight. My fiance had a very intense experience whilst asleep shortly after this, experiencing a very real 3D like end of the world scenario in her sleep and getting stabbed in the back. She came back from that with a mark/scar on her back which I managed to intinuitivly heal with hands on meditation (not something I can normaly consiously do). I feel that there are many scenarios available during our transition, and that we follow the one that we resonate to. I believe my fiance experienced a scenario that was close to us, but one that we narrowly missed. I don't really know, maybe it was a premonition, but I really do feel that I passed over it, as did my fiance.


I believe that everyone has a unique perspective on this whole transition, and we are all seeing it from different vantage points. Maybe some people have chosen to be woken up by an end of the world type scenario, while others have chosen a more gradual and gentle awakening. Maybe we left Kansas a long time ago. I would say, be prepared, but do not fear. Your souls planned this a long time ago before we even got here.


On a mundane level it would be so easy for me to give up my job and claim benefits. I don't want to be tied to a 9-5 job, and yet I don't dislike my work. To be perfectly honest with the amount of debt I have I would probably be better off on benefits, but I like to provide for myself. I don't want others who don't have much to pay for me to do nothing to support myself. At the same time I am quite happy to pay to help those who really do need it. At the end of the day I like to listen to my intuition; when it is time for me to give up my job, or do anything else for that matter, I will know it. A 'bad' scenario such as the one above may give the added boost that some need, but I suspect that many, even though they may live through this reality, may have a completley different experience.


The limit really is your 'imagination'. How many good outcomes can you imagine from a bad scenario, and how much can you inspire others to imagine the same? We all have our own individual journeys, and although it is imensly helpful to share our different perspectives I believe our journey is our own to make of it what we will.

Where do I start.  I too am a bit confused at the mixed messages and so here is my solution.   worry less about things which are out of my control - which is almost everything.  when i work be in that moment and enjoy it, when im not rest and enjoy it. love and nurture my children and their friends.  stock up on seeds and canned organic foods.  freeze some bottled water.  stay put on this side of the mountains.  listen more, love my husband with all my might.  disspell negative thoughts and turn them into positive ones.  take yoga and meditate.  if nothing signifigant happens next year or the year after or after that.  i have lost nothing.  if there are no economic changes, no financial changes, no global or universal changes that my 3D body can see then I will be fine with that.  If somone from the light of a different planet comes a knocking at my door I will let them in.  if physical changes happen on the planet that causes major detruction i will either be here to assist in person or I will have advanced to the spirit world in which I can assist from there. win win.


if it does not ring true in your heart or you feel the need to question then say no. simply and quietly and move on to the next thing.  but do it for the better of your spirit not your ego. AND remember.  All that we see in others is a reflection of ourselves.   if you see a negative low level person ask yourself what is it in myself that i see in them that needs to be changed and then do it.  Visa versa if you see somone who is loving and highly vibrational see what it is that makes them that way and know you see it because it too is in you.   Much Much love... 

I just think that post is just fear mongering with all kinds of disasters & warnings

which runs counter to many previous messages that we are safe if we do not

give way to fear. So I am going to ignore it.

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 12/06/2011 - 12:56

This only resonates as fear to me. Fear does live with Love so i choose to ignore this message for that reason and the fact that I WILL NOT board any ships of any kind directly after disclosure.

We were told many times in countless channelings that there will be no drastic Earth changes and that Lemuria is not coming up to the surface but ourn Agarthian brothers and sisters are emerging now and soon we are going to see them and that in case of need we can have a refuge in Hollow Earth!

Yes, this gets VERY confusing when you look at the information out there. There are two objects following the same path, one follows a year behind the other. There seems to be little doubt that there is an object of some kind out there, but I like to think of this more as an opportunity to bring our collective fear to the surface so that we can heal. As someone else has pointed out already this is in conflict with a lot of the other messages that have been received. Other messages have said that it would be sensible to have a few supplies to hand due to economic concerns, but that all our needs have been thought about and will be taken care of and no global earth changes will happen while we are on the surface.

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 12/06/2011 - 20:34

Also--maybe someone can explain to me....if Project BlueBeam is really going to take place afterall than how are we suppose to differentiate between the "Galactics" when they come down to help us? And if the dark cabal is suppose to use the Media to scare us....then what does that mean about DISCLOSURE, on the media??

Thanks in Advance :)

This sounds more Illuminati based info....this was supposed to be part of their plan, but other information by reliable channels have reassured that things of this proportion will not happen....that I believe.

Pauline Ryan (not verified)

Thu, 12/08/2011 - 14:21

this is such rubbish.....cant believe some people Believe it.  Seems to me its articles like this which inspire fear among the gullible....  replacing our conventional 'fears'  with stuff like this is pointless and alarmist !   Its self-rightousness is arrogant and when it turns out in 2012 that most of it is complete nonsense no one will admit to getting it wrong!!! it'll be errrr.....no its happening.... maybe we just got a few dates wrong!!!  Some people are so entrenched in their beliefs that absolutely nothing will convince them otherwise!!!  e.g. Rapture (LOL.) in fact ROFL... that poor guy spent all his cash trying to convince people the world was ending.... and where is he now?   you will probably find he still believes it.  and that is SAD.

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