Within God you have your eternal and endlessly joyful existence.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/09/2017 - 21:58

Humanity has chosen to awaken, it’s as simple as that!  However, although in truth the awakening has already occurred, it does take time to come to fruition for you because the illusion is largely about time and its passing, and until your awakening happens you are time-bound within your collective dream, the illusion.  It is unreal but, because you intended it to seem very real, it does seem utterly real to you.  That, of course, is very confusing for you, and because the vast majority of the human population believes that the illusion is absolutely real that is how it appears to you.

What is presently occurring is the unraveling of the collective belief in the illusion, and because of that you see apparent chaos, confusion, and conflict in many places across the world as the beliefs that hold it in place are released.  Remember, beliefs are restrictive and limiting opinions that, as humans, you hold and trust, but which are largely invalid.

Humans like beliefs because they seem to offer safety and security, allowing them to align themselves with others who hold the same or similar beliefs, thus helping them to feel accepted, and yet humans are skeptical and very quick to judge and disparage the beliefs others hold that are different from their own.  This intensely bigoted “I’m right and you are wrong” syndrome, constantly leads to disagreement and conflict.  And, of course, it is driven by fear and the desperate need to be accepted, and that is why these beliefs have been held onto so strongly while rarely being questioned – for fear that if questioned, scrutinized, they might be proved wrong.

Over the last few decades numerous entrenched and collective beliefs have been discarded as humanity, moving steadily towards its moment of awakening, has come to realize their invalidity.  And many commonly accepted negative judgments of other people’s life styles have also been discarded.  Many are finally attempting to honor the golden rule “do not do unto others what you would not want them to do to you.”  Even though conflicts and judgments of a very unloving nature are still endemic in many areas, humanity is moving towards acceptance and compassion for each and everyone, and away from judgment.

To awaken means to discard all attitudes and behaviors that are not in complete alignment with Love – judgment, blame, condemnation, disapproval, self-righteousness – and that is what is occurring as more and more people make the choice to toss away those severely limiting and self damaging opinions and affectations.  As general acceptance of one another grows the need for the defenses provided by arrogant and unshakable beliefs and positionalities decreases, and the awareness grows that all are human, seeking only Love, in spite of all the apparent differences between them – nationality, ethnicity, color, sex, political or religious persuasion, interests, and professional qualifications.

You are all the beloved children of God who have momentarily forgotten that divine Truth as you dream the dream of separation and unreality.  Note that word “momentarily,” because in Reality there is only the eternal now, and any apparent move away from that moment can only be extremely brief, so short in fact that it is immeasurable.  To awaken is your inevitable and unavoidable destiny, and for that you should give thanks, daily.

Reality, your Home, is joy-filled, the illusion is fear-filled.  Almost every activity in which you engage as humans, whether mental or physical, is to deal with or escape from fear – fear of being unworthy, incompetent, unloved, abandoned, not good enough, attacked, destroyed, judged, blamed, punished, etc., etc. – and of course this fear is, like the illusion that you have built in which to have these very unsettling experiences, itself unreal!

To awaken is your only real desire, because deep within yourselves you know that what you are experiencing is unreal, a dream, or more often a nightmare.  And you want only to be once more permanently in the Presence of God, your infinitely loving Father and the Source of All that exists.  Without God there would be nothing, no consciousness, which is the field of Love in which everything has its eternal existence.  And there is absolutely no possibility of a state “without God.”

God is . . . there is nothing outside God, God is the One Mind in which everything happens.  It is the field of unlimited infinite creative potential of which you are all essential parts or aspects, and which, without even one of you, It would be incomplete, another impossibility, although “impossibilities” are also impossible!

There is only God, and within God you have your eternal and endlessly joyful existence, so REJOICE!  You are to awaken from the momentary aberration that you built, the illusion, and your joy will once more be complete as all memories of unreality fade away through the tiny spot, stain, or blemish that has hidden Reality from you ever so briefly, and which has never existed.

The experiential field in which humanity finds itself is the illusion that you built in which to undergo a sense of abandonment and aloneness in the insane momentary belief that you had no need of God Who had created you and Who had given you everything that He had and is.  In that brief moment you forgot that there was only God and that you were an inseparable part of Him, and in that instant, by your intent, the illusion arrived and you installed yourself within it, apparently completely separated from your divine Source.  And instantly FEAR arose – it seemed enormous and threatening because you had shrunk yourself into a tiny and insignificant human body that was as nothing to the seemingly vast universe in which you found yourself.

But you are not insignificant!  You are an inseparable and infinitely powerful aspect or part of God, the Source, and it is the illusion that is insignificant.  In fact it is so small and insignificant that there will be not a trace of it when you awaken, as you most surely will.

You were created for eternal joy, and in your experiencing of eternal joy God is fulfilled.  And, of course, God is always utterly fulfilled.  Therefore you are always in eternal joy, and when you awaken you will know this once more, as all doubt, fear, pain, and suffering dissolve never to be remembered.  So rejoice in the certainty of the Truth that you are eternally and inseparably One with God.

With so very much love, Saul.



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