Working within Heart Centeredness ~ Lord Adama's Discourse - April 17, 2013

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Fri, 04/19/2013 - 10:39

<p>Greetings! </p>
<p>It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light, and I am very, very pleased to be here with each of you once again for another amazing journey.  Lets chat a little bit first and talk about what is occurring in the world presently with the energies and how each of you are experiencing them.  </p>
<p>The most important point I would like to make this evening is not allow your mental mind to take you in any direction especially when something happens;  I am referring to what occurred two days ago in Boston.   </p>
<p>We can be affected in many different ways.   We have a tendency to rationalize or to not be in the space of Heart-Centeredness because this is what these energies do to our consciousness.   They bring you spiraling downwards into the third dimensional reality which is what the lower energies want you to do.   So it’s imperative to stay in that Heart consciousness by understanding that what you are experiencing through these calls and the work that you are doing on your own is truly the extension of your beauty and love incorporating within your physical body.  It is the structure of your life.</p>
<p>What you are learning is to create a beautiful foundation.   It is a tragedy and there are many other tragedies around the world but each of you is probably more affected due to the geographic location of this occurring.   It is sad for the individuals and its even sadder for the families and the victims because these are the victims that truly need assistance.  They are going through a process of reawakening within themselves.   What we have to do as a Species of Light is to extend healing energies to assist them as much as possible in helping them to understand.  Unfortunately, that they are not going to understand.   So how are we going to do that?  We do exactly what Sade shared on the call earlier.   We need to have our own structure, we need to have our own bases, we need to be grounded within these energies.   What happens is that as human beings we can get swept off our feet and swirled into the dynamics of what has occurred and the lower  forces are going to be in the internet, in the media, in the newspapers and on the TV every where that you turn.</p>
<p>So it is up to you as an individual soul of how you want to be affected by these energies.   That is just one way.   The other way that we need to assist you with these circumstances is to help you realize that you are holding the Light so deeply that you are going to be affected by everyone’s comments and thoughts.    Even if you do not watch TV, even if you are not reading anything, even if you are not looking at anything on the internet, don’t go searching for it because it will actually debilitate you and cause you to take steps backwards form the work that you are doing presently.  There have been other similar attempts that have been tried within the last couple of months but it has not occurred in this part of the world.  Why? Because within  each of you the Light is becoming stronger and the devastation of this tragic accident occurrence was not nearly as bad as it could have been.  It’s a very small percentage and more people are being affected that it did happen with the interaction with the words and the communications.   This is when individuals are being hurt by it.</p>
<p>Although individuals were traumatized, they are the ones that are going to go through a great transition.   We must understand that each soul decided to be there and the souls that are affected by this tragic accident will be changed forever.  What we need to do as a Species of the Light is to assist them to move higher into the consciousness and not move into the depths of the lower energies of depression, of anger, of aggression, and all those lower emotions that do not exist on a fifth dimensional frequency.  </p>
<p>So its imperative that we fully understand within ourselves individually what it is that we need? If you find that you area searching for information at this point then there is the need for you to be in that space.   So it is up to each of you to understand the process to fully grasp within yourself where are you within your pathway, because this is going to be the determining factor of allowing your consciousness to arise.</p>
<p>Events such as this could be much more common place then they are and that’s why its such a shock to the world when it does occur.  So we must do our best to make sure that individuals are safe, that souls do not have to leave the body and pass over.  We also have to grasp an understanding of the Higher Self and the soul’s responsibility to themselves.   This is what’s going to assist each of you deeply.   If you can allow those energies to be part of your consciousness.   Tonight what we want to do is to assist and allowing the higher consciousness to be fully accepted in your full body system.  Let us take what we are experiencing presently with all the events and all the changes happening within the world as an opportunity for more growth.  </p>
<p>Every time something like this happens it’s important to instill gratitude and move beyond the consciousness of this creation that has occurred, because it is a creation with the lower energies and its happening around the world every day.   It’s happening at a much lesser degree than it could be.   </p>
<p>This is what we need to focus upon.   We are making changes but those changes are slow.    We understand what you are feeling; and we understand your impatience of wanting to see it differently.   It will but it is up to each of you individually to hold that Light to be that Light you are and to inspire to more so that others can join in.   We want this circle of Light amongst Light workers to become more expansive allowing the truth of the Light to filter within each of your Hearts that will assist the mind to relax.   This is truly what we want.</p>
<p>This is not going to be the last tragedy, unfortunately.   So it’s very, very important to be conscious of yourself in each moment and not to let these energies to deter you from your true focus.   </p>
<p>I AM Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light<br />
Walking as your brother hand-in-hand in Oneness.</p>
<p>2013 ~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee,

It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light, and I am very, very pleased to be here with each of you once again for another amazing journey. Lets chat a little bit first and talk about what is occurring in the world presently with the energies and how each of you are experiencing them.

The most important point I would like to make this evening is not allow your mental mind to take you in any direction especially when something happens; I am referring to what occurred two days ago in Boston.

We can be affected in many different ways. We have a tendency to rationalize or to not be in the space of Heart-Centeredness because this is what these energies do to our consciousness. They bring you spiraling downwards into the third dimensional reality which is what the lower energies want you to do. So it’s imperative to stay in that Heart consciousness by understanding that what you are experiencing through these calls and the work that you are doing on your own is truly the extension of your beauty and love incorporating within your physical body. It is the structure of your life.

What you are learning is to create a beautiful foundation. It is a tragedy and there are many other tragedies around the world but each of you is probably more affected due to the geographic location of this occurring. It is sad for the individuals and its even sadder for the families and the victims because these are the victims that truly need assistance. They are going through a process of reawakening within themselves. What we have to do as a Species of Light is to extend healing energies to assist them as much as possible in helping them to understand. Unfortunately, that they are not going to understand. So how are we going to do that? We do exactly what Sade shared on the call earlier. We need to have our own structure, we need to have our own bases, we need to be grounded within these energies. What happens is that as human beings we can get swept off our feet and swirled into the dynamics of what has occurred and the lower forces are going to be in the internet, in the media, in the newspapers and on the TV every where that you turn.

So it is up to you as an individual soul of how you want to be affected by these energies. That is just one way. The other way that we need to assist you with these circumstances is to help you realize that you are holding the Light so deeply that you are going to be affected by everyone’s comments and thoughts. Even if you do not watch TV, even if you are not reading anything, even if you are not looking at anything on the internet, don’t go searching for it because it will actually debilitate you and cause you to take steps backwards form the work that you are doing presently. There have been other similar attempts that have been tried within the last couple of months but it has not occurred in this part of the world. Why? Because within each of you the Light is becoming stronger and the devastation of this tragic accident occurrence was not nearly as bad as it could have been. It’s a very small percentage and more people are being affected that it did happen with the interaction with the words and the communications. This is when individuals are being hurt by it.

Although individuals were traumatized, they are the ones that are going to go through a great transition. We must understand that each soul decided to be there and the souls that are affected by this tragic accident will be changed forever. What we need to do as a Species of the Light is to assist them to move higher into the consciousness and not move into the depths of the lower energies of depression, of anger, of aggression, and all those lower emotions that do not exist on a fifth dimensional frequency.

So its imperative that we fully understand within ourselves individually what it is that we need? If you find that you area searching for information at this point then there is the need for you to be in that space. So it is up to each of you to understand the process to fully grasp within yourself where are you within your pathway, because this is going to be the determining factor of allowing your consciousness to arise.

Events such as this could be much more common place then they are and that’s why its such a shock to the world when it does occur. So we must do our best to make sure that individuals are safe, that souls do not have to leave the body and pass over. We also have to grasp an understanding of the Higher Self and the soul’s responsibility to themselves. This is what’s going to assist each of you deeply. If you can allow those energies to be part of your consciousness. Tonight what we want to do is to assist and allowing the higher consciousness to be fully accepted in your full body system. Let us take what we are experiencing presently with all the events and all the changes happening within the world as an opportunity for more growth.

Every time something like this happens it’s important to instill gratitude and move beyond the consciousness of this creation that has occurred, because it is a creation with the lower energies and its happening around the world every day. It’s happening at a much lesser degree than it could be.

This is what we need to focus upon. We are making changes but those changes are slow. We understand what you are feeling; and we understand your impatience of wanting to see it differently. It will but it is up to each of you individually to hold that Light to be that Light you are and to inspire to more so that others can join in. We want this circle of Light amongst Light workers to become more expansive allowing the truth of the Light to filter within each of your Hearts that will assist the mind to relax. This is truly what we want.

This is not going to be the last tragedy, unfortunately. So it’s very, very important to be conscious of yourself in each moment and not to let these energies to deter you from your true focus.

I AM Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light
Walking as your brother hand-in-hand in Oneness.

2013 ~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee,
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