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Greetings from The Brotherhood of the law

Submitted by The brotherhoo… on Mon, 08/12/2013 - 23:48

The brotherhood of the law : The First Ray of Incarnation.

The First Ray is the blue ray. If you are a blue ray soul then you have blue as your soul colour. You are from the Buddhaic plane  

Of existence and a faithful teacher of the law of one. The first ray has the purpose of being the ray which manifests the Will (unity)and Power of God(unconditional love). The Chohan of the ray, a single Ascended Master focuses the Christ Consciousness of the ray. The Chohan of the blue ray is El Morya.


Greetings from the Netherlands!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 07/31/2013 - 23:18


I am so excited for I have found this website with all this information! 

Perhaps in the future I might write a few articles myself, but now I am too busy with opening my practice in healing en coaching. As I have almost nobody to talk about spiritual stuff here I am very happy to know there is this forum. I am looking forward on reading and commenting or even posting myself. 


Greetings Mother and everyone!

Submitted by jamesarthurlight on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 13:21

Greetings Everyone: Mother and Father God: This is my new handle for postings. I was curious about the GP logo design because it reminds me of The Haight-Ashbury Free Press or something along the lines of the 60's and the Greatful Dead.I first visited San Francisco in 1995 and I was thrilled to be there I can tell you.


Blessings from the Netherlands

Submitted by Feckle on Mon, 05/13/2013 - 08:46

Blessings all,


My name is Arno, im from the Netherlands.

My eyes were opened about 6 months ago, and were fully opened after i watched out my window and saw a silver orb fly by slowly..


I have read in a article that we can sign up for a love bomb meditation,

it said i can leave my info anywhere on the site if i want to join,

i looked all over the place and couldnt find the article about the love bomb, so i hope

that posting my ino here is sufficient, so here goes:



Arno F

Etten-leur, Netherlands



hope i can help a little..



Thanks you, and i am so happy to be joining you all


Blessed all





Hello from China

Submitted by MozartFloyd on Thu, 05/09/2013 - 23:16

Hello Friends,


This is just a message to say hello and send some positive vibrations actoss the globe.


I'm an American living in Changsha, China.  It is interesting to be here in this time of transition.  In a time when old paradigms are coming apart and being exposed by the light.  It is a bit strange to be in a place that is so repressed.  The people do not know what they do not know.  The centuries of closed doors are embedded in everything.


Is it much different than the US?  Certainly, obviously and yet people are people.  In America we live under the guise of a free press, yet still there are so many opportunities available to Westerners that just don't exist here.  This is a place that is very much asleep and the changes that will happen will be huge, vast, and unthinkable to most Chinese.  But they are unthinkable to the average American, I think.


The people here are ready for the shift.  Most are friendly and loving and I sense great changes coming to China.  I feel them in the air, and in my heart.


I am grateful for this site while here in the Middle Kingdom.  I am grateful for all the news and channels that keep me linked to what's happening in and on our emerging, galactic planet.


These are exciting times and I am feeling the energies pouring onto the planet while I process vasanas, release old energies and welcome the shift.  It is a great time to be in physical form.


Love to all,



BlueRay Beings Blue ray Starseeds Angelics

Submitted by VanityFoxRising on Thu, 04/11/2013 - 17:20

I have literally transformed so much this month more ontop of the huge transformations at the core of my mitochondrial being over the last year, that I no longer feel connected with my human form as I do with my higher conscious forms, the highest being my angelic form. We Blue Ray beings are the oldest on earth,and the lost/hidden starseed beings, we came before the indigos and we are of the most emphatic/sensitive beings on Earth. We have infiltrated dark governments unnoticed for millennia to bring down these corrupt institutions and injustices from the inside. We brought the highest incarnated light possible on earth within us, the blue ray, the color of Earths Sky, and the original highest dimensional consciousness of Eden 7D, ,before ascending to higher conscious planets through the dimensional portals of the inner solar system. We raised the energy over millennia to bring forth the path for the indigos and crystals to enter and Assist in the earth reascension process. It is to my awareness that Earth was originally literally 7 heaven, and all dimensions below are increasingly further from grace, 7 descending steps into darkness. (Venus) represents crown chakra consciousness 8thdimension and unity consciousness, Mercury is a portal of we Angelics , 9th dimensional consciousness the highest embodies consciousness in this solar system. 10th is the golden rays of the Sun, which Christ carried within him and dispersed into the hue-man conscious collective to increase the speed of ascension in time for the galactic gateways that have/are occurring. We 9th dimensional Blue Ray beings, are the rainbow seeds, we were the first heaven descended beings here and we are the highest/furthest ascended awakened here. When we give way to our highest soul aspects we can see the Violet flame flowing into us, and the rainbow light path pulling us back home. We encompass the complete spectra of light within this planetary system.


Introducing myself

Submitted by Goodfeeling on Wed, 04/10/2013 - 13:01

Hello, I'm Rens and operate on the forums and chat under the name GoodFeeling.

I recently turned 18 and starting driver's lessons now. I've been with the GFP now for 4 months and 10 days. I Administrate the forums and am an active member of GFP.

I live in the Netherlands, didn't want to be born anywhere else, got legal weed here:).


If you got any questions about me then feel free to ask them.




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