Meet & Greet

Introduce yourself here and live love:)

New to this site

Submitted by Elove on Sat, 10/05/2013 - 05:54

Hello everyone! I'm so elated to be a part of this site. It has become so difficult to find people to connect with at this point in my journey because I am changing and it seems like most of the folks I know are stagnant. Needing to broaden my horizons. I must create or I suffer a nowhere feeling. I have always been that way. Missing my piano I sold to move in another direction by making jewelry. It is working, by putting myself in a new direction.



Submitted by daz lovegrove on Thu, 09/19/2013 - 11:11


I was invited by my good friend Martin Hoorst of ET First Contact Radio to join the tinychat(daz with the crazy hair from wales). been thoroughly enjoying myself, Being a Mystic and practising druid (not many of us left, the Romans did a grand job of extermination) i have been able to help some people on your board source their cosmic family. I work with both the angelic and supercelestial realms. I used to be a starseed too, though I did not like the games they played with me so I chose to end the experiment.


Twin Flame

Submitted by Aricalove on Wed, 09/11/2013 - 14:32

So it has been on my mind alot about the whole twin flame thing. I have read some about it and have listened to people talk about it but still wonder where mine is or who he is. So many questions fill my mind about this topic.


Love and Light

Submitted by Aricalove on Fri, 09/06/2013 - 16:58

My name is Arica and I wanted to say hi to everyone! I'm so happy and excited to be here and it is fun to share our stories. Love and Light is what I try to send to the world everyday! I have hopes for a better future and in the mean time really digging the NOW! Love you all! <3


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