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Positive Affirmations Website

Submitted by lightworker.jason on Sun, 12/08/2013 - 19:44

I’m Jason and am a certified clinical hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. Through the years, I have helped people achieve success in areas of their lives that needed improvement and what I discovered as the main source for positive change is self-talk.

Check out my website at to see frequently updated affirmations and videos that will start your day thinking loving thoughts and feeling wonderful.

an overview on spiritual retreats

Submitted by veronicacrystal on Thu, 11/28/2013 - 02:03

Spiritual retread is regarded as a strategy where masses go away on a vacation to some quiet so that they could concentrate on their life and their inner voice more than anything. Today, you find tons of masses relying on spiritual retreats programs for getting themselves free from a fast moving life and the distractions that impose.

Communication with Kiowa

Submitted by rainbow healin… on Wed, 11/27/2013 - 10:19

  Be prepared…. Today is to end all days, your life begins now, you have existed up to now, not realising who you truly are ….. you are powerful, magnificent, a beacon of light.  It is within you, all of you.  All you need is to embrace it.  It is time to find your truth, yourself, that which has been hidden for as long as you live.  There are some who are awakening, reconnecting to their higher self, it is your turn to do the same.

Take CHOISE to be part of the PLAN ! MIAFA !

Submitted by Avenalis on Mon, 11/25/2013 - 14:08

This year we did two ceremonies with the purpose to have Earth release her inner-energies peacefully into the universe. One was held at Mt Fuji, with the Oneheart Dance and the Forgiveness Pipe ceremony. Shortly afterwards near Mt Edna, with the creation of the Oneheart Medicine Wheel (108 stones) and the Forgiveness Pipe ceremony. Then...Seven Volcanoes that are thousands of miles from one another all erupted within hours of each other starting on November 15th 2013. Many of these eruptions were single day events almost as if earth was releasing energy in an intense but short purge.

Very strange physical/emotional symptoms. Anyone else?

Submitted by Colliebird on Sun, 11/24/2013 - 16:06

I am here to meet up with others who are going through what I've been going through in terms of the physical and emotional sensations and changes I've been experiencing for the past 6 months or so.  I don't know what it all means, but someone told me it could be part of the "Ascension Process."

NESARA law getting closer to reality

Submitted by jamesarthurmitchell on Fri, 11/15/2013 - 08:47

Greetings Everyone, hope all is well. I learned today that Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts supposedly enacted NESARA last night. This is so important as it will change everything and bring prosperity and honesty back to our banking and monetary system. Please try to focus on this very important legislation. Thanks. National Economic Stabilization (Security) and Recovery Act

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