As If By Magic

Submitted by SophiaLove on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 09:08

As we go forward in each day, we find ourselves interacting, and although there has been no conscious prior thought about conflict, conflict emerges.  This is not the case of deep seated hatred or even anger; it is the case of two beings sort of bumping into each other.


As this evolution of consciousness moves along, each of us will find an inner definition – the lines are clearer for us.  We are moving from polarity towards unity and we are not yet practiced at it.  We are accustomed to thinking “you vs. me”, “us and them”, “I’ll do this for you”, and “do it yourself, it’s not my problem”.  The concept of “what is good for one is good for all” has not quite entered and assimilated into our day to day.


It is part of the reason we chose to experience this very physical third dimensional transformation.  It is not that you want to enslave anyone; the scale of polarity thinking is not ramped up that intensely for you.  Yet, your thinking still falls somewhere along the continuum of “you owe me” or “I owe you” or “this is required”; rather than “we are from the same human family, occupying the same physical space and sharing the same physical needs with the resultant effect”.


This switch in thinking is a challenge.  We’ve been taught to do things because we were expected to rather than because we are actually helping ourselves when we do.  We each have a different focus, yet we are one.  I may notice it’s time to plant the flowers while you realize the steps need repair.  Both efforts improve and enhance the home and the neighborhood.


We are stepping out of drudgery into a golden age where we will not live lives of chores, debt and aging (unless, I guess, we choose to) but prosperity, vitality and collaboration.  We are doing so with a desk full of bills and a list of leftover requirements. None of us are sure when this golden age of unity and abundance will get here.  As a result, it isn’t.


There are many of us working behind the scenes to halt the fraud, transform the monetary system and facilitate a prosperous world.  This change may happen seemingly overnight, yet it will not magically alter the way we think.  We have to do this ourselves.


The only way to do so is to see all others as extensions of you rather than others to be controlled, manipulated, obeyed, or forced into compliance.  We have to bite our tongue and hold our thoughts when blame and fault finding show up. Not because it is wrong but because it is no longer effective.  We are not in a world of separation, we are one.


We are universally waiting for this switch to magically happen, while harboring thoughts of blame and lack of responsibility.  This is not how it works – we are physically and emotionally shifting – thought by thought.  We’ve got to work through this ourselves.  The good news is, we have everything we need in order to do so.  We are made of the stuff we came to create.  We are love.


Unity is a nice idea and this golden age sounds great, but how do I go there when I am dealing with a non-cooperative “other” disturbing my peaceful meditative state and transition?


The answer is acceptance, the solution is to let it go; the only thing to do is to love.


We are all stardust, connected at our core; alternating frequencies of divinity.  There is not a fundamental difference between you and me except in our choices.  I chose to write this blog while you chose to read it, yet both of us are experiencing the ideas presented.  I am not any “more enlightened” than you are in this scenario.  Your energetic response to this passage contributes to the whole of us in the same way my creative energy does.  We are one.


In all questions, every situation, each conflict and all dilemmas, we can rest assured we know the answer; what is beneficial to all of us, each of us and the whole lot of us is love.  As we stumble our way to oneness, we will have to reach out and pull each other up and along sometimes, forgive ourselves and everyone else and smile.


We were chosen to do this and we are here by choice.  Our success is assured; we can feel our oneness in our heart.  It remains now to extend it out to our words and daily actions.  This is how the golden age happens, not by magic, by us.


We are the ones we are waiting for.

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