Getting the cake to rise

Submitted by SophiaLove on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 08:30

This is your moment.  You have come here now so that you would actively participate in this global awakening.  Those of you reading these words or those sitting next to you on the train while you do so, all came to co-create this shift.


We’ve all seen the recipe and thrown our specific ingredient into the bowl. Some of us have taken a turn at stirring things up; others of us are waiting to see what else is needed.  Each of us is ready, yet we’ve forgotten what was on the menu.  In our usual fashion, we are going for the big ending – we want to be surprised, amazed, thrilled and ultimately satisfied.


It is time for us to bring the full force of our multidimensional capacity to bear.  We can be a mom and a healer, a doctor and an intergalactic being, a dad and an ambassador to the stars, a school teacher and a channeler, or a consultant and a first contact team member.  In fact, we are all of these things.


The realization of our divinity and the actualizing of our true power are both happening right now.  We exist in an intensely stimulating and visually mesmerizing world.  It is easy to fall back to sleep, hypnotized by our own creations. Yet we are awake for good now. 


So, how do we stay awake and aware without falling into the abyss of fear?  How can we remain aware of the arrests, the galactic federation and this consciousness shift with calm and control; while managing lives, children, jobs, relationships and households? These are not skills we’ve had to master until now; it’s a bit of a challenge. 


First we need to trust that we hold all the necessary tools within.  It is only a matter of knowing where to look. Our intention points us in the right direction; it is the end result that defines what is needed.  We want a peaceful, seamless transition to oneness and that is accomplished with a strong and quiet heart.


As we move towards unity, each moment and ingredient becomes as important as how it is added to the mix.  We are a unified whole.  What this means in our days and our jobs is that how we feel as we physically and mentally prepare has at least as much of an impact on the end result as the product we are adding to the mix.  We must maintain our composure, take time for quiet, go within, and meditate.  These actions are typically taken when all the necessary “work” of our days is complete.  What is different now is that these must be a part of the “work” of our day to day.  Oneness means every part counts.


As a child I learned to bake – each ingredient had to be added at the right time.  Once it was put together and in the oven, it needed to be checked periodically for doneness.  I was usually in a rush and anxious for it to be finished, and when I yanked open the door, jabbed it with a knife and then slammed the door shut, the cake sank.  We still ended up with a dessert, but it was flat and not what it could have been.


This shift will happen, regardless of how we add our part.  Let’s contribute with a full and peaceful heart.  Love yourself enough to make yourself the first thing you do each day.  You are the primary ingredient now – your heart matters, we are raised up when you are.  As a collective we energetically pull each other up.  Your love is vital.  We can sense your gentle contribution, thank you.


Our ascension cake is cooking; when you check in on it we can feel you and we welcome your energy.  Your strong and careful touch helps us to rise.


Meditate, stare out the window, walk, contemplate; these are the necessary parts of our days now. 


You are today a multi-dimensional component of divine wisdom, here to physically transform the consciousness of man.  You will discover that truth by looking within, by honoring that which you are.  Love yourself and you will realize your vast potential.  This is why you are here.


Just trust. You are the one you’ve been waiting for.

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