Like a Hawk

Submitted by SophiaLove on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 08:27

It’s really windy today.


Things are moving quickly, even the air.  The wind outside is pushing the air through the budding trees and growing grass.  Without any other options, they move.  I’ve seen a hawk this morning, coasting for a bit on these currents of air, hunting.  He is utilizing what is in front of him, expanding his opportunities, seeing places he may not always see on his usual path.  Perhaps, by riding this breeze, he can relax a bit and not work so hard to get where he is going; focusing his sights on the goal. 


The tree will grow and the hawk will eat, yet for one today’s gale force winds are a boon, while for the other they are potentially damaging.  The tree, rooted and stationary, is losing branches as I watch.  The hawk in flight is about to enjoy a hearty meal.  Let’s be hawks.


These winds of change are blowing through every facet of our world.  We can ride them or resist, the choice is always ours.  The opportunity before us is clear; fear or love.  The wind will blow regardless.  We can lose branches or rise to new heights, depending on which we choose.


A focus on love will allow us to soar.  We were meant to fly, to see beyond the ground on which we walk, to capitalize on every opportunity.  The wind is only a problem if you are unable to move.  It can be a source of power, unseen yet potent.


View these changes as that necessary force to take you where you haven’t been until now.  This is as you have planned it and the propulsion of energy has arrived right on time.  We are ready now.  Our power is enhanced with this wind and not diminished.  As a collective we will see some branches lost.  We are strengthened by this and not damaged, growing ever stronger.


How is it possible to damage divinity?  We were born to fly.  Today we may feel as if we are being pushed by these winds – a new perspective will change that.  See this force as the wind beneath your wings.  Our bodies are changing, our government is at the very least unreliable and our money may be worthless.  These are the branches that have been holding us down.  They are merely breaking off so that we can grow stronger and fly higher.


You are one.  There is truth in these words.  Oneness implies that every action benefits the whole.  This is the change that is blowing in.  This is the new perspective.  This truth you know.  Your body is a fine example; one in physical form.  Exercise yields not just muscular strength, but emotional balance and mental fortitude. 


Everything is strengthened when just one component flourishes.  This you know.  It is the reason for the revolution; the force propelling these winds.  We have grown as far as we are able to under the control of those shouting “Separation”, “Divide and conquer”, “Ignorance is bliss”, “Winner take all” and “We’re number one!”  We are one and we know it.  Everyone wins. We can all fly.


These winds are evidence of our unity – the change is played out everywhere.  Our earth is shifting with the monumental force of our growing awareness.  Nothing can stay the same yet within we remain unmoved.  Like a hawk with roots, we are grounded in love, knowing from where we spring; shot forth from Source without losing a thing.


We are the ones we are waiting for.


Let’s fly.

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