Past Life Reclamation... For those who doubt the Masters live among us:

Submitted by Stasha beLOVEd on Tue, 05/15/2012 - 15:44


for those who question the validity of god's, goddesses and ascended masters of our past being here in form now. for those that doubt. ponder this. we all came from somewhere... and when we ascend, we come back to continue to grow. so if another tells you they are mother teresa, or gandhi, or jimi hendrix... take a moment and reallly think. (first... r u judging??) second: this is the final chapter... would those beings NOT show up for the finale? to be honest... there are more masters here than you could ever imagine "watching from afar"... so the question is... do you know who YOU were? do you know who you ARE now? remember, we are still the same being.. the same soul. change, is sort of an illusion. we never truly change... but hopefully we become the highest version of ourselves that we can. if you find yourself doubting the claim of another being an ascended master, god or goddess from the past. then that is a RED FLAG that there is something about your past soul that you haven't forgiven... either because you aren't proud of it, do not want to admit it, or simply haven't learned yet. and that is OK. this is not a race... some of us have simply been here much longer... you are all great. but the more a population multiplies, those who stand out will naturally get lost in a sea of others... unless u stand UP and stand OUT! if people aren't doubting you, hating on you, talkin shhhh about you... then you mustn't be doing much to create change then... are you? you know what they say... no press is bad press. when i awakened to my past lives (48 i have logged in detailed and remembered thus far) each one was a comedy and a tragedy all wrapped in one. if i had not remembered them in this life, i may have never learned, let alone appreciate how far I have come. granted, i have had a looot of practice... but i am far from done here. i aint goin nowhere... this planet is my home and once you enter the awareness of the 5d mind. you would NEVER run away on a ship, or underground. you would simply realize that your reality is whatever you want to perceive and experience. what you absorb... you will attract and then multiply back to the universe. I heard Ryan DeRouen say in a video today that what you hold... truly holds you... it owns you. so make the choice. another round of chess? or a new game of final fantasy? i always liked scrabble... or tetris. maybe ill live in scrabble tetris land. i jest... but not really. people take things farrr too seriously. get off your spiritual high horse. that is the most backward concept ever. u may not be a master of the chakras, chants, eft points, the million books of law and philosophy. in fact, i challenge you to stop reading altogether. when u realize its all within... then stop. drop. and go there!! and for those who have this one mastered too, i offer u a challenge i give to all of my first time clients that i do healing sessions for. try to go 24 hours without complaining about anything. period... i mean ANYTHING. traffic, your boss, your husband, kids, the government, media, religions, weight, height, money... see how well u can do. each time you find yourself wanting to... stop, pause and re-evaluate. blame and victimhood are not sexy, nor are they smart.. they are actually quite selfish. if you do slip, write it down and keep going ... don't give up, don't give in. and remember... no one judges this test. only you. good luck!

we are afraid to show the purity of our hearts... for we may be crucified


i was going to use jesus as an example, but am aware that sparks an immediate cop out for many spiritual surfers, as many on the spiritual path deny christianity. which is fine,,, again. no judgements. it is what religion became... not what the trinity TRULY stands for. I always say: I dont care WHAT people believe... just believe in SOMETHING!! it is the ones that give up, or consistently seek and never just accept what they have learned and how far they have come... realizing it IS all within xoxo when u STOP SEEKING... YOU START SERVING ;)


i find it even more comical when people say "so and so claims to be mary magdalene or oscar wilde... haha they have already ascended! they cant be you!" all that makes me say is "yes, they have ascended ... many of us have...u mean you haven't yet?!!" ;)

. i observe those that talk smack or doubt others who have remembered their divine heritage, that those people have an issue with guilt... perhaps they passed up an opportunity to make a difference in the same timeline as the one you stood out in. jealousy can pass on to many.. many manyyyy lives. hopefully those who doubt will drop that soon. ;) its been long enough. and also... when i say things like this, it is a reminder to myself to stand in my own power of rememberance as to not give it away. and also to help plant at least one final seed of TRUTH into those beings conciousness. i have met many people who have wronged me, lied about me, and even KILLED me in past lives. and i can tell you, witnessing the re=awakening of these souls is far more beautiful then any form of redemption of seeing them "get what they deserve" cmon... silly.

why would anyone want anyone to suffer... ever? this is not truth... this is not LOVE!

i love you all and especially those who doubt! i love you ten times more!!

u keep me strong!



·    everything has been rewritten. its all been done before... until NOW!

so what r u gonna do about it?!!


no more excuses, no more blame, no more seperation. only creation


when u get sad, mad or frustrated, simply remember: ¯\(°_o)/¯


and thats OK!!


i love you ALL


stasha beloved rose


Shannon71Mach1 (not verified)

Tue, 05/15/2012 - 22:46

Hello my angelic friend~~


As odd as this BLOG may sound to some, I would of chosen Jesus as well,  as I am a Christian and sometimes need to have things put to me in different way or the same yet on a somewhat different spiritual level that actually makes me look directily at my spiritual normal in altered verbage,  which I consider a blessing. 


If it's put to you the same way over and ove,r it seems to be easier for me to get around that way of thinking because of (same ole same ole).  I am too frustrated or just need to hear it spinned in a different fashion so I will shut up ~ stop ~ look ~listen ~ absorb and exhale. 


And once I analyze the two, it seems to me the point is all saying the same thing, but you didn't go around you stopped and listened. 


The point being, Love and Live with an honest pure gratifying heart and with this level of spiritual comfort or enlightenment will come directly at you like an F5 so to speak. 


I do think the past life things kind of go over my head it not being in my normal rhelm of thinking but I most certainly believe that there is a much higher level of God, (we and those who believe like I do) can even imagine,  because when the chips are down,  and lets face it there is no stopping this fact it just happens.  We are so busy spinning in thoughts of OMG what do I do and why?  and poor me we cannot sometimes let God in to even get his arms around us and that's when I have to lean on others for their prayers and blessings. 


When you hear these prayers and blessings from others that are sincere in their compassion and interest in you and helping you focus stop listen and breath (that alone is an overwhelming form of comfort for me). 


Perspective is hard to grasp when all ya wanna do is pull the covers over your head and say screw it.  Like, Just when I think I have stepped over my past oopsies and am so called free of them,  being a flawed imperfect human being, this makes us feel not worthy sometimes or you must of done something really bad to deserve what negative issue that is plagueing you at that moment. 


Stasha you have a peaceful and reassuring way of making me anyways realize we are all at the same rodeo and instead of pointing and blameing that bull (each other) we need to try to understand the rhelm of the bull's  (or persons) issue that may be causing that bull to react to you (or a situation) in such a negative way, because lets face it who are we to think we are the only one negative things or circumstances happen to. 


So, I have decided to take your little challenge and put a rubber band around my wrist and every negative thought or observation I make out loud or even internally I will write it down along with a lil pop on the wrist to remind me to suck it up and rise above. 


I believe you have taught me that we all get in these so called Ruts and these Ruts can become valleys if we let them out of habit.  The key is training ourselves to redirect our focus to the heavens and battle the Neg. with a Positive spiritual peace that will win everytime.  I mean if you get into it with someone and they start to beat your A~~ you aren't going to laydown like carpet YOU FIGHT unless you like wallering,  as we say in the south,  in self pity which is nothing but an open invite for Nay sayers and negaritos to poke ya with a stick when you are down it pushes you far enough you quit wanting to fight. 




I believe we all have this light and where I fall short is the empathy I have for others trials and tribulations I tend to stay too focused on not letting my light go out on their behalf so they won't be in the dark that I forget to keep that same light going for me and before I know it those stinkin nay sayers and/or negaritos sneak in the back door when I wasn't looking.  I forgot about my light for ME too, which unless you are all about yourself 24/7 doesn't make you selfish it's more a self awareness.


I mean without ME I have noone else but ME exert the light from myself to others.  Alone in the dark sounds like HELL and that's not an option because I am as important to God and the heavens as others.  This is just my take on what I absorbed from your blog and how it helped me look at it from a different angle. N


Noone can take our light from us but the powers that be (for me that is God) unless we quit fighting and let them.


thanks Ms. Re-kindler of the light ~  for this was just the spin I needed to make me listen and redirect my you girl hope it's not too wordy I am an analyst at heart.....;0)


Shannon's take on "THE LIGHT" so you never have to take on "the dark"

i am so happy to have touched you this way ...

and i just realized who you were!!

if even for one moment, I am happy to have brought you to the place of awakening that your hert needed on this day.

let me know hoe the test goes!! xoxo

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