Realize This.......

Submitted by hilarionra on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 22:20

Just because you're enlightened, doesn't mean you are through with your work. Just because someone passes over, doesn't mean that they stop serving. Just because you have the thought that you're done with clearing yourself out, doesn't make it true. Just allowing yourself to feel that way is willfull ignorance of the love you are. Just because you aren't awake(aware of who you are at the soul level), doesn't make it right for you to just mess around and use “ I'm not awake” as an excuse. We have instincts, they're there for a reason. You may not enjoy reading this, and in that experience, shows exactly what I am speaking of here. You get upset because you would much rather remain in la la land, than remaining in the love you are. This is because you would much rather avoid the reality of the situation, and you just wish for it to be over. Good luck with that path, you'll only end up facing these facts head on in the long run.

The love we are , love's to work on the love of self, for it benefit's everyone all at once, all the time. It's an eternal process, working on the self. This goes against the grain of every false teaching that there ever has been spoken of and shared with anyone throughout all eternity. You can reference eternal inner work as the love you are being a conscious digging machine. A conscious drill, with one objective. The objective is to heal the self, by going through all that pertains to you from all experiences that you've ever gone through, are going through and will ever go through. The conscious act of chewing away at the self, is a beating of the ego. The beating is necessary, for it dismantles it, and allows the being within to live a better life. More ethical, += more loving,+= better living, += the all, += shared equally, += eternity. Heal yourself forever, and in turn the all will also be healed through the simply complex laws that govern creation.

There are no vacations and there are no breaks, there is no final rest. Even when you sleep, you're still working. Even when you're going for relaxation in the body hologram, you will not find any. The grieving that you go through from acknowledging this experience being the truth of the all. This is in fact the integration of self forgiveness,+= all, and the gradual learning process of the difference between the ego mind control mechanism, and the love you are, through the identification of the love you are being the ego mind control mechanism , and the dis-identification of the love you are being the ego mind control mechanism. So the grieving is the dropping away of the truth of that which you once saw yourself as, and the arising realization within you, of the truth of the love that you actually are.

This can be troublesome, and you will adjust to this troubling experience. The adjusting is natural and gradual, and is necessary in order for you to learn how the love you are functions. How you're able to take all your experience and use it to build a foundation of the truth within your body hologram , from within the very center of your soul.  This building takes time, and you have an eternity of building through conscious willingness to not only work with the love you are, but with simultaneously, with the love everyone else is also. When you rush the building, i.e force it to happen, it's the same as when you're in the academic system and you're rushed into a test or paperwork , or wherever you are on the planet having to work this and that, I'm not saying there aren't moment of working incredibly fast and being completely accurate in the face paced environment, but somewhere along that line of face paced living, you're going to crash. Without the understanding of why this happens you will get upset over it and throw a fit to the person who comes to you over the fact that all these mistakes are there and how you could have done a better job, this and that.

I feel it's often only best to rush when the energy comes to , to  in fact rush. When it's not there, by all means resist that temptation to act upon a desire that is not of the heart. I know this appears as a daunting task to fulfill, I assure you , you act upon it often without even questioning it. It's instinct. Feel free to genuinely inquire into what it is that I am speaking of, it'll bring up all that which those who would rather remain in willfull ignorance, would rather ignore and not question at all. You'll also find those who willfully ignore the love they are, complaining about how live isn't going the way they planned, anticipated, and expected. This is because they identify completely with being willfully ignorant towards their own internal guidance, because they have been unconsciously guided by those who have also been unconsciously guided to, to ignore their own natural, internal guidance. The natural ,internal guidance, is also instinct. These being's cannot see past this fact so if you desire to to work with them, you're going to have to just sit with them and pay attention for the lightening of the soul coming through, and by diligently expressing yourself as precisely as you possibly can in regards to the truth of the experience is in the here now. Once you've done that, just keep breathing and taking it all in as you always have. You'll notice that there is always an immediate response in regards to the experience, so if you are being present you will see what I speak of.

Being willfully and consistently present within the love you are, really makes this entire journey easier for you and the rest of us who are also willfully being present within the love we are. It's a simple understanding that all life is completely interdependent. You will experience others feelings of irritability and grief because of your willfullness in being present within the love you are, but as you know, have no fear, they'll get over themselves inevitably. Their behavior is a blessing because it allows you to keep yourself in check in regards to the expression that you prefer to express. This willfullness of being present within the love you are, and responding to life from within the very center of the love you are, is where real change takes place. In the here and now. This is also the vibrational frequencies that where this planet is going, and is also the energy that the core of every heart on and off this planet,
absolutely loves being around. You being the love you are, refreshes everyone else into continually being the love they are simultaneously. Your willfull desire to keep working on yourself, acknowledging the eternal reality that is experienced from being willfully in the here now consistently is also what attracts other being's into participating in the exact same manner, which is similiarly uniquely equal unto themselves, += the all, += you, += all.

Quit waiting for change to happen, and be the change that is residing currently within your heart. All you need to act upon, is the desire to willfully acknowledge it consistently. Seek the truth and the truth will set you free for you to discover what true freedom really is. The ego centered version of freedom is what has everyone in tears in the first place, but without that, how good is the blissfull awareness of being present within the love you are ? Behold the human experience of eternally becoming the love you are, += all, += simultaneously, += all at once instantaneously.

Hilarion Melchizidek Ra

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