
5 Steps to Practice Gratitude in Action

Submitted by Murk ate on Sat, 04/25/2015 - 08:48

Gratitude is "in" these days. And for good reason. It's a joyful, high frequency emotion that can attract more wonderful things to be grateful about. 

We're told to use gratitude journals or daily rituals to increase our levels of gratitude. And these can certainly help. But they also relegate gratitude to a specific corner of our life that has little to do with the rest of us. And that, by its very nature, limits its impact on us.

In order to really reap the benefits of gratitude, we can increase our awareness and use of it in real time. This means putting our attention on the things that we're grateful for, as they occur. Here are some tools to play with over the course of your day.

Being Mindful of Spiritual Materialism

Submitted by arran on Thu, 08/07/2014 - 08:01

Being Mindful of Spiritual Materialism

By: David Arran Anderson

Author of ‘The Last Avatar’




Do you consider yourself to be a spiritual person? Why have you chosen a spiritual path? What do you hope to gain by living your life in a spiritual manner; and is doing so going to make you a better person?

Those who are sincere in their aspiration to walk the spiritual path often encounter a great deal of confusion, misunderstanding and expectation, so it’s necessary to be aware of some of the dangers. Spirituality is very subtle process; and it’s easy to get sidetracked, which leads to a distorted, ego-centered version of spirituality.

We often deceive ourselves into thinking we are developing spiritually, when instead we are only strengthening our ego through these spiritual techniques.

This fundamental distortion is called Spiritual Materialism. It is the belief that by becoming spiritual you will receive some kind of reward, or blessing. Another is to believe that you will become a better person. In both cases, when we can achieve an awakened state of mind, we let go of all the obstructions and garbage we’ve been taught. Then we can see that many of the beliefs we have are not necessarily true.

          The awakening process is not about gaining more knowledge. Instead it’s about loving ourselves and releasing the past; and cutting through all of the clutter we have accumulated throughout our lives. In this “Age of Information” we live in, our minds are much too crowded, mostly with ego, and with constant chatter.  

You may think that you are spiritual because you live on a small budget, or eat vegetarian meals; but the mind is still saying, “I want, I want, I want.”

Mother Mary: You Have Lifted the Limits of Perpetuity – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – March 17, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 03/18/2014 - 00:11

Mother-Mary-213x300Mother Mary:


Hello sweet ones. I come today to give you encouragement and enlightenment as you stand right now in your journey. You are by no doubt encapsulating and experiencing the tremendous influx of light of a new quality that you have not experienced before. This is because, my dear ones, you are encompassing the Christ Light Consciousness more and more within your energy fields and you are coming more and more online with your divine essence and purpose.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: You Are Entering a Period of Deep, Deep Transformation – Channeled by Fran Zepeda on March 2, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 03/03/2014 - 22:38


goldenYeshua and the Company of Heaven (Received March 2, 2014):

Greetings, fellow travelers of the Light. You are so magnificent. I just want to tell you that first off. It has been a while since I have greeted you through this channel, but nevertheless, I come in with full force and Light and Love to deliver this important message to you all.

You are entering a period of deep, deep transformation. For this I urge you to prepare yourselves in a very diligent and loving manner, dear ones. You do not want to miss the fragrant and deep and whole enhancement of your Beings as you learn to absorb and integrate more and more Light into your cells and overall Beings.

By now you are most likely becoming acquainted with yourselves as Whole Divine Beings of the Light, of magnificent creatures with so many abilities, albeit still dormant in some. However, these abilities are waiting just below the surface if you are not experiencing them already and they await you to embrace them and practice them.

Although you have heard this many times, these abilities have never been as accessible as they are now. As Light Quotient meets with your willingness to absorb and integrate, you have much in store for you.

IN-Lightenment ~ The Universe: Your wish is my command Princess

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 11/21/2013 - 11:24

We have been told by numerous Higher Dimensional Beings that nothing, no thing, exists outside of ourselves. That all we need is within us. We were told in the Conversations with God books many years ago (available for download here) that if we don’t go within, we go without. At the time I did not understand what those words meant, but I intuitively knew they would determine my living experience.

So, if all exists within us, that must mean that not only does our Higher Consciousness or High Self/Twin Flame exist within us, but so does everything else: ~ the Universe, Creator, God etc… also. And this understanding has become my conscious experience. It certainly gives new meaning to the word “Oneness”.

Every Soul incarnate here has a direct line to their Higher Consciousness. Again I would like to quote the books Conversations with God. When the author asked God who would believe he was having a conversation with God, God said “I speak with everyone. It is not a question of whether I speak, but rather, who listens.” Not everyone has remembered their telepathic ability to hear direct communication with their Higher Consciousness, but that doesn’t mean their prayers go unanswered. Every prayer is answered. Consider this: Every word you speak, every thought you have and every action you take, is a prayer. And the Universe answers every time with these words: “Your wish is my command!”


Submitted by luckyvn on Mon, 11/11/2013 - 08:23

Thien Dao Dai Phap Tam Cong (Celestialism - Great Discipline - Heartful Cultivation) is the (Thien Dao) Celestialism’s Training Book, the humanity’s most powerful and lastest occult cultivation discipline and supreme truth enlightenment.
These are the level 1-2-3-4; there’re also more 3 levels has not widely teached. The practitioners are lucky to receive this cultivation method, if not practicing, please respect. Whether practicing, please try to progress, not show on the public media and the Web, not talk or debate on the net, because of the nature of occult and spiritual realization himself. Of course there are too many cultivation disciplines like this as practice of kundalini and pineal gland activation, but this is the latest occult way, so it should not confer tranferred to unserious people . Practitioners adhere comply to the teachings of the Master. The discipline’s hanging is the salvation way for human beings during the Great Eschatological Age, to neutralize and salvate themselves, increase vibration of body and soul and for others, while many other occultism ways, including Yoga, Reiki, Tantra, etc. must also have classes. Due to the mass awakening and human evolution high up in the universe, we still give this cultivation method, so that practitioners can learn without a trainer, the higher direction and teaching of the colleagues.


Yeshua ~ You Will Emerge With Your True Selves Intact And Ready To Shine Even Brighter In Your Divinity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ August 12, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 08/13/2013 - 00:24



In all perpetuity it is written that you shall awaken. And shall it be so. And so it is. And this is what you are in the process of and this is what you are destined to do and this is what you are made of. In all intents and purposes you have already done so. The pieces of the puzzle have been laid and you are containing the fabric of your awakening within your consciousness. It hasn’t totally materialized in many ways, but in many ways it has.

Think of it as all the light cells in your body being prepared for a flick of the switch when all conditions are right. You are illuminated so much now, and in a short while all will be readied for that higher beam to be prompted and switched on. You are not used to having that higher illumination yet in your physical bodies and you are being conditioned and readied through all these processes of late to be able to hold the deeper brighter light and sustain it in your bodies. You have gradually been readied and you are so much stronger and able to hold it within you. And to show it to the world.

And so it goes, and so it is. And this is why you feel at times you are at a standstill. But please know that you are building and strengthening to hold this higher light and frequency that will be such a burst and catalyst for immense change once it is able to be sustained within your physical bodies.

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