Copyright and piracy.

Submitted by hilarionra on Wed, 06/06/2012 - 13:22


Copyright and piracy.


First off piracy supports where humanity and this planet is headed in the long run, the life where you don't have to pay to get music you desire to hear, and the artist making the music doesn't need to support capitalism or any other current societal standard from this and other nation's on this planet, in order to continue living and supporting themselves and family. The whole copyright law infringement war is full of beings who are pitching tents and throwing temper tantrums over the fact that that which they've put their whole being into , to support and attain their inner dreams.


Piracy goes against the grain of the greedy, selfish beings on this planet. You stating that you aren't greedy or selfish, how about you go give some inside information in regards to what you know about the corrupt , hypocritical beings working in the government. (right now it is absolutely impossible to go without the use of currency in order to continue living.)


The artist want's to make money through living their dream's. I feel that the artist themselves is missing the point of the fact that a lot of beings would love to hear that music, and that they simply cannot because of their living situation. You can say all the words you desire about this, “why don't they just get off their butt and take action in regards to how they feel about what's going on?” What about the equation within them, that they simply have too much on their plate, to actually take action upon it, their situation can be much worse, and if it isn't and they're just enjoying the drama as it is, then they themselves are with the being's like myself who get what's really going on and are assisting the beings like myself in putting this information out. I find the whole copyright infringement law against humanity, absolutely selfish. I see these selfish being's ass childish being's throwing fit's over the fact that they're work is being taken advantage of.


How about taking a look from the piraters perspective? The fact that they themselves are taking advantage of those who are taking advantage of them. The being's working from inside the government, writers, artist's, actor's and so on who pump out disinformation, feeling that it's currently true even when it turns out not to be, and that they continue to, to me are full of themselves. I feel from my perspective that they know what's going on, even a little, yet they refuse to put it into their work. I can name some band's and being's who put the truth into their music, Every Time I Die, Alex Grey, Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Steven M. Greer to name a few.


There's also the fact that these being's who pursued their happiness to have a band,or make artwork, write books and so on and express that which they are passionate about personally, were chosen to be in the place and place's that they're in, during these time's and express their inside's externally through the medium that they're passionate about using to express their inside's with.


I also feel that a lot of them may speak in metaphor's, like Lady Gaga. "I'm in love with Judas baby”. If you desire to start barking up my tree because I'm name dropping to assist in informing the rest of the public about what I see, by all means go for it, but keep this at heart, I will bark back, and you may not like my bark at all. I understand that the artist's themselves speak in metaphor's because that their only way of translating their knowledge within them into word's and that afterwards even though they still may be speaking the same lyric's, their awareness isn't the same, but that's not talking about all of them, some of them go in and out of conscious awareness.


Another is what about those moments when they're on the road, and they get inspired to write really truthful lyrics down on page, or have artwork made that really supports all that is? I still have yet to see that take place on a widespread basis, and I again I feel this is so because of the “unseen” force's that motivate/drive others into making decisions that they make. They refuse to talk about these experience's because they get attention that they would rather not get. They tell someone that they have telepathic communication with a being who isn't even in a physical body or is, and is assisting you in a specific endeavour, you're automatically seen as crazy. Talk about staying in line with the status quo, because of the potential of you being committed for speaking the truth or even worse, killed and the murder being covered up in a genius fashion.


All these fights against humanity from other human's because they broke some silly law that is supposed to protect the artist, yet if the artist speaks out against the government as directly as they possibly can (even writers and painter's speakers and scientists alike are artists, guru's also),


These artists who dare to go against the grain of the order's that are barked at them to fulfill, are often threatened with court order's and so forth, yet there are being's on this planet who still tote around the slogan “ America, land of the free, home of the brave.” Clearly those being's cannot see just how hypnotized they are by all the glitz and glamour, fashion and status quo's they are.


The music videos that the artist's make are full of metaphor's and there's no background information as to what the symbolism actually means. Yet these artist's claim that they're not selfish? Delusional artist's I see them as. I understand thoroughly though, that them putting all they're feeling's whether it be just touching base on it, or a full on song about 1 person, there is a lesson to be learned in that. I will not deny that truth, I will say though, that what assists, is informing the listener's about this fact, and also being direct about the lesson you have learned from experience into the music. If the artist is truly sick of the being's who are working for the hypocritical governing body, then they themselves need to also along side all other being's, take a stand against it with all they are, using all the outlet's that they are able to use to express it directly as they see it, and not stand down just because they're threatened with losing all that they've earned thus far along with all other threat's that come their way in regards to what the situation is on this planet.


With piracy, what also need's to be addressed are those selfish beings on this planet, who purposefully put virus file's on the website's, and relabel them as a program, audio, book, and so on. Along with those beings who simply leech purposefully even though they're connection is a high speed ethernet and or wireless one. They're in the same boat as the artists fighting the copyright infringement conspiracy. Also those being's who seed files from their own server's at a less than dial up speed, and laugh hysterically at all those being's who get frustrated over this lack of upload speed for the 20 or more being's who desire to attain the file, they're also on my list too. There's also the pirate's who can see the situation on the pirating sites about how there are files that are needed or missing or corrupt, some speak, some won't bother because they're too busy with their thumb's up their butts.


What I'm getting at with both side's here and in between, is that I feel they, like myself, have a responsibility, to share their insight's regarding the truth of reality, with everyone they come into contact with. Especially in those moments where they're taking a break from what they usually work with, and apply their current knowledge with other's that they're networked with, essentially, co creating domains of knowledge on the planet. Making a pact with those who you are networked with, that no matter what happens, you will persist in sharing the truth as it is, and anytime a new person come's along you'll assist them the same way you were assisted and so on with everyone else.


I also feel that a part of this responsibility, is sharing the truth directly with those who are open, and letting those who are not willing to truly listen to what you have to share with them, to rot. Knowing who you can and cannot talk with about true reality. To live a great life one must take a great risk. Know the rule's so that they may be broken properly, and when you are caught in the act, work with it with all that you are, to fix the situation. Taking the enlightened step backwards.


You not appreciating me writing this as I am, then you yourself, are not truly appreciative of the love you are either. You truly appreciate me writing this, I'll be notified, you not appreciating this, I'll be notified. Thank You. The real namaste,



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