God does not call people to account ~John Smallman

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 07/03/2012 - 21:19

God does not call people to account


The moment for humanity’s awakening into its natural fully-conscious state draws ever closer.  Your impatience as you wait for this exhilarating event is quite understandable because it seems that you have been waiting in excited expectation for far too long.  Your indefatigable patience will soon be rewarded with joy and happiness far beyond your wildest dreams, because a divine promise has been made and it will be honored in full.


Continue to hold the Light and share it lovingly with everyone with whom you interact; that is your task, your purpose, your path, and your reason for being incarnate at this point in your human evolution.  You have all the assistance that you need to maintain your faith in God’s promise as the moment for this exciting event approaches — your doubts and anxieties are just the unreal effect that the illusion is having on you.


It was built to enable those within it to hide from God, and one of the methods of doing so was to cause chaos and confusion, while apparently offering a way to find God through the variety of religious beliefs and dogmas that have proliferated over the eons.  Many of the religious teachings on offer have within them some very good ideas and concepts, but they have frequently been misinterpreted, and those misinterpretations were then enforced as laws by misguided and dogmatic teachers.


The everlasting message from your divine Father is “Love each other as I love You.”  It truly is that simple.  His Love for you is infinite, and yet so many of you have incredible difficulty with that divine truth.


So long as you judge and condemn one another you will remain confused and unable to find peace; and if you have religious or spiritual tendencies you will most likely be seeking a god of retribution to support the anger you feel towards those others.


 Judgment and condemnation demands victims, guilty ones, and in that harsh game no one is innocent, so peace is unobtainable.  While you honor your own need to be right, which demands that you find others wrong, you can have no peace because you are constantly in a state of dissatisfaction as those others continue to live and thrive despite their apparent misdeeds.  And that encourages you to take action to bring them to account.


You may have noticed that God does not call people to account.  He created you all as perfect divine beings and that is how He always sees you.  Judgment is not of God anymore than is the illusion.  But over the eons the illusion has become increasingly real for you, and it has brought you ever more suffering.  Now is the time for you to finally release your addiction to it and let it go, along with all the pain, confusion, and suffering that it causes.  Your history shows you quite clearly that it is a state of confusion in which disagreements and conflicts predominate, and where peace is a long sought but unachievable concept.


When you awaken, as you most surely will, the peace, the satisfaction, the self-acceptance, and the realization of your true nature as divine beings will bring you to a state of joy that is presently completely beyond your ability to conceive of or contemplate.  But, being your natural state, you will recognize it instantly as Reality, your true Home, as you experience once more oneness with God and all of His divine creation.  The joy that awaits you will dazzle you with the boundlessness of its eternal brilliance.


Your joy is God’s joy and God’s Will, and His Will is constant, eternal, and inevitable.  You can delay your entrance into that state by refusing to open yourselves to accept the abundance of His Love, and by holding on to the need to see others who have hurt or offended you brought to account.

What you need to understand is that most of your suffering is caused by your feelings that you have been unfairly treated, and by your imagined need for recompense.  All who are human have suffered because it seems that they are alone — insignificant beings, in a vast and inhospitable universe that neither needs them nor values them.  The pain of that is too great to bear and thus it is denied and buried deep within the unconscious realms of their minds.


However, its presence remains like a darkness overshadowing their lives, and it often seems that the only way to relieve it is to make others suffer.  Everyone who brings or imposes suffering on others is himself suffering, and by the actions he takes he further intensifies his own suffering.  It is a catch-22 situation, the more one makes another or others suffer, the greater the suffering he himself experiences.


Forgiveness — true forgiveness — is the only remedy for suffering.  By not forgiving one just retains the sense of injustice felt and intensifies it.  As many have found when they have sought and received recompense, the sense of injustice does not dissolve; in fact it frequently festers and intensifies, and the recompense received is increasingly seen as inadequate.


Only by forgiving as though no injustice had been dealt to you will you be able to relieve the pain that you feel.  Within your illusory environment that seems to make no sense, and yet those who have done it feel mightily relieved, and are able to find peace as the stress of maintaining their grievance dissolves.


So continue your preparations to awaken by forgiving all who have ever hurt or offended you, and by releasing all the unloving attitudes that the illusion has encouraged you to nurture.  Doing this will bring you peace and the realization that you are eternally loved by your heavenly Father, whereupon to open your hearts to accept His Love becomes the obvious, inevitable, and only choice that you can possibly make.


With so very much love, Saul.




Unity Consciousness

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 01:47

Hello John & FMG,


I could be confused, but as I see it, the law of karma is an exact accounting for everyone, by whomever created the law of karma, and I'm guessing that would be God.


Do you not consider the law of karma to be valid?


If not, then is it ok if I kill your family and steal everything you own, without consequence from the law of karma, that what goes around comes around?


If you do consider the law of karma valid, then isn't that a very exact accounting for every living being?


Tell me how to you account for the consequences of karma?


Unity Consciousness

You misunderstood or just missed the point.  I am not speaking of revenge, and that did not cross my mind.  I was speaking of the "law of karma", in layman's language, what goes around comes around. 


In other words, if I do helpful actions and have positive thoughts, good things comes to me, and visa versa.


Your mind has twisted this to an emotional revenge reaction from an individual, but this is not what I'm talking about.


The second responder states clearly that the so called "law of karma" is not valid because there is only one law, although by simple and repeated observation, it happens all day long, everyday, for a lifetime. 


By extrapolation, regarding every so called "law" as a distortion must include denial of the law of gravity.  This directly infers that the second responder is not grounded in observable reality, but has two feet in the clouds, denying all observable and measurable physical "laws" that govern our present reality.


Nothing wrong with that, as the clouds are a nice place to float around.  The drawback is that one is unable to relate to our present physical earth existence, or to help people cope with their present physical reality.  When a beggar comes up to you and says, help me, I'm hungry, what do you say?  You're hunger is a distortion of love, you're not really hungry, here, I give you love...  Hopefully the beggar is not holding a stick.


Second responder has really cut a separation from the physical reality of our existence on earth, and the non-physical existence, possibly in the astral plane, in his imagination, in from his dreams, or in what is being channeled from beyond the grave, as by observation of physical reality, he is clearly beyond this earthly existence and it laws and properties.


I'm inclined to suggest he come back to earth so he can help real people in their real situations, but then we are all on different paths, so I digress.  Please continue floating in the clouds, but when you are ready to acknowledge laws that govern our physical reality, please allow gravity to bring you back to earth, at least long enough to help those who need your love and helping hand on the physical plane.


Unity is about acknowledging with love what is, as it is, not as we wish it to be or as it may be in our future existence.  Failing to acknowlege what is, we are unable to help those who are fully here, fully in what is, as it is now.


Love and peace...


Unity Consciousness

"In other words, if I do helpful actions and have positive thoughts, good things comes to me, and visa versa."


So a reward for "positive" actions.


"If not, then is it ok if I kill your family and steal everything you own, without consequence from the law of karma, that what goes around comes around?"


And a consequence for "negative" ones. That sure sounds like the Universe exacting revenge to me, call it a punishment or consequence if you want.

We could call it anything we like, but my understanding of the so called "law of karma" refers only to "results" or "consequences" in like kind, and we could label those results "good" and "bad", but in truth it's entirely a matter of personal interpretation, and without a labeling system for categorization, all results are helpful, because they move us in the direction of higher or unity consciousness.


Only those who are in denial of our present reality and what is, would suggest that there are no results in like kind, to our thoughts, words, and actions. 


I have no memory of my life before my present physical existence, but in my opinion, even in the non-physical realm, if Universal Consciousness maintains order throughout the universe, then the same principle and law must apply to the non-physical realms as well.  As above, so below.  Again, having no memory of non-physical life, this is simply my opinion based on what I view as logic.


Love and light comes when we see clearly what is, and accept it as it is.


Unity Consciousness

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 04:04

Unity Consciousness, you intellectualize too much, and yet miss the point?........how can you complicate something so simple?

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 06:26

Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch explains this very well especially in Book 1 & 3. When you learn that there is no death therefore no one can be killed (for that is only in the 3D world), then you can understand there is only forgiveness for the person committing the act is being out of alignment with their true self. And when one understands that those living at higher vibrations would never ever do anything to another such as that then you begin to understand that those who do haven't yet remembered who they truly are and are still in deep sleep and perhaps require a few more lifetimes to discover who they truly are yet until they re-member they will remain in 3D. When everyone follows The Golden Rule then everyone understands that what you do to another you also do to God and no one wishes to do ill to God for they understand who God really is and who They truly are. That is the vibration of 5D:)

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