Time for a New Game

Submitted by SophiaLove on Fri, 07/06/2012 - 08:59

I woke up today with several thoughts: “You know what to do.” “Your body knows what to do.” “You are already doing it.”  We are feeling the shift not solely in anticipation, but also because of realization.  It is happening now.


There are so many unanswered questions and yet the one that tops the list is “What is going to happen to me?”  This is followed quickly by, “Will I choose the best path?” “What are my choices?” “Does it depend on anyone else or is this choice mine to make?”


Your life is defined by you alone.  This is as true today as it was yesterday.  We all sense things are changing, yes.  This explains why you are reading this blog and I have written it.  Yet there are universal truths, some of which we may have forgotten.  The Law of Attraction is real.  What you believe you create.


You create.  This will always remain truth.  As we are a collective, we do sway each other, yes.  This is part of the plan.  Yet in the final analysis, your life choices are always yours to make.  The result of this moment, this day, and this time is up to only you.


You have been choosing right along.  Trust.  Remain calm.  In every moment you are presented two options – love and fear.  Choose love.  It is what you are.


I would bet a shiny new dime that love is already your primary choice, so no worries are necessary.  When the “Event” happens, whatever it brings, you will be in the right place with every tool necessary.  You will know what to do.  You will choose perfectly.  You are doing so right now.


Our bodies are already changing in preparation, our hearts are expanding and our light is stronger.  Animals react differently around me, they stay closer; even “wild” ones talk to me now.  The light is different, and I can’t ever seem to get enough sleep.  We are shifting every day.


What is happening in these next few months is that you are seeing what has been going “behind closed doors.”  Many are throwing those doors wide open for us.  This is so that we are able to gain perspective.  We are shifting from polarity to unity.  As one, we have been controlled, manipulated and deceived.  Corruption at levels we weren’t entirely aware of, has been going on for many years; seeing us as one unit of humanity on one parcel of land, earth.  Our collective voice has been allowing this to go on. 


They have been orchestrating us to pay them and hand over our land and resources.  Now that their game has been exposed, we can choose to keep playing, or not. 


It is time for a new game.  We can make the rules this time.  Our collective voice can say something else.  This is our life, our world and we are shifting together as One.  There is no reason to play a game we can’t win, and we aren’t having any fun anyway.  We are done.  We need a seamless stroll into our wide awake selves, into the expanded beings we are gradually becoming.  As fully conscious beings of light - war, corruption and poverty will not enter into the equation. We are One.


You are ready for the “Event”.  Follow your heart.  Act with love and every answer becomes crystal clear.  What we need are fully conscious leaders and a new system that allows for their election by wide awake citizens.  Act as if you are in this “next dimension” of Love, Unity and Light and we will be.


We are the ones we are waiting for.



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