To everything there is a season!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Sun, 07/03/2011 - 11:01

 Daniel Gross


To everything there is a season!

  • Who do we become once we each awaken and ascend into fifth density? Do we become loving souls who are always smiling and doing good for all in service to mankind? Will we each go on and become heavenly beings never to do an evil or bad act for the rest of our days? I mean this is what most people think these days is it not? I know i thought this for the longest time, especially when the Church made me feel this way as they taught this would be the case for those who went in the Rapture, as apposed to those who were left behind in a crumbling world. So what does happen to us once we reach fifth dimensional life, and move out of this present world of hunger and starvation; homelessness; war; poverty; sickness and disease; injustice; murder; adultry; theft; false witness in every thing that has to do with society; and broken homes and families galore?


    Did you really think one man or woman was ever any better or blessed than the next man or woman? Do you really think the God that you and me love and at one time each worshipped is anything other than love? And if He is complete unconditional love as i have many times been led to believe why would He make one soul or human being more blessed than another ever? Is love a respector of persons? Is love spiteful or vengeful or hateful? What is unconditional love and why must we each become it? Simple! We must become unconditional love before we can even begin to understand God, and the fact that we are Him. Enough of this garbage we hear all over the internet that we are all becoming God, that is a fallacy beyong my comprehension.


    Of course that last statement was from my lower self as my higher self would never make such a statement.


    You are not becoming God - you are God!!!!!!! You chose to live all the human lifetimes robed in flesh because this is what God does. He creates "Circles of Life" and places Himself in the forms He creates to house His form so that He can live out all the potential and possible scenarios that exist within His presence; essence; and cosnciousness. God did not create us to exist separate from Him because we could not live with or within Him or His Essence and Being. God created our ( His) bodies and forms and had to place Himself (or the illusions of separation from Himself) within these forms so that He could experience or live life, which by the way is an illusion as well. God is no more than us and we are no less than God, we are only living the illusions we created within our own created "Circle of Life" this time around. We will each believe we are less and lower than God up to the day we come to remember and possess the understanding that we are each indeed God.




    There i said it again! You can only remember that you are God. Becoming is change and all change is illusion just as states of mind and moods are illusion. Spirits; angels; ghosts; devils; Satan; God; the Lord; Jesus; names; titles; worlds; universes; and anything that is form and not simply potential and possibility is illusion. Forgetting and becoming are even illusion as you never actually forgot anything you simply chose to place your own essence and being within the illusion of forgetfulness, and therefore think you forgot. Sound crazy? Well once you understand the mechanics of it you will be able to wrap your mind around what i am saying. If you forgot who you were then how would you ever return to where you came from? Simple! You placed a thought within your consciousness that created forgetfulness and the illusion of separation and you told this illusion of separation to sleep. (Kinda like what was done in the Star Trek episode where Data told the Borg to sleep).


    For if you were completely asleep; in complete ignorance and forgetfulness; and were completely separate from God, then you could never return to God from the illusion of these things. And yet even the return is the illusion as you never actually left. Do i make sense to you dear ones? Can you see why it is that you can leave and return to God and again be God, while at the same time you never left God and His essence, but you created a place of illusion within yourself and placed your consciousness within this place of illusion, telling it to create at will. However - because this essence that is God was placed in the illusion by God, it took on the illusion that it was separate and actually possessed its own consciousness and existence and being.


    From there it all appeared to go down hill because the being that thought it was separate from God wished to think on its own and no longer depend on the guidance and creations of God from within its essence and being. So it was "Kicked out of the Garden of Eden." It was left to fend for itself so to speak. So this being living in the illusion of separation was given a name or tile of soul. This soul began creating "Circles of Life: within the illusion, which is basically its own universe. In this universe are microcosms and Macrocosms, but the soul did not know there was ever a difference as it was now living life in complete ignorance, and would now have to evolve to higher species of life before the creations became more and more interesting. Still - no matter what the soul created it was never actually separate from God as it was sdtill God and God sat on high and watched over the soul every moment of every day. As the soul grew in the "Knowledge of good and evil" God permitted the soul to create more and more things or illusions, all according to its own "ruling love" or affections in the life of its illusion.


    And so every created soul, created by self, is being watched over and protected from its higher self who is sitting on high providing the free will to these souls to create at will; learning all the lessons that come with actually living life. For the One Highest "All in All," whom you may know as God, needs not learn anything as He just sits up there being passive and allowing life to continue through His created bodies and forms that He provides consciousness to until eternity. Because the All in All does not need to learn and is All and Everything, he or It permits and actually requires for His or Its existence to be "EXPERIENCED" through the bodies and forms of human beings, who in return begin their existence in ignorance , and all evolve all the time, so as to one day come to remember who and what they each are, in which case they will become "Like God," so to speak. I say so to speak because those who came from heaven will always go back and forth to heaven, while those whop "become like God" can never enter heaven, but can come to live out heaven on earth. For they will be in their hells while at the same time those hells will be known to them as their heavens. Do you understand what i am saying dear brothers and sisters?


    There is a part of you that is God"The All in All," and there is a part of you that is not God, but is the illusion and opposite of God. The part of you that is the illusion and opposite of God is the only part of you that can ever live the illusion and believe it to be real. The part of you that is God will always be God and will always know that It or He is God, or the "All in All." Because you are the All in All you have provided a higher self for every soul that thinks it is separate from you, while at the same time no soul can ever be separate from you. Therefore there are no actualy evil and dark souls in existecne as these too are illusions within the essence and consciousness of the All in All ( or God). The only reason there is a part of you that is not God and is Gods opposite is because you created this separation and opposite of yourself from the very beginning, and there will forever be souls and new souls coming into the illusion to take the place of those souls who ( appear to awaken and ascend to eternity. And so i will now get to the point i have been wanting to speak of from the very beginning of this post.


    You are not good and you are not bad as both of these affections are just that "Affections." They have been taken from the Grand storehouse of potentials and possibilities within the Consciousness of the All in All, whio is just that Potential and possibilities, in a passive state, that have no material and physical form without the illusion of human beings to eternity. And so God( the All in All) needs human bodies and forms of illusion to etenrity and human bodies and forms need the illusion of life and all of the illusions contained in the process of life to eternity as well. And so bad and good; unconditional love; light; darkness; evil; right; wrong; perfection; truth; falsities; and all the other states of mind and terms in existence are created illusions for your benefit and existence- and this to eternity. No matter what world ; universe; or dimension of life you come to live in you will lvie in a certain amount of illusion as this is a must for as long as eternity exists within you.


    You see you too are in a passive state as far as your real person or essence and being are concerned, which means you do not ever change, and are complete and pure consciousness. To live life and every illusion in life you must experience chsnge, and change only comes from the illusion of separation from God ( the All in All) and the illusion of duality. When you appear to ascend into fifth dimensional life you will still ne a human being and you will still experience much illusion. You will also still continue to create within the illusion, but as a much more mature human being, and God. You will not wish to run off and play on your own any longer, separating yourself from the All in All, and thinking from your own brain instead of being led in life by your higher self, who is God ( or the All in All).


    You will now come to understand the difference between good and evil, and you will realise that these are only created terms in life to teach you while you were a child in all of creation, and your process of creating all of your worlds and universes over the illusion of time and within the illusion of space. And so you will now know that good is based on what you alone think of as good and evil is also based on what you alone think of as evil. For it is you now who creates good and evil; right and wrong; for yourself and your world - not for others and their worlds. You now understand why all need to live their own lives according to free will, and you now understand why we should all love one another as we are all truly One, and we must now therefore approach all souls from this day forward in unconditional love and see them from the Light of this unconditional love.


    Because it is you now who decides what good and evil is based on the worlds and universes you will continue to create through your own illusions, good and evil we be seen by you in a whole different light, which will be the Light of Unconditional love. So do not get the impression that you will go to a world or even create a world where you are all luvvy Duvvy to everyone in life and all around you, never to have another evil or harsh thought; speak another evil or hars word; or act another evil or harsh act in life to eternity. This will not happen as you are a being of Good and Evil, just as is spoken of in your bibles. For as you eat of the Tre of Life you come to remember good and evil for what they are, as it is you who now create life; good; and evil. Before when you ate of the tree of life you were experiencing the illusion of life, but now that you have eaten from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and have paid the price for doing so, you can now awaken and remember who you truly are. You will now continue eating of the fruit of the Tree of Life.


    What does this all mean?


    It means that you will continue to live life in illusion to eternity as long as you exist in the body, and you will continue to experience change and all that goes with it. You will be the one who decides what good will be and what evil will be, but you will truly continue to experience good and evil off and on all the time throughout your daily lives on in to eternity   - while you are in the body. When you are out of the body there are very few limitations, and you can separate yourself from the illusion to an extent. Not completely!  For even the human brain and mind is illusion, as it experiences change as well. But as you grow and mature in the illusion of mind you will connect more and more with your true essence and being that is the All in All. You can walk around all day long and feel complete unconditional love for your neighbors, but you must remember that once you return to the body ( which must be the casse oif you reflect on other people or neighbors) you will continue to experience and life life in evil as well as good. You will be able to choose what your evil is made up of, but none the less you will continue to experience evil in your life, while in the flesh, or your natural state in life, to eternity, no matter what dimension of life you come to live or exist in.


    You will also continue to eternity to possess a lower self and a higher self, but now in fifth density you will know of the two and will be able to connect to either at will in your life. But because your states of mind or moods will continue to change all the time based on your "Circle of Life spinning or going through its seasons of life, you will always return to evil and then back to good again. You will always go from the body and form to the mind and spirit forever, BACK AND FORTH - BACK AND FORTH - TO ETERNITY. You see "To every thing turn turn - there is a season turn turn, and a time to every purpose under heaven.


    Love and Light to all of my wonderful brothers and sisters in life. I am Daniel






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