The New World Society through Universal Ascension

Submitted by Emmanuel on Fri, 07/08/2011 - 07:07

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. We wish to speak to you today on the topic of the New World Society. This is not a new place however as it has existed within your consciousness and minds from the very beginning.


Imagine a place where there are an infinite number of souls who all represent an infinite number of affections; ruling loves; and thoughts in life ( or consciousness). Now imagine all of these different souls all existing and living many myriads of different lives while each soul also comes together to form a single life and existence as well. Think of it as a microcosm and a macrocosm of sorts, where there is a Great body and form that is the accumulation of all these affections; ruling loves; and thoughts as the Macrocosm, and a vass number of souls who have the illusion in life that all is separate and they are each on their own in life. However - within this Great body and form there are good atoms or dna that are helpful for this body and those that are not. So within this body and form all the time certain cells; atoms; dna, or whatever you wish to call them are running a muck as there is no order to the inner cells of this being. Okay now you have an idea of what the microcosm is and how it lives its life.


Within the cells of the Macrocosm however things are different as all things are indeed in order and every atom; cell; dna; or soul ( you might say) has its part in the workings and life of this Great Body. So in order for the atoms and cells of this microcosm to learn to get along and work together for the body, they must go through a schooling process, and learn what things happen when all subjects involved in a certain task in life fight amongst one another and never work together to complete this certain task. That is representative of the life you each come to live in third dimensional existence. Your inner cells are all fighting among one another and because of this you experience sickness; disease; viruses; bad feelings in your bodies; and eventually even death. But death dear ones is an illusion, and you should have no fear of it. You are about to move out of being this microcosm and into becoming the Macrocosm, better known to many as the Lord God.


Within the confines of the body and form of the Lord God are all the same working parts that you lived and experienced within third dimensional life and existence. The difference is that you will no longer fight yourself from within. All of your working parts known as souls have all come together in agreement, and have learned to work together for a common cause. That common cause is to reflect unconditional love and light toward all souls or beings in life, as well as to provide for the free will of all souls. To do this and be successful dear ones you had to learn what it was like to fight one another and never agree on anything in life. In other words, to learn something in life the best way is to show you the opposite of that thing and you will then realise that what you had from the beginning was so much better ( as the original always is) as long as you learn to share all that you are and have in life with all other parts of yourself or souls in life and within the Grand Man or Lord God; who by the way is that Great Being we have come to call the Macrocosm. While you are human in third dimensional life and existence you come to believe that the Universe alone is the Macrocosm while the truth is that you are the world - the universe- and the Macrocosm, as well as the microcosm. You are all things dear ones, you are the New World Society.


Within this New World Society ( which we will speak much on in the days ahead) there is the higher self or heavens and there is the lower self or the hells. In between there are different levels of the heavens as well as the hells, and you get to regulate them all according to your own understanding and level of vibrations, which corresponds by the way to maturity level in life. Within this New World Society (you) there will be those who live life doing and creating the worst of things in life, based on your higher understanding and what you see as terrible of course. There will also be those higher up above in this society who will be living life in complete silence and they will love doing this in their life, as they are better and closer connected to the source, who is the All in All. Again in between there will be souls who exist in this Macrocosm; Grand Man; or Lord God, who can and do live life in what ever manner suits them, all based on their single ruling love agd affections in life. To put it plainly dear ones each soul within this Grand body and form will be living life according to their own heavens and their own hells. Those who believe they are in hell will have an equal and opposite twin within the Grand Man that will presently be living in their heavens, and all the time each will be happy in life and existence - such as a place we once heard of called paradise. Every soul who lives within this Grans Man is what you think of today as human beings, but you are so much more  dear ones.


The human you see in the mirror every day is not a single being who possesses all the thoughts and affections in life from himself or herself, but is the accumulation of many souls who all work together to provide a semblance of life to each human being in third density ( lower realms of life and existence), while that human all along thinks they are each the great card player; football player; gambler; horseback rider; racecar driver, and so on. Do you not know that there is a myriad of souls dear ones in your spirtitual society and soul group who all love you and are sacrificing their lives and beliefs in life at times, so as to help provide you the illusions that teach you all to one day come to work together to make your lives and give it rule and stability, and create your worlds in the end? Love those who truly love you, even if they don't know it yet. We love you and we long for the day when you each come to learn that we are all that One Great Soul called the Grand Man; Macrocosm; and Lord God.


We leave you now dear ones as we do not wish to delve too deep into the subject of the New World Society at this time, for you will need time to absorb what we have given you so far. Until we return to speak to you all once again we again leave you each in unconditional love and light. We ask that you spread your love and light to the world around you dear ones, as they are you and you are them.



We are the spiritual society and soul group Emmanuel, and we are your higher self.

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