Ascension Update!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Sun, 07/10/2011 - 16:53

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. You cannot create in your fifth dimensional reality unless you know a thing to be possible, and that it can truly be manefested by you and all the co - creators of your fifth dimensional world who are One with you. You must therefore know you are all one soul society and that to believe; want; or simply think a thing can happen is not enough.


You see dear ones that is why all the creations of third density are caotic and have no order to their manefestations in life. You create every time you think; say; or do, but you don't even know you are doing so. Are your creations up to now those of service to self? We believe this is what has been taking place, and we would wish to provide you dear ones with the support and information you will need in order to create at will and instantly within your new fifth dimensional realms of existence.


We have other souls who are in your world today who are speaking even as we do about the abilities to befall you dear ones, and they too are here to guide you further, as you are already in fifth density existence and simply need to come to know this, so that you can come to know that your creations, as well as those creations that are of the collective fifth density population of your world, can begin to be manefested in your world immediately.


Every ascended soul that has come here to your world today came here according to the agreements that were made long ago between all souls within our present spiritual society ( as we all love you unconditionally and most completely) and soul group. However what appears to be long ago is nothing more than an instant in many cases. So pay no attention to the mentions of time in our statements dear ones. Just as days can be lived out in a single nights dreams with you, so too can we have thousands of thoughts to your single one. What takes a day in your reality and world takes no more than the blink of an eye with us in our society.


And so in getting back on subject dear ones we would say to you that what you created within the many lifetimes as many different human beings in third density was created out of chaos, and unconsciously, in which case your creations were spread out over many different timelines in your world. And all the different timelines were all the different faces in your world; universe; solar system; galaxies; and beyond that were living as you, and you had no idea that this was ever the case. In other words all the human beings in your spiritual society and soul group in third density are you, in another timeline but within the same dimension of life.


The way it works is one human goes off in one direction in your world, you think of how you would love a bright red race car in your mind, but it doesn't fit your lifes plan, and it therefore gets sent to the lifesplan of the other human being ( other you) who had no idea they were going to get that bright red race car on that day. This goes for every human being in your "Circle of Life," while you in three dimensional life think your creations ( or thoouhts) are never manefested in life. They are always manefested they just aren't provided to you because you live in a world that is based on service to self. You also wished to learn these lessons when we agreed to send you to your planet as a fleshly human being. 


When we think of things we would like to manefest and see in life we usually think that we would like these things for ourselves, and not someone else. And so "You reap what you sow." You wish that the other person doesn't get what you want, but you come to be that other person. So you see dear ones we have always been creators and co - creators, but we have been going about it all wrong; at least the "we's" who live in third density.


If you want things in life, if you seek abundance of any kind, but you could care less what the other people of the world get then you are living life in service to self. But we have great news for you dear ones! As the energies of the planet have now risen greatly there is a separation happening in the world and everyone you go out side and look at every day will very rapidly begin to become fifth density souls as the world has flipped, and the earth is no longer a lower density planet.


The reason this is good news is because you can now pretty much see for yourself that the people of the world around you are changing, and they are changing fast. Time is speeding up and things are happening quicker than they ever have on this planet. We are living in the days of the Quickening and the "Consummation of the Age" dear ones. We have left the age of Pisces and are now already in the Golden age of Aquarius. Our dear loved ones who were once third density souls are now fifth density souls and they are moving in and out of fifth density so often now that it is making the people of the world dizzy all the time. And we mean this literally dear ones.


So we say to those of you who are each us in your New World Society, welcome home and get ready for a fast ride into the realms of the angels. Do not worry any longer that your moods are changing faster than you can even reflect on them changing, as this is to be expected with the high levels of energy your body is having to get used to in these times. To put it plainly dear ones you are all now material and physical angels. Once you move over into fifth density for good you will become instantly spiritual angels.


The reason, and only reason you have not moved over to fifth density for good yet is because you are the Wayshowers and the heavenly guides to fifth density for those who have not quite awakened and need a little nudge in order to get there. It is true you cannot make anyone go, and you cannot decide for them, but you can truly help them whenever they ask your help or opinion. You can also lead by example dear ones as you are truly good examples at this day, and are no longer living life in service to self. How do we know this? Because we called you here and you would therefore not be here reading our words in these last days of third density life if you were not selected ahead of time.


You must all therefore know dear ones that in order to create at this day and co -create you must live your lives in service to others and in complete unconditional love and light. If you are living life in service to others and unconditional love to all, then your vibration and energy will most certainly be at the proper level so as to permit the creation process within fifth density and your New World Society. That process we speak of is again one where you know you can create at will and that you can do so instantly. This does not mean you have to wait on it as all of creation will now be according to your will.


We are in a day where not only are things speeding up rapidly and souls are beginning to recognise their creations manefesting already, but they are seeing the immense changes all over the planet now. Disclosure is only days away, and has in fact based on our information already started. What this means dear ones is that you are about to be blessed immensely, and very soon we might add. The powers that be are crumbling and they are doing so two by two. Look for your world around you to not only become so much more beautiful over the days; weeks; and months, but watch as your bodies begin to glow as will the plants and trees.


It is true that animals are dying off by the thousands in your world but this is because they are going to a better place as they cannot remain here in fifth density, nor would we wish for them to remain in third density as the third dimensional planet will not be inhabitable on its surface before long. But fear not dear ones as the animals will be well provided for and they will no longer suffer at the hands of third dimensional mankind. We say all of these things to you dear ones in detail because the hour is truly growing short and when we speak of days away you simply have no idea how true this statement is. 


We are happy that you are all about to remember that you are great creators and co - Creators as this was your destiny for a very long time. You shall surely create and you will do so in small numbers at first, then large, as this will be your process of transition. When all is said and done however you will create as One Grand Man and soul and will no longer create according to a world of separation and duality. We look forward to that day and we will always be there to support and assist you all dear ones in the creation of your New World Society and Paradise.




 We are the society of Emmanuel and we leave you dear ones in unconditional love and light. We ask that you each come to reflect this light throughout your world today and all your days on up to the day you all come to ascend in the Universal ascension of mankind.  



                Again we love you as you are we and we are you!


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