Everyone will ascend! Everyone will be taken!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Thu, 07/14/2011 - 18:09

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. No one can hide the truth from you dear ones, if you are in fact seeking the truth. In creation and life there is you and that is all there is. There is no one coming and there is no one who has been here other than you.You exist here in the now and you still hold on to the illusion that there is the past and future for you to deal with. You have existed in what appears to be your past, and you exist alone in what appears to be your future, but neither is actually real. There is no one separate from you who is coming here from the future to help you dear ones. There is no one who resides outside of this world and universe that is not you, and so no one is coming to help or aid you in changing the world but you from a place you think is your future. In many cases they speak these words to you ( about them coming) because you have not yet awakened to the point that you can understand these things as they truly are yet.


You are Creative consciousness in your natural state of existence, and you are living the illusion of life in your created state of existence, which you created within your own consciousness, and which is all illusion except for your consciousness that is experiencing the illusion as life and existence. You exist as creative consciousness upon every dimensional plane of existence as you have truly created every dimensional plane of existence from what some would term the beginning. Still you must remember dear ones that there is no actual beginning as you have existed along with God who is the (All in All) since consciousness was aware of His or Its consciousness. When that point actually was or is no one knows but the All in All Himself or Itself.


All you need know for now is that you are the All in All, and if anyone tells you different you need only reflect in a rational manner while going within in complete silence and you shall see that there is no possible way you are separate or less in existence and consciousness than that of the All in All Himself or Itself. If you ask and you still receive an answer that does not resonate with you then you are truly on your way to the awakening. Keep asking until things seem right to you in your heart dear ones. If you feel that you are less or lower than the One true Source or God ( the All in All) then we cannot help you dear ones believe what you see as truth in life, until you feel there is something you need to know which you do not know yet.


Do you truly have a Father  of a conscious or spiritual nature that is responsible for your existence? Do you have a Mother that is responsible for your existence? If you do then you must truly owe your existence to some other source in life or existence, and are therefore limited by this source alone. If that is truly the case then you could say you have a Father above we would think. But is it true dear ones? Do you owe your existence to another? If you do then you are finite and not Infinite correct? Think about it dear ones in deep thought and reflection and you shall see what we say to you at this time. So what exactly are we saying to you at this time? We are saying that you are Infinite but you think according to the finite illusion you have placed yourself in from eternity that you are in fact finite and are not truly God ( or the All in All). 


Everything is illusion dear ones as nothing is real other than you, and so you are everything and you are also nothing. In other words when you are in your finite existence you are everything, but when you are in your Infinite existence you are nothing in the eyes and understanding of the finite expression of yourself. Again we say that the human thinks God is nothing in that God does not exist within time and space, but He or It fills all time and space with His or Its essence and being which is the purest of Aethor. 


So in reality the All in All ( God) cannot be compared with the finite world and consciousness of humanity without humanity seeing Him or It as nothing. At the same time the human and finite expression of ourselves cannot fathom or compare itself with the All in All without understanding the human to be nothing as well. For we do not compute as existing in the essence and being of the All in All ( God), nor does the All in All ( God) exist within us in reality or truth. Again He fills us with His essence and being but He or It does not exist within us. Does this make sense to you dear ones? We hope it does as this information has much to do with where we are headed with this message.


So you may say to yourself in reflecting on what we say dear ones, and may ask the question 'How is it that we do not exist within the All in All ( God)?' 'How is this possible?' Because there is nothing within the All in All ( God) nor is there anything outside of the All in All, as the All in All( God) has no boundaries whatsoever. Therefore there is no within nor without with God ( the All in All). How could there be dear ones? Again God does not exist within time or space but fills all time and space in his being, while it is not God ( the All in All) who has limits or an inside or outside, it is the finite expression ( us) of God ( the All in All) that believes according to illusion that that finite expression ( us) is within the All in All ( God).  Still again we say to you there is no inside or outside of the All in All ( God) which also means we are not truly inside or outside of the All in All (God) either. 


So where are we dear ones if we are neither inside nor outside of the All in All (God)? Answer: We are all and one hundred percent  of the essence and being of the All in All ( God). Are we or can we be separate from Him or It in any way? No! So where does life and death; darkness and light; good and evil; right and wrong come from: They are all illusions we have been creating for ourselves from eternity, so as to provide the illusion of life and entertainment for our materian and physical bodies and forms for our Consciousness that is God ( the All in All). Why do we begin our existence in the illusion every time in the lowest levels of life which is third density life? 


Because a new soul is born into our spiritual society and soul group every time a soul moves up in the illusion of life, and dimensions of life, so that a  virtual "Circle of Life" is created every time. There must always be change in the finite as well as apparent growth within the finite to eternity, and within every dimension of life. And so all is taken from what already exists within the Grand Consciousness ( the All in All), and is continuously played out as an actual play on in to eternity. No life;  world; universe; or 'Circle of Life," ends to eternity, but is played out over and over again, being fed continuously with new souls forever. Hence the expression "There is nothing new under the sun."


So why have we told you all of this dear ones? Because you are about to graduate and move on to another higher dimension of life and existence. No one will come to save your life in third density as in reality you do not even want to be saved based on the will and wishes of your counterpart in fifth density and higher. Sure in third density you think you need saving and that you deserve a happier life and abundance of riches in third dimensional life, since you can't ascend and move on to fifth density now. But the truth is you will all move on to fifth density, and the world rulers do not want you to know this, and are doing their best to keep it from you for as long as possible.


They therefore have a plan for third density mankind before he awakens, as they still wish to destroy as many people of your world as possible before you all awaken and come to ascend, in which case their actions would no longer matter. They need to stage one last catastrophic world event that will greatly diminish the world population so that they can gain control of those who are left, and have not ascended. This is the evil that is planned dear ones and this is the plan that will fail immensely. They have already lost the battle and are hanging on for dear life, and still they don't realise they are finished. 


Still we love them as much as we love all beings as they are us and we are them, and they have simply come here to planet earth, as well as all places outside of planet earth, to carry out the wishes and loving sacrafices they agreed to with all of us long ago. They are members of our spiritual society and soul group and they have sacraficed through their love for us, in order to come here and play the bad guy for us so as to allow us to become stronger and the wiser for it all. That time is up and we as well as they will come to ascend in the universal ascension that is upon us even at this day dear ones. 


We do not wish to ramble on dear ones and take you farther into the so called (rabbit hole) than what you can handle at this time. We will therefore come to you again with the continuance of this message dear ones when the time is right. Until then we say that we love you all unconditionally and we fill you with the light of unconditional love at this time. We also ask you to shine your light on all souls of your world when ever the opportunity presents itself, in the days ahead dear ones. 


We are Emmanuel, and we love you as you are we and we are you! 

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