The Microcosm becomes the Macrocosm

Submitted by Emmanuel on Wed, 07/27/2011 - 09:37

The microcosm becomes the Macrocosm!

Hello dear ones we are Elijah and we come to you in the presence of Emmanuel and other souls from your higher planes of existence. As this subject is better spoken of by ourselves, we have chosen to join forces at this time with Emmanuel in order to bring these truths to a world that is now prepared to receive them. And so we begin our discussion dear ones.

Do you not know that the blood cannot interact with the urine? Do you not realize that the muscles cannot be connected to the arteries directly? And do you not see that the mouth cannot be connected to the ear by being directly connected upon the body? Well just as all things work within the microcosm that is known as the human body and form, so too do all things work in the Macrocosm. But within the Macrocosm things are much more understood in their workings than is the case within the microcosm.

There are those of you out there in third density existence and life who believe others within third density or even higher densities will one day come and either assist you in the refurbishment of your planet and systems therein, or simply do it for you. But just as the human body is formed and laid out as a working subject and machine so too is the larger representation of this machine known as the Macrocosm or Grand Man. Some even call the larger form of our being the lord God. You may call it whatever you like as it does not really matter at this stage of the game dear ones. But if you were to look at this picture we are trying to paint for you and see yourselves as this Grand Man and Macrocosm, you would see that you are a whole solar system; a whole galaxy; a whole universe; and yes a whole planet.

Just as the microcosm known as the human body and form has bones; muscles; tendons; nerves; arteries; veins; blood; skin; a brain, and all other sorts of things found within its perimeters, so too are these things found in the Macrocosm and Grand Man. At the other end of the spectrum it is also truer that the microcosm goes even smaller in size and form than the human body you are acquainted with. For within you all there are microscopic living creatures that are so small that you would not believe they each possess a heart; lungs; arteries and veins; blood, and many other working parts that the human body and form possess. Therefore they too are considered human based on life and creation. There are also those out there in space who believe themselves to be other races from other planets and solar systems, separate from yourselves, who are also an equal part of the Grand Man and Macrocosm. Some souls represent the blood; some the bones; the skin; legs; arms; feet; hands and on and on so as to make up the whole form of the human being in the representation of the microcosm or the Macrocosm and Grand Man.

And just as the bones cannot become a part of the blood neither can certain souls in your galaxy; universe; and solar system come here from their homes and aid you in fixing your atmosphere or world, or do it for you. It is not so much that they are invading you as it has more to do with the fact that they do not know your true condition nor your true purpose in the Grand scheme of things. The blood does not know the workings or true purpose of the bones, and the bones do not know the workings or the true purpose of the blood.

If a third density being were to come to your world at this time and attempt to aid human beings in fixing things on their planet the dark ones of this planet would most likely create an all our war with them, seeking to destroy them. All in all dear ones you are the Grand Man and all that exists outside of you is the illusion as all things actually exist within you. This includes the galaxy; solar system; universe; planet, all beings on the planet; and all things within the bodies and forms of every human being on your planet. If anyone were to come to you from another planet you as the Macrocosm that you are would have sent them. And just as the human body rejects foreign objects being placed inside of it so too is this the case with your planet, which exists within side of your mind and essence as well.

In this world of yours just as you have good blood cells to help the body you also have bad blood cells which seek to destroy the body. And just as this is the case with your human body and form so too is the case with your city; state; country; world; and universe even. It all depends dear ones, on the state of your heart alone. Your heart and its condition or state at any given point in time causes the atmospheres around the microcosms as well as the Macrocosms so as to either protect them or harm them by letting in our side influences; germs; or viruses. So getting back to what we were saying unless your world is made up mostly of fifth density beings it will seek to protect itself against invaders if other humans from other planets were to come to your world to help in fixing your world. This is just the way third density beings are as they live life in service to self, and do not welcome those whom they see as outsiders.

If the Grand Man and Macrocosm were being guided by its fifth density souls or spirits at this time instead of its lower third density member or souls then others would certainly be welcome to your world, but this is not the case at this time. And of course once this planet of yours becomes a majority of fifth density beings it will no longer need the help it does at present. So we say to you dear ones to be careful who you believe in these last days on your present planet before it changes over to fifth density. Once it changes however you will no longer need to fear anything or any one, you will no longer have to worry for the things you want or need in life ever again.

But before we get too far off our former subject we would like to speak more on the Macrocosm. You are at this moment the Macrocosm but you have forgotten this fact in life through your living out the illusions you have long past created for your learning and the education of your spiritual society and soul group. You are this Grand human being who looks down on its creation all the time and takes care of it to the best of you abilities, given the fact that you must allow all lower souls to do as they please in life, while at the same time pulling them out of the fire every once in a while. You wish for them to learn so that your spiritual society and soul group can continue learning while at the same time you do not wish them to die in their third density representations of you before their allotted times. You can provide them with dreams and visions during the day as well as at night, but you must allow destiny to do its work. For every time you step in to help your lower self in third density you create another timeline that was not supposed to be created in the “Circle of Life you created to play out long ago. It is like with the children in your third density world at this time. You cannot be there to watch over them all the time as you must leave them to themselves to learn the lessons of life, and this is how it is to be with your lower selves who you have come to call your children.

So you see dear ones you are sitting there in your third density world thinking to yourself “will I awaken and ascend as I hear many in the world today speaking of?” Or “what will happen with me and my friends and family come this date of December 21, 2012 they speak of?” You do not know because you do not need to know, given the fact that your higher realms of life that exist within the body and form of the Grand Man and Macrocosm we speak to you about have got your back so to speak. The y in the higher realms of your body and form love you dearly and they will protect and provide for you as they would themselves in life. However they must permit you to learn your lessons in life or you will have to be reincarnated all over again and return to third density life to suffer the things of this type of world and system all over again.  We do not want this to happen to you, and if you knew what was going on here you would say the same thing.

But! I f you knew what was happening here, by us telling you what was going on you would not believe it in the first place because you have been living the illusion for so long. Therefore you must wait until it is time to experience life as it really is, in which case you will not have to be persuaded but will know for sure.  That time is upon you dear ones and it will be the same for all of you as you come to live out all the hopes and dreams you have been wanting to live out for lifetime upon lifetime. We are thinking and speaking from the mind and spiritual world of the Grand Man and Macrocosm, and you are living life in the lower realms of this Grand Man where all appears material and physical in front of your eyes. You think all and everything exists outside of your body and we are telling you dear ones that it does not. We all join or combine in our spiritual world where we actually exist, and make up the body and form of the Grand Man and Macrocosm. Every soul in your world at present day exists within this Grand Man and Macrocosm as well as a part of it and its life.

So it matters not if you see yourself as the microcosm or the Macrocosm, you are all things at all different levels and sizes in all of creation from eternity and to eternity.

When you ascend you are simply causing all good and loving souls within your body and form to return to your heavens within your spiritual society and soul group. At the same time you are also causing all dark and evil souls within your body and form to return to their respective heavens within your spiritual society and soul group. When this takes place, as it surely will at the moment of the change and the “Consummation of the SILVER AGE” and the beginning of your new “Golden Age,” YOU WILL AWAKEN INTO YOUR NEW LIFE WITHIN WHATEVER SPIRITUAL SOCIETY AND SOUL GROUP YOU COME TO BE A PART OF or choose, You will once AGAIN BEGIN CREATING AND BUILDING YOUR NEW LIFE AND WORLD. There are in fact smaller spiritual societies and soul groups just as there are larger ones, And all souls go to their own spiritual society and soul group once they awaken and ascend, no matter what density of life they end up in.

You are the one who chooses your society and soul group however, as no one is ever forced to choose one against their own free will and choosing. If you choose a society within the hells you may remain there for as long as you resonate with that society. If you so choose to leave that society you are surely permitted to do so until you have eventually found the society that best firs your life; affections; and ruling love in life. If you enter a society of the heavens the same goes for a soul in the heavens, as they may continue choosing and changing societies within the heavens until they find the one that best fits their life. Because of this dear ones everyone goes in ascension, though they go to their proper place within the Grand Man and Macrocosm.

And because we will all be a member of the same Grand Man and Macrocosm we will all benefit from the whole, whereas before you were still all in school so to speak and could not be permitted to know the things of the higher realms of life and existence. But now that the highest class of third density beings are about to graduate so to speak, the whole class gets to graduate as well, but not to the same grade, as all will simply move up a grade as ascension would have it dear ones. So will you see your friends; family; and all acquaintances you have had in the present world once you enter your new world and life, wherever it is you may end up going? Yes! For where it is you are going will depend on the life and affections of life you choose to live with in your new life.

This is chosen by each of you through your thoughts; dreams; and visions of life within every now moment of your day in third density life dear ones. Some will go to fifth density life in the Grand Man and Macrocosm; some will go to third density life within the same Grand Man and Macrocosm; and some will go to even higher dimensions of life, all based on where they fit in within the representative body and form of the Grand Man and Macrocosm. And all will again benefit because this Grand Man and Macrocosm is an angel Man and no longer a Devil Man. We will not go into that statement at this time dear ones as we do not wish to leave our present subject. Simply keep in mind that there exists a Grand Man and Macrocosm that is a Devil Man and is dark and evil, just as there is the opposite twin, who is very good and loving and is an Angel Man. You are all becoming the body and form of the Angel Man once we each come to experience the Universal Ascension in the world.

So how are you protected and safe once you all ascend, no matter what society, upper or lower, you come to live in? Because all now live life as one and not in duality of life where you once lived life in the illusion of separation from the source who is THE Lord God or the ( All in All). No longer will you be left to fend for yourself as you have lived out your seasons of life in the lower densities of the Grand Man, where by the way you lived life as a Devil Man. Those days are gone and as the whole of the Grand Man and Macrocosm benefits and finds peace and happiness of life in paradise from that day forward, so too will all souls within the ( One ) Grand Man and Macrocosm.

Once you all experience the Universal ascension process you will awaken into a new world and life and will live out your days either in third density once again within the Grand Man and Macrocosm, live out your life in fifth density there; or within a density of your choosing in life. But until all souls have lived out their life’s plan in third density life they must continue to return through reincarnation, and finish out their seasons of life in the schoolhouse of life that is third density.

But be of good cheer dear ones for this will be your last and final life in third density,  it will be a happy and joyous one HOWEVER, as you now will be living life within the Angel Man. Some of You must go this time around however within the lower densities of life according to the plan laid out long ago,  as there must be third density souls provided to the life of the Angel Man so as to get that new life started and created in its beginning stages. And as each soul moves up in dimensions and consciousness within the Angel Man, other newly born and created souls will then begin taking their place so as to allow for their departure up into the next higher dimension of life as the order of life continues within the Angel Man. If all souls who entered the Grand Mans body and form, or Macrocosm, were of unconditional love and light and service to others there would be no lower realms OR dimensions of life within the Angel Man and this cannot be. For all human beings whether microcosm, or Macrocosm, must possess three levels of the hells and three levels of the heavens. We will speak of these different levels at another TIME HOWEVER DEAR ONES.  

So we leave you at this time knowing that our subject grows weary. We will come to you again dear ones as the spirit provides an opportunity. Be of love and light and indeed reflect it throughout your world dear ones as this is the new way of things.   


We are Elijah and we love you as you are we and we are you!

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