Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Author's Introduction

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 10/18/2012 - 19:54

Hi there, Dr Moe here.  We've been asked by the GFP to "Help" in any way we can as we accelerate towards the finish line of our Ascension project. I've been writing on the subjects of Ascension and Personal Growth since the early 90s, waiting for the right time to begin sharing.  "Now Is the Time" according to my Guidance, so here is the Introduction to my book "Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012"


Contemplating Change


It seems beyond all understanding at times, what it is we have to learn about ourselves.  Complex creatures we are, running around this world like chickens with our heads cut off.  Are we sure this is what we want to do?  Are we certain we want to construct our lives in such a fashion as to waste energy every time we turn around?  There must be a better way.  Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

It’s not that we actually know any better, at least not until we see a different way presented to us.  Then we’re confronted with the possibility that life could be different.  We could perhaps slow down a pace or two.  We could pick up on one another’s thoughts and see how life looks from that perspective.  We could liquidate our morality for a day and adopt another’s, like a new pair of shoes, and see if they fit.

There are many antidotes to this fast pace we live.  Is it necessary?  Will the Earth spin faster if we move more quickly?  Aren’t there places in the World where the population moves at a measured pace, taking time to smell the flowers, as they say?  Let’s see if this break neck pace is really necessary.  Let’s put on another coat and see how we feel.  It’s a better world for us when we try a few different things.

Don’t let this fast pace drop you like an old shoe on the side of the road.  These people speeding by are not caring about you right now.  To them, you’re just a blur.  Care for yourself.  See if that pace you adopted has to carry on.  If not, then give yourself a break.  Maybe there’s a better way.











   Today there is a growing need to examine our systems of thought and communication.  We are witness to an information explosion.  Never before has there been such a plethora of relevant, and perhaps not so relevant, information available on every subject imaginable.  Most of us cannot even begin to fathom the depths of this apparent inexhaustible supply.  So how do we process what is coming at us now? What will be there for us in the future?  There has to be a way to sort through this landslide of facts and fiction to go over each piece and determine for ourselves its inherent validity and relevance to our lives.


In each epoch in our history there were major transition points that affected all of humanity.  These were marked by chaos, fear and upheaval, all related to a convulsive present and an indeterminate future.  The Agricultural Revolution came about when we, as a species, stopped wandering and gathering and started cultivating fields and growing our own food. The Industrial Revolution began with the vast process of mechanizing our work.  In each case, an old way was leaving, while a new way was being born. During these transition phases, chaos and upheaval were the signs of the times. Many current writers, including this author, are certain that this is the case today, with what we identify today as the Information Revolution and the coming shift in 2012.


In previous periods of transition, some sense of order had to be derived from the chaos that was at hand.  Some way of making sense of the whole unfolding process was required and led to adaptations that helped define the age. It wasn’t a question of "not living through it" because such radical changes were already upon the population. It was always a matter of how to adapt and temper this impact on the day to day lives of ordinary people.


“History repeats itself”, we are often told, until a particular lesson is learned.  What is history trying to teach us right now?  Are we unprepared for the great leap forward that is now upon us?  In part, this may be true.  But, what else? I draw sustenance from an old adage that says when a person is ready, what they need, will come along.  In other words, when a person commits to a course of action they open themselves to what the Universe has to deliver.


What does that mean?  The process of awakening and evolution is, from this perspective, a personal one. What is next on the horizon becomes visible after a current pressing challenge has been fully addressed.  In so much as we are capable of mastering a given challenge, we shall be prompted to undertake it.  This suggests that evolution doesn’t necessarily take us where we want to go, but most certainly where we need to go.  Once again, that fact doesn’t become visible until its time arrives through the undulating process of change and transformation.


Evolution, here, is not solely a matter of biology, but more so a matter of personal awareness.  What are the experiences of my life, as opposed to the experiences of your life?  At some level we share a commonality of information and experiences.  Those that underlie the world’s religions are shared perceptions.  Those that underlie our essential humanness are also shared.  Do these perceptions and experiences hold any truth or not?  And on what can we base our collective experience and subsequent testimony?  After sorting through an enormity of facts, what do we rely on for a meaningful interpretation?  How do we know when any interpretation is valid?

In our distant past, we had Mythology to guide us through transitional and volatile times.  Myths and their companions, parables, were guideposts; signs along the path that helped explain aspects of our human plight and imminent challenges. 


Myths and parables, as teaching tools, were developed to advance the human species, as individuals and nations, into and through the next stage of evolution.  Myths and parables were the shared information and processing tools of the times because, essentially, few individuals knew how to read.  Since so little of the population enjoyed that privilege, there evolved an oral tradition of passing on important information.  Myths and parables were accessible to everybody.  Handed down through the ages, passed on from generation to generation they cut across cultural, ethnic and historical boundaries.  Myths, as guideposts, have always been there for us and are still in evidence today.


From the earliest of cave drawings to modern books and film, the myths of man have been the creators of man, providing both meaning and symbolism to life. Myths have guided us throughout the centuries and are to be found in every culture.  They inspire. They guide. They teach.  They provide sustenance and direction as we travel this Earthly plane.   Since the dawn of time, man has been guided by mythology, and yet, inspired its very nature and course of action.  Myths exist for man, while man creates the myths that are lived by. An interesting cycle, one perpetrating the other, as it were.


We don’t often think of mythology in our modern age, only as a curiosity, perhaps, but never as a true guide for our journey through life.  We refer to other models in this so called advanced age of ours.  Yet, we are no different than those of any other age, borrowing, as it were, our most cherished guideposts from the technological advances of the time.  Whatever technology has to offer becomes the model for our functioning, and also the functioning of the world around us, including the larger Universe.  Today, it is computer technology and its associated language that provides the framework.  Not so long ago, it was the clock and the mathematical formulas that allowed us to split and measure time.


Now we refer to “cyber space” and “virtual reality” as if these define the ultimate in all possible achievement.  In the not too distant future, this technology will be viewed as primitive.  Not unlike how we view the technology of old black and white television sets with their hand controls and bulbous appearance.  Remember, this technology was the epitome of its time in the 1950s.  Just like that period, today’s technological advances will be rapidly eclipsed in by a new generation of technologies and their adherents, who will speak a language that few of us will understand. The medium of the message may change, as will the message itself perhaps, but their general themes persist.


This is how it goes, what we’ve come to call progress.  One discovery supersedes the last one, and so on.  Yet, no technology has ever, and I do mean ever, solved problems associated with our spiritual nature.  No advance, no discovery, no matter how far reaching, has ever fulfilled our pursuit of happiness as sustained by our spiritual nature.  Happiness is not a function of technological advances; it is a function of the heart. No technology can supersede that.


Where does that leave us?  Should we abandon our pursuit of technological advances?  Shall we give up improving upon today’s computer chip, or whatever successor to that throne is now rising in the wings?  Of course not!  If technology is not the answer, then what is?  Where do we turn for spiritual sustenance?


Do we go back to the Dark Ages where magic, witchcraft and torture were being practiced?  Do we dust off the Bible once again and have another go at a proper interpretation?  Do we look to the skies for an advancing alien culture that many predict is on the way?  Or do we look elsewhere, in a totally different direction, one that the current New Age movement has been alluding to?  Where do we look for answers?

Systems of government, as good as they are, are not perfectly functioning entities by any means.  Our religious institutions aren’t faring any better.  Our civic governments are up in arms over one issue or another.  Our private industries are in a constant state of flux trying to find the next best solution to meet the bottom line of “more”.  In recent years, we have seen considerable illegal activity within our financial institutions brought to light, all for the simple aim of making more profit. 


Upsizing, downsizing, restructuring are all buzzwords describing the last couple of decades.  Where are they taking us?  Nowhere near our heart, I would say.  In those terms we will be no further ahead than when those cycles began.  When there’s no guiding spirit or inner direction to call upon, to trust, to guide us forward, where do we turn?


Many of us are anxious right now.  We’ve had the unthinkable – 9/11 - which has heightened our collective fear.  People are wondering what’s going to happen next.  Few can count on their jobs.  There’s always a war on somewhere in the world.  Families disintegrate.  Mad men rule some countries.  So-called sane societies continue arming themselves in preparation for the next threat that their defense industries want them to believe is just around the corner.


For what is the purpose?  What is the point?  To prove that “might makes right”?  That’s not going to work.  In an ever shrinking world due to globalization, the entire planet has become one neighborhood.  Like all good neighbors, we have a mutual investment in the viability and vitality of the community.  We reap what we sow; if we sow destruction, we shall receive it in turn.  The chemical and radiological misadventures of the past are already oozing out of the Earth, polluting the water and atmosphere and threatening the delicate balance of life.  Weaponry and its associated contaminants continue to be developed with full knowledge of the destructive consequences for this planet and its inhabitants.


Yes, there is plenty to be alarmed about. What we have to fear is ourselves and our propensity to destroy that which sustains life.  At what point do profit and control cease trumping sanity? 


This is what happens when we rely solely upon power, greed and conquest with no accounting for the consequences.  When we lie to each other about the hazards we are creating and burying, we are lying to ourselves.  And when we lie to ourselves about the wars we engage in, we are on a path of self-destruction, individually and collectively. Myths have already pointed out the folly of such ventures. No authentic myth would ever allow this self-deception.  A myth is a living, breathing entity that commands respect by its simple adherence to truth, a truth such as all life forms exist in relation to each other.  A truth such as a lie is a lie no matter how sophisticated or well spun it is.  A truth such as we reap what we sow. It is our responsibility to know and respect the truth.


We do not need more false promises. We do need truth.  That my friends, is the rub!  For if we are to seek the truth then we are in for a big shakeup, a meltdown of thoughts and ideas beyond proportions for which we are ill prepared to recognize.  Such is the power of truth and the failing of lies.  Ask any addict who’s made it to Alcoholics Anonymous.  Lies are acceptable only in a world of fantasy and self-denial.  Truth is eternally accessible.  A myth based on truth is available if we reach for it; and only this truth is capable of leading us out of our labyrinth of lies.


“So what,” you might say?  Who needs such a hard-nosed truth?  “I have my home, my car and computer; I have a spouse, children and pets. Why do I need mythology?”  Myths help bring context and meaning to our lives beyond which technology and the status quo can provide. Physical life is finite.  Between the parameters of birth and death, we want our lives to have meaning. 


We call this book mythological because it reaches into the essence of stories told across the years and brings out their truth, a tiny essence that repeats itself over and over in the lives of millions of people across many nations, faiths and cultures.  We can couch myths in many forms, but we cannot escape their inherent sincerity and integrity, and their ability to stimulate and to move us toward growth.  Myths exist because people create them and people create them because they live their themes.  They are also divinely inspired, imbued with a Spirit that transcends culture and time.

Today’s myths, if we unearth them, carry the same themes as those of centuries ago. Today’s myths are clouded by media spam that surrounds us, and therefore, are harder to find.  They still exist, however, as they fill the airwaves of our modern culture and spread their message in every communications medium we have today.


We tend not to think in mythological terms anymore.  Myths come via today’s storytellers. They are couched behind our love of reason and intellect, and are not so close to the heart as they once were.  We still live them and imbue our succeeding generations with what we think they mean.  We’ve lost the ability to communicate their themes as effectively as we once did.  We’re missing many of their vital components, like their ability to touch the heart and the Spirit which resides within each and every one of us.


We are about to discover our holy purpose on this plane. We need our myths to guide us. Without them, we are in for a very rude awakening.  A wake-up call we are unprepared for because of the distance we’ve traveled away from our center of feeling activity.  As the Infinite and Eternal Spirit calls us back, we will most certainly be surprised.  How will we handle this? What will we say?  We’ve trekked far and wide on this earthly adventure.  The Creator will be expecting a progress report.  If we don’t expect to connect with the Eternal, what then awaits us?


After knocking on the Creator’s door, while not expecting to be invited in, what will we do when that door swings open?  Quite a paradox, don’t you think?   How will we explain this to ourselves, confronted as we will be, by the One who sent us forth on this earthly journey?  It is best to dust off those old myths and parables to uncover and resurrect their meaning.  Best to return to the root of “all” before our purpose here became convoluted, before we became enraptured by our personality and ego myths which are based in culture* and not in Spirit.  Spirit is indomitable.  Cultural trends come and go. Take a look at the last three decades and see for yourself; music, fashion and pop psychology immediately come to mind.


So where are we going with this?  Right into the heart of the matter, to that place where pop culture took precedence and myths fell by the wayside! Right to that place where we all took a wrong turn and followed the wrong god, a god of greed and material accumulation, rather than the God of Spirit.  This is where we need to return.  Not outside of ourselves as we’ve come to believe, but inside ourselves where we co-exist in unity with the Great Creator. It is time to wake up and remember!


There is a big adjustment coming in terms of our human and spiritual evolution. Mythology will once again play a vital role in the process.   When our usual systems of information processing fail, our tendency as a species is to return to a source of truth and authenticity that has stood the test of time, a familiar old friend we know as myth.

This excursion into myth leads us to where we stand right now; at the doorstep of this new era, the dawn of another epoch, the launching point of the new Millennium.  At present, we can only speculate at what is coming next and how fast it is moving toward us.  The irrefutable fact is change is on the way.  Change, transition and transformation are endless cycles.  They beat their way to our doorstep and march through our lives.  They are as inevitable as the seasons.  In relation to repeating cycles of change, we are engaged in one now. 


And what is more important during such turbulent times than faith?  Faith, spirituality and self-confidence are tested during such times.  If we have only been flirting with the advancing new knowledge and subsequent changes making their way toward us, then we’d better get on board quickly because we’re in for the ride of our life, one that we could not anticipate before now.  We are on the doorstep of this change, this great leap forward. Why bring up a tired old subject like Mythology?  And that is a very good question.  Why should we reach back into the mists of time, of pre-history, for something to propel us forward into this new century and millennium?


Historically, in times of turmoil and chaos, myths were called upon to help explain events, to provide a forum for discussion, to advance the idea that we, the human race, were preparing for the advancing changes.  The irony of this is we bring change upon ourselves, and then scramble about to try and make sense of it. We drive change!  Long before we formally understood this process, we had myths and parables to describe it.  They told us what was coming over the horizon and what we needed to do to get through those inevitable challenges.  Myths not only helped us prepare, they helped us execute the changes and adjustments that were essential to the success of the process.

How are we to adapt to this already rapidly moving Millennium and the changes that are coming with it?  We have to reach into our Souls now for the sustenance we need. 


There, hidden inside, behind all those roles, addictions and fears we project onto the world, is the Energy, the Vitality, and the Inspiration that will lead us through our great leap forward.  Inside all of us is the heart that rings the bell that awakens us to our true destiny.  It is no accident that we are here now, at this time in our history.  And it is no accident that a great variety of warning bells are sounding.  It is up to each and every one of us to access our individual myths and activate them for the coming millennium.  We have arrived at the threshold of change. It falls to each of us to consciously step through and assume our responsibility on this journey.


We return to where that Voice pulses within and gives each of us our unique direction.  Think of it, six billion Souls whose hearts are beating together, for one simple purpose, to honor the Creator who sent us out and to honor ourselves in this process of on-going evolution.  That is the heart of myth and its true purpose. It always points toward the guiding light, the one true beacon that animates all Life.  How can you go wrong when you have that light pulsating from within? 


This is an emotional time. The heartbeat of mythology picks up a bold refrain and leads us onward to our respective destinies, which were charted by the Creator and endorsed by us.  Let’s look into that world and see where mythmaking can take us.   



Our next chapter will feature an Introduction from "The Voice" - the Source of this information and the Director of this feature movie we are all starring in - Stay Tuned!

If iff   

( More about Dr Moe here: )


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