Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 4 - Life as Movie and Myth

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 10/25/2012 - 09:11




Sometimes it’s hard to make a change in our lives.  It requires such stamina, a wealth of desire.  Is it any wonder many give up before they start?  The aching inside drives us forward, to a hopefully better place, where we can be relieved of our dissatisfaction.


So where do we go on this quest? Do we cross the mighty ocean?  Scale the tallest mountain? Or simply take stock of ourselves and issue another edict.  “I will not live like I did before”, “I will change the script of my life”,  “I will scale what is mine to scale, and I will go it alone if I have to”.


There is no need to go it alone.  The Great Creator is always there with a helping hand.  He is right behind you, giving a little push.  Saying things like, “You can do more if you want”, “There is much you have to offer”, “You’re just getting started”.  A gentle prodding it will be, because He’s sensitive that way.  Pushing too hard elicits resistance.  That’s not the way to go.  Gentle prodding, with generous doses of encouragement, will take you further.


It can be scary out there.  To leave the familiar shore and reach for the unknown, that takes courage.  But isn’t that what your Heart wants, to explore further and move out of the familiar to try something new?


We all have definitions of ourselves:  “My aunt said this about me, my dad said that, the teacher agreed”, and so on.  They provide us with a launching point based on what they can see.  But remember, they have limitations too.  They see what they can handle.  If there’s genius in the offing, then they are likely out of their league and someone else will have to step up to help out. More often than not, that’s our Self.


That part of us that rises later in life, needs us to take the helm, to risk, if necessary, all that we have in favor of a better, less scripted existence.  We all have more to offer than we are aware, certainly more than others may think. They can only see as far as their limitations permit.  If we are to deliver all that we have, then we have to serve it up ourselves.  By our permission do we rise!


Take that step now.  Give yourself permission to rise.  Open your Heart, see what’s inside and push a little.  It’ll come out on its own then. Once freed, it knows where to go, just like a flower knows how to reach for the sun. It’s your turn now. Let it be so.




Chapter 4: Life as Movie and Myth


The magic of time is limitless.  Each generation brings to the scene a potpourri of resources designed to stir the imagination.  Today, it is the movie theatre, a symbol of an advanced society to some, a mystery to others and a joy for most.   The screen of our real lives brings to us an abundance of mythical images.  On the screen of a theatre these Images are played out for us by heroes and heroines of all stripes engaged in the great variety of life’s many challenges.  The movie screen lights up and offers us the opportunity for another journey into our psyche.  We project our life challenges onto the movie screen where we can all take them in.  The producers do the work of rehashing the mythical themes of life.  We absorb the result and ponder what this may mean for our own lives.


In recent times, movies have become more artful, more subtle, more sophisticated and certainly more advanced.  With advances in technology and special effects, they create an illusion, take us to places we’ve never been and teach us something about ourselves in the process.  They allow us to laugh and to cry while offering us experiences that we would not have otherwise.  They expose us to a great variety of avenues offered by life. They teach us about relationships to ourselves, to others, and to the world around us. In turn, they teach us to appreciate each other.


Each vignette that lights up the movie screen carries with it a basic and hopeful message.  The human spirit is alive and well, and we can see our mythical heritage being played out on the theatre screen.  The major themes of life are cast into movies and we can appreciate them from our own perspective.  Movies advise us of life’s many avenues and innumerable possibilities.


We don’t have to live out every challenge in life.  We can watch and learn from them vicariously.  This way, we are exposed to a multiplicity of events that can affect a person’s life and see the more favorable responses played out.  In this day and age, we are witness to a multitude of mythical images delivered to us through personal experience and the experiences of others.  Pay attention! The smallest of cues may hold an important key to finding your way Home.


Mythical images have purpose. They convey a message and deliver a point.  Their many characters set the stage for what the seeker is about to learn.  We are all main characters at some point in our lives and bit players at other times.  This is the scene in which we participate and follow whenever a life lesson unfolds.  Lessons, big and small, are played out in larger than life mythical tales such as the stories of Hercules and Ulysses.  Other lessons, big or small, can show up in subtler forms such as ‘The Heart is a Lonely Hunter*.  We get a taste of everything somewhere along the way if we are living consciously.


When a man and a woman meet on the movie screen of life they set in motion the mythical imagery of the centuries gone before them.  All that has been learned about emotions and relationships are brought to the fore and played out in this new drama.  Such lessons are universal and played out repeatedly beginning with Adam and Eve moving through Romeo and Juliet, and on to today’s Harry and Sally*.


We watch; we enjoy; we appreciate.  We see ourselves as one of the characters.  We see the characters as if they are us.  We view what transpires with this couple and ourselves not realizing an old play is afoot.  These protagonists represent millions of players over the years and have been portrayed in many theatrical performances, reminding us of what has been learned about relationships to this point.


When mythical imagery enters the scene, it cuts to the core of the drama.  That is where the heart is and where the stakes are highest.  Each man and each woman, playing out their scene, are unaware that a myth is being re-enacted. When acting consciously, they can know that they are part of a larger fabric, a piece of life’s web that they are able to construct and then return the lessons learned to the whole of life experience. In so doing, we continue to invest in and refine the myths of yesteryear into the present. Movies contextualize yesterday’s myths. This is mythology in action. Myths never die, they only change form.


If mythology is fact based, then each play or movie is one representation of that fact, and one example of a particular genre of myth.  For example, the myth of the hero is the most widely known and is found in every culture. Joseph Campbell* is one researcher of myth who deciphered and described their main parameters. He clearly demonstrated that all myths are a derivative of one Master Myth, the Hero Myth, with each referring back to the basic structural sequence of “Separation, Initiation and Return”.  Heroes leave the surface world to go underground and deal with dark mysterious forces.  Once there, they go through a psychological cleansing process via the challenges they encounter and the lessons they learn about themselves. They then return to the surface of their lives enlightened, stronger, wiser and share that knowledge with the World.


Heroes and heroines often enter a path of service after having passed through their personal trials.  When they are fully healed they have much to offer.  Even if they are not, they can still be an example and teach what they have learned.  It may not be the entire heroic scenario, but their contributions will still have value.


Heroes and heroines go to the well of transformation many times.  Internally, they are brought back to that place where they are still blocked.  They move on when they surrender to the forces that guide them and follow their cleansing template.  While they are stuck, such as Prometheus’ foot in a rock, we see that they are driven and unable to take flight.  An uncompleted journey shows someone still struggling, caught by some archetype, unable to move forward until new information is at hand or some old belief is surrendered to the truth now standing before them.  A completed journey shows a man or woman at peace with themselves.


The heroic journey is paradoxical. Life brings us back to that place from which we need to free ourselves. This may be some trauma or psychic rupture from childhood that obstructed our evolutionary path. Many of our mythical stories are symbolic of this state of affairs.  Sometimes it’s a life in ruin or a state of contradiction from which the hero is trying hard to break free.  Some important new player steps in and moves us along.  As an example, a depressed young woman steps into a drug store to buy medications with the intent to overdose. An elderly man approaches her and offers a rose which someone had passed on to him. The young woman accepts the rose, leaving the drug store and her intentions of self-harm behind. She enters a nearby hospital, eyes a patient in a hallway and offers the rose. One person with one small gift made a huge difference in another person’s life. Our heroine returned to her path and resumed her journey of growth. The rose was timely and broke the spell. While paying her helper’s gift forward, she renewed her faith in life and herself.  Today, I know her to be vibrantly alive, having moved forward into a life of service.


There are many important characters in all forms of the heroic journey.  We never make it on our own.  We are guided, nudged, pushed, shoved or propelled into our unique direction.  Often, we all need a kick or a gift to get back on track. 


We do this for each other all the time, often unwittingly.  We inspire, guide and teach each other.  We motivate, challenge and support.  We are every actor and bit player.  We are all of these because we are living and breathing mythology, and we exude this power from our very core.  When we see it and feel it, it becomes magic.  At that point we know that we are one with the Creator, God, Spirit and Consciousness.


To learn more about yourself read a mythical story or two, preferably some that have themes paralleling your own life.  There are only a few versions of the main mythical adventure that are re-worked over and over again so its dominant parameters will soon become visible and familiar. That’s when we begin to see ourselves everywhere.  We follow ourselves into the next scene.  We check out of the action from time to time to review what we’ve learned, and then return to the fray prepared to learn more. 


This is a play that bears repetition. We are venerable creatures capable of much more than we realize.  We move into a more extraordinary realm of consciousness, a source of energy and thought in action, playing itself out in a never ending variety of roles and situations.  Beggar, thief, prince, pauper, Christian, Muslim, Jew are roles from which we can sample.  We try them on through identification with various characters available to us through movies, plays and books.  It is school of a sort.  We sample as much as we can.  We may identify our favorites early in the process, but not commit to them until the taste testing is over. We apply ourselves to a variety of situations, events, characters, crises, love, joy, hate.  We trade hats with each other and try on each other’s roles. At times we may be living someone else’s life vicariously, and they may be living ours.  We’re not always conscious of this, but some part of us is paying attention, as we may be reminded later.


We try on lots of roles and experiment with various patterns of behavior.  After a time, we choose our favorites, those that feel most in sync with who we are. We wear these with greater comfort and regularity.  A teacher, by nature, usually teaches.  A healer, by nature, usually heals.  Within each of these possibilities, a number of additional choices are available. These would be opportunities to specialize and develop a specific talent for personal or professional application. The great mosaic of Life reveals many amazing opportunities and achievements. We have a lifetime to polish the jewel of our talents. Practice makes perfect!


We focus on our true nature at this point.  We set out to refine our particular talents and abilities.  That means repetition from several different perspectives, with less venturing into alien territory.  That would defeat our individual purpose.  We want to be good at what we’re capable of doing, so we specialize.  This is the point.  The Creator needs specialists in all the important venues of human experience. People with experience get the job done. 


That is where we, aspiring heroes and heroines, enter the stage.  We are the ones the Creator is looking for, the ones that are required now. The Creator has called out to this Army of Light, heroes and heroines coming together in this grand mythical adventure to bring home an awakened humanity. 


This is an awesome task.  Humanity is poised on the brink of a great leap forward. The Army of Light is coming together to help usher in this new consciousness.  No one knows with any certainty how this is coming about, but many of us have felt it coming for a number of years.  We’ve seen this awareness grow and expand within the past years to include an understanding of our place on this planet and our relationship with all its inhabitants. This growing awareness is now visible in such areas as climate change, personal growth, human rights and our interdependence with each other nationally. This knowledge has been spearheaded and modeled by those of us who have broken through to the new consciousness. We are now aware that only through responsible action can we bring about meaningful change.


Mythical images prepare us for these times as do breakthrough movies like Avatar.  They teach us about many things including love, empathy, courage, perseverance, truth and honesty.  They teach us to be open and to seize new ideas and opportunities.  They teach us to recognize truth. Right now, the truth needs to be known.  Not the truth for all times, but truth for this moment. This is our task.  Some would say that we signed up for this prior to incarnating this time around. Others would say that our collective unconscious is beginning to surface. 


We can only know this in our hearts, where our individual truth lies.  No authority figures or institutions can help us here. That is why we rely on mythology as our guide.  It has an unmistakable air of truth about it, and because it resonates as being honest, it offers emotional satisfaction at the same time.  Mythical imagery is never deceptive.  It holds the truth at its core.  We need to connect to that core which is the center of our being; this is our heart center and our soul. 


We are not deceived when acting from this core.  All heroes and heroines learn this; to trust themselves, their felt version of truth, love, justice and freedom.  All mythical images have these qualities and have been relied upon throughout the centuries as a valuable resource.


The Creator, through us, wrote all these myths as guideposts to our journey here on Earth.  We can play them out and learn through the directions they provide.  We are not without hope when we have these images at our disposal.  They are the unvarnished truth.  They are ever present and come into our awareness when we are ready to receive them.  Like children screaming with delight, without reserve or judgment, they are  comprised of unbridled joy, fear, hope, loss and adventure.  They are the great emotions and spiritual awakenings of the world. They comprise the core of human experience.


Myths never fail to appease or inspire.  They provide comfort and guidance in times of disarray, chaos and uncertainty.  That time is here. As we face this new millennium, we look for hope, direction and comfort.  We want to feel safe, and myths can provide that with its indelible referents.  We are here to learn more about ourselves and each other, and myth can help us map a sound way Home.


We need myth to drive us toward our goals, to show us what can be done and to teach us how to do it.  We are here for a purpose and that purpose is to learn.  We learn about our lives through myth.  We learn that the Creator is with us and we can call that energy into our life movie at any moment.  The Creator is the inspiration behind Myth, and myths lead back to the Creator, the point of their origin and our final destination.  Full circle, we return to the beginning, the Source, which is the Creator within each and every one of us.



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