13:20 Calendar, (12.23.12): The Wind is Washing the Earth with Love!

Submitted by hollyirenecardoza on Sun, 12/23/2012 - 16:49

13:20 Calendar, (12.23.12): The Wind is Washing the Earth with Love!

ART: “Tree Of Love With Hearts And Wind”, www.wallpaperswide.com

MUSIC: “Down in the River To Pray” Playlist by guapo2525, http://tiny.cc/uqnspw

“Come On, People! Raise the Vibration!”

♥ 11:11 MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN (Word of Love, The Way of the EarthStar, Universal & Spiritual Laws of Creator):
DAY: UNCI HINHAN, Grandmother Owl, Awakens Inner Wisdom and Remembrance in the THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF LIGHT, SOUND, & VIBRATION. Sun, Manitou Day, Violet Crown Star, Essence of Freedom. “Peoples, call that LIGHT, which you call Love; for the LIGHT OF LOVE is the power of your unfoldment.....that joy that nourishes you is your LIGHT.”
Code for the Day: http://tiny.cc/yyjspw

★ 12:12 UNCI IKTOMI WICAHPI WICOHAN (Word of Alignment, The Way of the StarSpider, Universal & Spiritual Laws of Universal Mother):
CEREMONY: REBIRTHING, Spiritual Attunement and Star Activation. Manifest Realm: ANI TSU TSA, PLEIADES, The Seven Sisters with ZITKANA SAN, Red Bird (Cardinal), WINYAN SAKOWIN, The Seven Sisters, and IKTOMI WAKAN, Sacred Spider ✡. “Becoming a star, is waking up to SPIRIT.....to wake up: PRAY.”

☮13:13: CAN WAKAN WICHON (Word of Peace, The Way of the Sacred Tree, Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creation, The Inner Akasha):
ANTAKARANA, UNIVERSAL LAW OF UNITY, 13th Dimension Yin: BUDDHA’S PRESENCE with UNCI IKTOMI Grandmother Spider, 12 CORDS OF LIFE Within Reflective Core, ANTAKARANA Love, The Good Heart. Star DNA Activation = Skull, Star Path = Grandmother StarSpider

MOON: GOOD HEART, CANTE WASTE HANHEPI WI, Center, Door of Creator, in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF UNITY with the ANTAKARANA “The Web of Life, Tree of Life, The Mother’s Heart, The Center Pole Love, Antakarana binds Central Sun to Mother Earth’s glowing Heart.” 13th Dimension, Green

SEASON: HEALING, HUPAHU LUTA OMAKA, with HUPAHU LUTA, RedWing Lady Bug, Rays Healing Energy, CHIRON, Opens Heart Portals, and SHEKINAH, Invokes Spirit of Healing, Gold

STARGATE: LOVE, THE GOOD HEART, “Reach Tops of Tree, 13th Moon and 13th Gate: Set yourself free: Non-judgment, Non-attachment, Clarity--live Ascension’s Web.”
www.star-knowledge.net & www.starelders.net

RED MAGNETIC MOON, Kin 209, Purifies Universal Water, Self-Guided, Red Rhythmic Dragon Moon, Kali 11, “ The Cosmic History information core operates through four basic channels streaming from the primary sources of the galaxy, connecting the different galactic systems.”

“I Unify in Order to Purify,
Attracting Flow.
I Seal the Process of Universal Water
With the Magnetic Tone of Purpose.
I Am Guided by My Own Power Doubled.”

www.lawoftime.org, www.13moon.com, www.timewaves.org, www.spacestationplaza.com, www.planetartnetwork.info

IK’, Wind, North, Airy, Spiritual, Breath of Spirit/Life, Power of Communication, Dissemination of Positive Thoughts & Ideas, Power behind the Movement of Natural Cycles, Tone 6 with XIUHTECUHTLI, God of Fire and Time, Ruler of the First Day of the Trecena, and the First Day and First Heaven of the Galactic Underworld, Initiation, Sowing

DAY UNTIL SUNSET: MAZATL, Deer. Agility, Instinct, Intuition, Perception, Sensibility, Fauna. Activated by the Energy of the Sun, Messenger of Love & Peace from the Grandfathers. Companion to TLALOK, What the Earth Drinks, the Water from On High in All of Its Manifestations. Principal Action to Fertilize & Produce Sustenance. Belongs to the Context of the Science of Life, KETZALKOATL, Uniting Two Life-Generating Actions--Heat & Water.

DAY AFTER SUNSET: TOCHTLI, Rabbit, Our Multiplicity & Taste Perception, Fertility of the Earth and All Living Beings by the Lunar Influence. Very Independent, Yet Always Giving To & Providing for Others. Companion to MAYAUAL, She Who Lives in the Maguey. Protector & Proportions Incalculable Ways of Producing, Obtaining, & Maintaining Home, Dress, & Sustenance. Heart of Honey, Abundance in All Things.

PERIOD: PANKETZALIZTLI: Raising of the Precious Standards, UITZILOPOCHTLI, The Will

YEAR: TEKPATL, Flint, Our Tongue, Word, Profound, Pointed & Sharp, Profound Method of Study & Analysis to Produce Enduring Concepts, Companion with CHALCHIUTOTOLIN Jade Turkey, Force of Action, Vanity of Humans, Teaches to Sacrifice the Eyes & Ego to Be a Torch of Light--not Smoke and to Be a Mirror for Others by Seeing with Your Heart
www.aztekayolokalli.com, Mazatzin Aztekayolokalli http://on.fb.me/A3Rd10, & kozkakuautli@gmail.com


♥★☮ <---LOVE, LIGHT, & PEACE

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