The Angel News Network Weekly Message

Submitted by Angel News Network on Sun, 05/05/2013 - 18:48

Welcome to The Angel News Network 

Bringing the Wisdom and Teachings of the Divine Realms to Humanity 


In continuing our mission to lend support and guidance to you on your pathway we now share our weekly message with you. These messages come through spiritual channels associated with The Angel News Network that we feel may enrich our audience. 

Current Events, News and Notes 

Gathering with Archangel Michael 
with Trance Channel Jeff Fasano 
May 30th 7pm-9pm 

This is a sacred gathering, bringing together like-minded and spirited individuals, to experience trance channel Jeff Fasano as he brings in the energy of Archangel Michael. It is an interactive gathering as Michael connects to us with a group message then individually you will be able to speak with him and receive a personal message. This will be an ongoing group and meet every other Thursday evening at: 

The Path Spiritual Learning Center 
800 Torrance Blvd. 
Redondo Beach California 90277 
$20 for the evening 

We Consciousness Workshop 
Free Introduction 
May 9th 

Are you ready to take the next step to bring your endeavors, your teaching modalities and your passion out into the world? 

This year 2013 is the year where we fully entrain ourselves to We Consciousness. As many of you know on 12/21/12 a gateway opened to a new golden age, the age of We Consciousness. This was a significant point in our evolutionary process on this earthly plain, so we have decided to bring a workshop to you based on a series of conversations we had with Archangel Michael about We Consciousness. It is a "how to" to take your endeavors out into the world in We Consciousness. 

On May 9th 2013 we will facilitate a FREE Introduction to this seven week workshop that will begin on May 16th 2013. If this resonates for you, you can go to the EVENTS section on our site by clicking on this link for all the information. 

We Consciousness Workshop: 

E Book Special 

The six books in our library were created to bring universal wisdom from the higher realms to humanity. All the information in these books were communicated directly to us and the teachings are of great support as we move on our pathway through life. With this in mind, and at a time of great change in the world, we feel it is important that the teachings in these books be available to everyone. So we have created what we are calling our "E Book Special". If this interests you, please click on this link below that will take you to our special offer for all the info you need to purchase the ebooks of your choice. 

E Book Special: 

If you would like to learn more about our books and purchase the paper copy of each book please click on thus link for all the information you need. 

Our Books: 

Archangel Michael's 2013 Outlook is on our home page. You can read Michael's message and listen to it as well. This is an overview of what we can continue to expect throughout the year. 

You can see all of this as well as everything we offer to you. 
So Please visit our site 

Teachings of Archangel Michael 
Channeled and Scribed by Jeff Fasano 

The Transition 
Part One 

From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael and we come to you at this wonderful and most glorious time as you continue moving deeper within your heart space. You are opening to the greatness of self, the wonderment of self, the perfectness of self and the all-encompassing we-ness of self. You are opening to depths of your heart space you have never known before. In the time/space continuum in your third dimension outside of you, universal energetic patterns are now opening as you reach the end of your first four months of 2013. You have moved through a cleansing and clearing process as We said to you in our overview or outlook for your year of 2013. As you move into the heart of 2013, the next four months, will be the transition process into full We Consciousness. 

We harken back to your 12/21/12 where a portal, a doorway, opened for you to step into we consciousness and release the remnants of the narcissism of the me. For many of you it was to raise your consciousness to the narcissism of the me where everything is about me. Many of you are choosing to move into a new world of community, harmony and equality as the light worker and way shower and move into we consciousness of that and we consciousness within the self. This is where you are an all encompassing self and fully honor, value and love yourself, your talents and gifts and connecting with your life's purpose to complete your mission that your soul fragment has dutifully incarnated itself in this third dimensional realm. Many of you are opening up to this fact and some of you are living this fact. 

We are coming to you at this wonderful and most glorious time as you move into the transition period, the heart of your year of 2013. So We ask you, can you see up to this point in time what you have released in your life and where you have grown within you and your relationships? Where are you energetically in your physical being-ness? Where is your resonance and vibration at this point in time? Is it at a high vibration? Are you still consumed with drama and glamour? Are you still consumed with aspects of your life that hold you in the old habits, patterns and rituals? Are you consumed with old-ness in your life? Are you consumed with what is transpiring in your third dimensional realm outside of you that raises the issues to be released? 

You are moving into a great depth of the truth and essence of you. By looking at what you have been conditioned to believe though what is transpiring in your third dimension and the myth and illusions of it, you can see how you are consumed by the myths and illusions of that and within you. These are the myths and illusions that pertain to your relationships outside of you. So We ask you, in this period of time, the first four months of 2013, what have you released so you can raise your resonance and vibration and move into the heart of 2013, the transition period? This is the next four months that will bring you to the last four months that will move you into the full fruition of We Consciousness. 

We ask you: 
Where does drama and glamour still persist in your life? 
Where are you creating drama and glamour in your life that makes you feel alive? 

What you are doing as you move through your personal process is releasing the old entrainment of the nervous system. For many of you, your nervous system has been entrained through drama and glamour. Your nervous system is thus titillated when you look outside of you and gives your life meaning. As you move through your personal process you move to a place of neutrality. In this place, you are neutral, grounded and centered with what is transpiring in your life and using your "spiritual" principles, your "spiritual" tools, your "spirituality" you say encompasses you. Yet this may allude you through your old conditioning and what you believe that is fraught with drama and glamour. Where are you within all of this? It is time to move into neutrality. 

We ask you: 
Are you looking outside of you to get something that will make you feel alive? 
Are you looking outside of you to get a feeling? 
What are you doing when you look outside of you? 
What are you looking to get outside of you that you may not think already resides within you? 
Are you continually looking outside of you to create drama and glamour around you in relationships? 

We Consciousness begins within you. It is inside of you. In order to move into we consciousness in relationship with others, it must reside within you first. We consciousness within is releasing duality within you. This is either/or, right or wrong, good or bad, this or that. As you move within to the depth of the core aspects of you, where are you still creating myth and illusion outside of you that is based upon the conditioning that you have learned most likely, from mom and dad? 

You are moving through a period of self introspection. In order for you to move forward in your year of 2013 on the path of the light worker and way shower to create a new world of community, harmony and equality outside of you, first move within you in authenticity, transparency and truthfulness. Look at your relationships outside of you. The reason We ask you to do this is because it is these relationships that are a mirror for the relationship you are having with yourself. If you cannot see it within you, the only way for most of you to see it is for it to be mirrored back to you by others. Are you open to see what is mirrored back to you by others? Look at the relationships in your life right now and ask yourself, can I see me in those relationships? Am I open to see me when others present me to me? Am I open to see the mirror outside of me? 

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