Freedom and Independence

Submitted by Angel News Network on Wed, 07/10/2013 - 04:32

The Angel News Network


Divine Discussions


On July 4 2013 in our Divine Discussions segment on In the Spirit Radio hosted by Gary Goldberg we connected with Archangel Michael who spoke to us about freedom and independence. Joel Anastasi then engaged Michael in a wonderful divine discussion. 


Freedom and Independence

with Archangel Michael

channeled by Jeff Fasano


From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael and We welcome at this wonderful and most glorious time as you move into grandness of self, greatness of self and oneness of self and the uniqueness of self. You are now gathering and celebrating on your day of uniqueness, your day of independence, your day of individuation. This is what the path is and the process is as you move though an ascension process into freedom of self. We will touch upon this as We speak to you about freedom of self.


We ask you this question, do you know what true freedom is, freedom of self, freedom within yourself?  It is about taking responsibility for yourself as you begin to celebrate the powerfulness of self, the uniqueness of self and the greatness of self and moving into We Consciousness.


You heretofore have been living a life that is based upon following the herd known as herd consciousness. Looking at your deified mythical leaders to lead you to the promise land, in some way, shape or form making them the figurehead of mom and dad.  On this day that you are celebrating independence, individuality, it is time if you so choose to look in the mirror at yourself and ask, am I truly free? This is not related to the old paradigms outside of you or the old structures that are related to yourself. Do you feel free? Do you celebrate you? Do you love you? Do you honor you? Do you honor your greatness? Are you taking full responsibility for your life? If in fact you are in full independence you are moving into a greatness of self, a powerfulness of self, a lovingness of self where you honor and value you. Where you are not dependent on anything or anyone outside of you. If in fact you are celebrating independence, where are you still dependent on those outside of you? Where are you still dependent on the old paradigms outside of you, the mythical leaders that say: Choose me and I will lead you to the promise land.   Is this a form of dependency dear ones?  


On this wonderful and most glorious day you are celebrating independence, where are you independent? If in fact you are truly here to live your greatness in your powerfulness, true freedom is individuality. Are you ready to move within the depth and breadth of your heart space to release what holds you in dependence of others? Are you independent or are you still dependent on those outside of you? Are you still dependent on the old paradigms outside of you?


It is now about moving into a place of we consciousness, the new paradigm, we consciousness where the individual is celebrated.  Are you being celebrated in the old paradigm? Your uniqueness is celebrated in we consciousness and the only way you will know if you are unique is to move within and discover and remember who you are. So We ask you, who are you? Are you independent, or are you still depending upon others in the old paradigm?


Joel: The United States was the defined as being a place where freedom and equality were the ground-stones of what the new society would be. 


Michael: What is transpiring on your earthly plain, on the geographical location you call the United States? Is it united? Is it united in we consciousness?

The old paradigms are shifting and changing and the individuals who inhabit the geographical location you call the United States are realizing the myth and folly of the old. The premise of the geographical location that formed into a united state is still there, but has been fragmented by the narcissism of the me through the ego based aspect of the self for power and control. So We ask each and every individual, are you truly free?   


It is now about looking at the old paradigms. What you can see is truths being revealed about the old paradigms, the old governmental systems, the old political systems.  It is not a secular dualistic society, meaning, this is what it is and everything else is subservient to that. It is now about looking at what is outside of you and asking youself: Does it resonate or doesn’t it? You are seeing an upheaval in your third dimensional realm on your earthly plane in the microcosm you call the United States.   The myths, legends and folly’s are being shown to you and what We are here to bring you is not so much looking out side of you in the third dimension and placing your energy and importance on that. We, the frequency that comes from the Archangelic Realm of Michael is based upon you looking at you to see your uniqueness, powerfulness as the individual. This is the premise on which your United States was formed. Individual freedom to speak and express the truth, full self expression. Is there full self expression?


Joel: The founding of the United States is divinely inspired and this is being threated by the truths that are being revealed.


Michael: It is not so much about threatening.  When you utilize the term threatening, it is a term of opposition, a term of duality. It is about simply observing and why We bring to you the teachings that bring you to the depth and breadth of you to raise your level of resonance and vibration. It is all about vibration and resonance.  In your laws of Quantum Physics it is simply about lower levels of energy entraining to higher levels of energy. What is transpiring outside of you in the third dimensional realm, the dense aspects, frequencies and dense vibration, your third dimension is of a lower vibrational energy. It is now about entraining yourself to higher levels of resonance and vibration through truth, honesty, impeccability and integrity and shifting mass consciousness through this.  It is not so much about placing your focus on what is transpiring in the third dimensional realm because that is the microcosm. What We are bringing to you is the powerfulness of the individual. When each individuated soul moves within to raise their level of resonance and vibration, they then can gather together en masse to raise their level of resonance and vibration based upon their truth.  As you raise the level of resonance and vibration, lower levels of resonance outside of you shifts and changes. If in fact you are truly talking about We Consciousness, it is not so much about looking outside of you to change what is happening outside of you, it is about lending your energy to what is happening outside of you. How much of your energy do you lend to that which no longer resonates?  What may be transpiring is so. If in fact you lend energy to it and mass consciousness lends energy to it, it will stay alive. It only can stay alive based upon how much energy it has and is received from outside of itself.    


It is now about moving within, moving from the outer to the inner. Taking and journey within and asking yourself: Is what is transpiring outside of me resonating with me or not? It is about creating a new world of we consciousness, of community, harmony, and equality. Move within to the depth and breadth of your heart space and fully understand, see, remember and discover the powerfulness of the independent individual that needs to express itself through it self, through the God force.   When you do this you will then realize the lower, dense vibrations outside of you and ask: Does this resonate for me? Does that correspond to my truth? If it doesn’t, ask yourself: How much time and energy am I expending on that which no longer resonates for me? As each individual moves within and does the inner work, they can congregate together to shift the consciousness of the masses to that of peace, community, harmony, equality, truth in We Consciousness.   Creating a new paradigm, that is of full resonance where the uniqueness of the individual is celebrated.  


Joel: How much of our lives is spent on what we do resonate with and what we don’t.


Michael: It is done through feelings. It is done through fear, and creating aspects of that trigger the old wounded aspects of the self, the wounded aspects of the wounded inner child. This is what those outside of you are appealing to, the wounds. The wounds of the wounded inner child, the five year old, seven year old, eight year old that only knows survival and life and death. When the powers that be outside of you in the mythical aspects of your third dimensional realm create aspects of fear that generate the primal feelings of the wounded inner child that is looking for mom and dad to keep them alive, the mythical leaders then come in and say “follow me.” “Follow me little boy, little girl. I will lead you to the promise land.”  Now it is about moving within to the depth and breadth of that wounded little girl and boy and re-parenting them through you. Moving within to a depth of resonance and feeling.    


The first step is, if and when something outside of you is transpiring outside of you in the third dimensional realm, ask yourself: How does that make me feel? What feelings does it bring up inside of me? Do I feel frightened? Do I feel angry? Be with these feelings and move within and ask: Does it resonate for me or doesn’t it?


In order to move to this place an inordinate amount of process work needs to be done to move within to the depth and breadth of your heart to access this. As you are celebrating a day of independence it is also about moving into a place of trust.   Those outside of you, mom and dad are asking you to trust them because they have your best interest at hand. It is time to move within to the depth and breadth of your heart space to grow up as the adult to begin to trust your intuition. Does it resonate? Does it not resonate?  It is about remaining in your heart space as opposed to the conditioning of the mental body. Resonance is not in the mental body, it is in the heart space. It is trusting your intuition and what is happening in the depth and breadth of you. Trusting you. Does it resonate? Doesn’t it resonate? Trusting that you can remain in the depth and breadth of your heart and ask yourself: If it doesn’t resonate how does it make me feel?  If it does resonate, how does it make me feel? Moving within the depth of you based upon your truth that is a universal truth of peace, love, community, harmony and equality. By utilizing these parameters as your benchmark ask: Is what is transpiring based upon truth, love, peace, community, harmony and equality? If you so chose utilize this as your benchmark to see what is transpiring outside of you, not solely with the geographical location you call America.     


Joel: Let Joy and ease guide you on your path. It is so simple.


Michael: It is simple. Yet it is the conditioning in the metal body that brings complexity to it. It comes down to control and power. It is simple in your heart space: resonance, non- resonance. It is simple in your heart space, but it is through the conditioning in your mental body that brings complexity to the simplicity. It is through the conditioning in the mental body that brings complexity to ease and joy. It is about releasing the conditioning in the mental body through moving into the depth and breadth of your heart space. For it is simple, it is very simple.


Joel: We can’t begin to understand the degree to which we have been conditioned. We underestimate the degree to which we cannot clearly see who we are because we have been so conditioned and shamed by all the influences we have grown up through.


Michael: This is the precise reason We come to you and bring you the various bodies of teachings to enable you to move within the depth and breadth of your heart space. Giving you the tools in a personal process that can move you to self empowerment. This is a place where no one nor anything outside of you affects you. It is based upon your truth. What We mean by this is: it does have an affect on you because it brings up feelings inside of you. You are the creators of your life and this is not dependent on anyone or anything outside of you. It is about directing your will for life through the excitation for life though love, peace, community, harmony, and equality, uniqueness. It is about remembering and re-discovering who you are, your talents and gifts, and the divine essence of you.   The teachings, the lessons, the exercises and the messages that We have brought to you give you the tools to move within the depth and breadth of your heart space to release the conditioning in the mental body. And purify your inner self so you open up to the greatness, the powerfulness, and the uniqueness of who you are.


On this day that you celebrate independence are you fully celebrating your independence? Do you know what true freedom is?    


Freedom is not something you need to protect. Freedom is not something you fight for. Freedom is a natural aspect of the self. You are naturally free. True freedom is full self responsibility, taking care of you individually and taking responsibility for yourself. Being responsible for you. True freedom is understanding who you are. True freedom is understanding and knowing your uniqueness. True freedom and independence is you fully expressing the depth and breadth of the Christ Consciousness within you. True freedom is knowing your divine essence. True freedom is a natural state of being-ness. Do you need to fight to be you? Perhaps through your wounds. Do you need to protect you to be you? It is not something that is protected, that is fought for, it is a natural, organic state of being-ness. It is up to you if you so choose to move within to the depth and breadth of your heart space to rediscover and remember the depth and breadth of your divine essence.       







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