Giselle Koy ~ The Gift of the Lion's Gate

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sat, 08/10/2013 - 13:15


We are Entering the Golden Glow


Yes, here in the Tuscan Valley it is easy to see my great work. For amidst the centuries of corruption and upheaval there have been splendid periods of grace and peace. Harmony has been struck and achieved artistically, despite the perversion of power. But see it as a victory for the light. For the light has won and will continue to win.


It is the light that all the renaissance painters worked with and the light that was the precious medium, the light that illuminated the sightings of celestial beings, angelic orders and the Christed Way seen in these masterful works.


And it is the light now, reaching you at the end of its 7 year journey to you, a gift from the heavens and from my representative, the Great Central Sun.


Light that was created to be delivered just now at this perfect time – light infused with the codes that have been missing for millennium, all part of this grand experiment.


Give yourself time to absorb these new codes, just allow. The wayshowers have been trained to use effort for so long. It is challenging for many of you to Let Go and let the light transform you. For the truth is, you have transformed into light – collectively speaking. Your light bodies are in and can be ascended.


Don’t expect to know how to operate and activate all your new skills at once but do relax in the knowing that my plan, God’s Plan is unfolding and God is the True Benevolence.


God assures with kindness, the deliverance of all suffering into the miraculous achievement and manifestation of all the heart desires.


So feel your hearts, let them do the driving for that is how and where you will witness your continued ascension in to the light. God is with you, every step of the way and wanting all that you want in the most powerful way.


It is time.


Let Go and Receive this Light!


The gift of the lion’s gate is a new energy available to us or rather surrounding us now. It is a cosmic golden glow, a field of Christ Consciousness shining us up. When you hear that this is the time to shine, do not feel the pressure of being in the spotlight with your “A” game but rather, feel your heart shine out from your being.




We are Entering the Golden Glow


What is the Gold of the Golden Age?


The Grand Alchemy or the Ascension of Planet Earth is the birth of the New Golden Age. The Gold is the energetic glow from the full illumination of the golden grid of Christ Consciousness, activated and well, glowing.


The gift is multi-dimensional and can be expressed in many ways as we experience it personally and collectively.


The Leo Moon is about shining – if you are not feeling “it” be patient for the true gift of the lion’s gate and all her feminine ferociousness is the golden virtue of Benevolence.


For the greatest news of all is that it is happening regardless of our efforts. A great gift indeed because the Universal Law Of Love states that what we want most is what is most wanted for us This fact alone can help to relax you – to lay down your sword, your worry and allow God’s Plan to unfold before your very eyes.


See yourself as already having made it. Yes, there is work to be done – but take this pause, this moment to just shine the light from your heart in every moment and however that appears in your day. We don’t have to prove anything or be on center-stage but only in our great sun-sized hearts.


Truly knowing this is the gift of True Benevolence and it has already been given!


Delivered through Giselle Koy

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