Giselle Koy

Giselle Koy: The Metaphysics of the Oscars

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Tue, 04/01/2014 - 07:48

Hollywood is changing. Off planet intelligence recognizes that this is where higher messages get broadcast through the masses and collective consciousness. We are already witnessing phenomena on film which is directly from Pleidian and Andromedan sources, such as some of the CGI (special effects) work now appearing in many science fiction movies. 

Giselle Koy - The Effectiveness of the Platinum Ray

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sun, 03/02/2014 - 13:27

The Platinum Ray enters the Earth’s magnetosphere and passes through every grid surrounding Earth including all fear based grids. It reboots light grids; repairing and restoring tears, weak spots, holes and fissures.

With each grid it penetrates, it snaps to, reconfigures and reorganizes all energy patterns in association thereof. It passes though the Earth’s oceans which are grids themselves.

It seeks and finds its frequency match within the crystalline core of the Earth thereby making a pure connection from the Earth’s Core to the Galactic Core.

The pulsing happens at a mathematical rate based on a celestial ratio of the The Perfectual Harmonic.

We feel it as the quickening within our own fields. Events, circumstances, thoughts and actions begin to reconfigure to the these new codes. Those who are actively ascending understand this clearing energy yet others may experience it as chaos.

Giselle Koy - This Unique Window of Time - 2014

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Tue, 02/04/2014 - 09:04

Remember to Walk as Royalty of the Light. In this Royal Procession of Ascension, we walk calmly and regally for the glory is pervasive throughout all life forms and planetary systems.

Grace has been the secret ingredient for so long, the catapult for each and every victory that brought us out of our sleep and into the full light of consciousness.

Yes, we are in the sites of the Holy Beam, locked on to our destinies and ready to take the steps into fully inhabiting our missions.

This year, 2014, holds the door open for all those ready to fully inhabit their planetary mission work. But look not for a grandiose role to step into but that which you already know and is truly unique to you. We are not all speaking on the platforms but we are all emissaries of the light, so let the light shine through your work. Let love and kindness be the way, helpful to humanity.

Ask that your gifts be open like a present and shared with the world in their highest format.

Giselle Koy ~ The Reign of God ~ November Update

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sat, 11/16/2013 - 08:24

The Reign of God is upon us, showering us, surrounding us, penetrating us in every way.

After the transformative November 3 eclipse, there is a clear pulse. One not littered with disharmonic frequencies but here for all individuals to know and feel their spiritual evolution, their place within divine order and their role in the Ascension Plan.

Sit in Your Holy Beam Daily.

Declare Your Presence On the Ascension Team.

Roll Up the Safety Net and Go For It! You are ready!

Eons of evolution are culminating in this moment. The transforming eclipse helped put some finishing touches on many especially in the area of ego attachments and disruptions. It was a shaking loose of all energies needing to be shaken of.

Giselle Koy: A Message from St. Germain

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Mon, 09/02/2013 - 09:10

Let us dazzle you as you have dazzled us. For the work we do which might amaze you is no less a wonderment than what you, the lightworking citizens of Planet Earth have done.


Yes, we are pulling out all the stops now—embodying, walking in, stepping in wherever we may be needed. The Light has won and we are “Creating the New.” As you may not see it immediately, be aware that there is a lag time. For the air is dense at “sea” level or shall we say it is dense for those who have yet to “see.”


Yes, there are many viewpoints to see your current state of affairs and unrest on the planet but as you well know, there is always a higher viewpoint and that is the one we see from, as well as many of you.


So let us dazzle and do a few things you cannot as you have done the things we could not. Victory of the Light has been achieved. Please be entertained by the unfolding of the Ascension Play on Planet Earth.


Your Man of Wonder,

St. Germain

Channeled by Giselle Koy

Giselle Koy ~ The Gift of the Lion's Gate

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sat, 08/10/2013 - 13:15


We are Entering the Golden Glow


Yes, here in the Tuscan Valley it is easy to see my great work. For amidst the centuries of corruption and upheaval there have been splendid periods of grace and peace. Harmony has been struck and achieved artistically, despite the perversion of power. But see it as a victory for the light. For the light has won and will continue to win.


It is the light that all the renaissance painters worked with and the light that was the precious medium, the light that illuminated the sightings of celestial beings, angelic orders and the Christed Way seen in these masterful works.


And it is the light now, reaching you at the end of its 7 year journey to you, a gift from the heavens and from my representative, the Great Central Sun.


Light that was created to be delivered just now at this perfect time – light infused with the codes that have been missing for millennium, all part of this grand experiment.


Giselle Koy - It's Never Too Late: A Message from Krishna

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sun, 07/07/2013 - 08:23

I am one of the members of the celestial management team. I have epochs of popularity and for some I am a guiding and original force. For those that resonate with me are the passionate Sirians – the blue people and galactic romantics.

For I represent the romance with God.
Christ is for salvation.
Buddha is for equanimity and peace.
Krishna is for falling in love with God.

My habitat is one of beauty with flowers from Venus and of course the Gopi Goddesses who represent beauty, the divine feminine as they flow rivers of devotion.

For many centuries, these rivers off devotion were the only thing to ride on to God – the energy was dense here but these waters were magnetized so that you could put your life raft on them and be carried by truth and faith. For many, what was once these great rivers of connection would now be considered merely drops because the energies now are far greater and a million times more potent.

But what does that say about mankind? It says that his spark of God within himself cannot be extinguished. For merely drops of divine flow were enough for him to devote his life to the calling.

Giselle Koy - It's Never Too Late: A Message from Krishna

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sun, 07/07/2013 - 08:23

I am one of the members of the celestial management team. I have epochs of popularity and for some I am a guiding and original force. For those that resonate with me are the passionate Sirians – the blue people and galactic romantics.

For I represent the romance with God.
Christ is for salvation.
Buddha is for equanimity and peace.
Krishna is for falling in love with God.

My habitat is one of beauty with flowers from Venus and of course the Gopi Goddesses who represent beauty, the divine feminine as they flow rivers of devotion.

For many centuries, these rivers off devotion were the only thing to ride on to God – the energy was dense here but these waters were magnetized so that you could put your life raft on them and be carried by truth and faith. For many, what was once these great rivers of connection would now be considered merely drops because the energies now are far greater and a million times more potent.

But what does that say about mankind? It says that his spark of God within himself cannot be extinguished. For merely drops of divine flow were enough for him to devote his life to the calling.

Giselle Koy - The Ancients: A Letter of Introduction from Light Systems

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sun, 06/16/2013 - 07:36



In a way, we exist much like potential timelines. Here and ephemeral, constantly glimmering in and out of your frame of existence–but here nonetheless, for we are The Ancients. That might be the first name for us in a list of many.


For we are giants.
But do not try and put a measurement on us for you cannot. We do not bother to maintain the shape of beings, for we are Star Systems—
Like a blaze of the borealis—
But infinite in size.
But specific nonetheless.
Of the Borealix Clan

Creator Gods swim in our vibratory waters for refreshment and light infusions. We are the flow, cause and effect of light. Its creation, its beam, its landing site. We hold sway over energetic influence in the cosmos. We are “play” to its highest destiny because at some level—existence is purely for the joy of itself.

And joy is always available to any dimension—we make sure of that.

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