Giselle Koy

Giselle Koy - The Great Unscramble: An Ascension Update

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Wed, 06/05/2013 - 08:37


The Great Unscramble and the New Configuration

Ascension Update June 2013


It is with chaotic energy upon Earth now that energy is able to shake itself free. All will feel it to some degree as our realities shift before our very eyes.


You may feel it as chaos or confusion in your life or as unexpected events that can throw you off balance.


A new template is now overlaid and yet the discordant energy is not yet quelled.


This will change mid-summer, where blue skies will prevail and we will look upon the lands with a calmer eye—one in which we can see clear to our tasks of creation and watch them flow with the ease of a sailboat floating across a perfect sea.


Along with energies scrambling before their unscrambling are the mathematical codes and other light codes that are being gifted to Planet Earth.


These are coming through in unexpected ways – through words strung together, through music—through anyway that the Celestial and Holy Hierarchy can aid us in our Ascension Process.


Codes are designed to have impact upon contact, meaning you may not be aware you are receiving these electronic adjustments but you are benefitting nonetheless. Fear not for codes being manipulated by forces other than the light for that is one of the great purposes of light code—to unscramble all that is not of the light and to dissolve all manipulative coding that has been going on for far too long.


Yes, look for more clarity and an easier time of creation for the “air ways” will be much clearer soon.


But of course do your part in this conscious co-creation of our newly minted world by keeping your vibrations high.


See Mastery with New Eyes

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Fri, 05/24/2013 - 09:06


Living with New Levels of Light

The New Expression of Mastery


Once we begin to manifest easily in the 3D, all that we desire and once it becomes easy, there are adjustments to be made.


New levels of joy, prosperity and abundance must be metabolized and synthesized. Once one finds oneself gifted with the greatest of a heart’s desire, how does one embrace that joy? How does one go beyond the feeling of “too good to be true?”


Well it is up to the light to do this.
There is a gap, or a synthesis period. For as your vehicles hold more and more light –the expression of this light needs new Avenues.


What does that look like? We are now beyond “Making the Dream Happen” and into “What is My Dream?”


Yes, those who have gone before us have certainly lit the way. Yet now we find ourselves at the threshold of that new domain.


All new dreams are now steeped in and around “Mastery.” All that you desire now is rooted in Mastery:  Mastering this 3D, 5D and on to the 7 reality. For what cannot be had with Mastery?


Abundance, Health, Destiny, Peace, Harmony, Right Relationship, etc. Yes, the Kingdome of Heaven and more.


Let they work be the work of a Master and Mastery Shall be Yours.


It is in every second. It is not rigid. Mastery flows through you, like a great river. Undefined, fluid, yet powerful. Sometimes it is a drop on a pond and sometimes a raging river—but it is a flow.


See Mastery with new eyes. See it when it happens in others.


See Mastery as righteous—as in the right use of energy. See beyond all that you see with your eyes.


See yourself as a Walking Master.


A Message from the Light via Giselle Koy


Platinum Ray Report May 2013

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 07:04


I am infused in every particle of Platinum here on Planet Earth Now.


This metal has served to seed my consciousness and stabilize it in the physical dimension of Planet Earth. See all platinum on Earth and its lambency being animated now.


Although I come from another galaxy, it was essential to have a grounding and resonant physical frequency. There are other substances in the mineral and crystal kingdom that serve similar properties and allow galactic frequencies to find resonance here.


As you know, resonance is an aspect of ascension—it is the bridge of one thing to another. It is how merging happens and ascension is just a process of continually merging with higher dimensions.


Hail ye the mighty Platinum Ray and the deposits on Earth assisting with Ascension!







Where to Find the Twin Flame Union - A Message from Jesus via Giselle Koy

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Tue, 04/23/2013 - 20:14


It is I, Himself, representing the Divine Masculine.

A word to the Divine Feminine:  As you ask Him to show up in your life, so shall He show up.

It shall not be the job of the Divine Feminine to birth this Man—it is not her job.

Women, hold space for men to make their transition but do not feel the need to nurture them like children. Notice how they “show up” in life.” That is what is being called for. For how they show up tells you everything.

As beggars, as children, as wounded men, as patriarchal, abusive, disrespectful—OR as strong, solid, inner directed/connected, empowering, supportive, creative men. Men who have direction. These are the men we call for and these are the men we will see showing up for just as the divine feminine is embodying so too is the divine masculine.

Yes, these higher beings are stepping in – Be Patient and Hold Vigil. This is the high ground where many twin flames will find each other. Yes, higher selves, higher beings, embodying.   

Face to face, eye to eye and melted in an embrace—in balance, joy and forward motion into a higher form of love in which divine destiny work can be done.

Spring Update: The Great Receiving

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Fri, 04/12/2013 - 09:03

A Message from the Divine Feminine and Venus


Venus, the Goddess of Love with a message here for all virgins near the springs during this spring. I say Virgin meaning a certain purity and potency for Seeding creation—Housing creation—Receiving creation. Yes, this happens through the Door of Love and  the Goddess as the energetic field of receptivity.


Receptivity in motion. Receptivity for the conceiving. To Receive in the Way of the Goddess. This spring there is a high calling for high conceiving—in new and great beings of light coming and new and great ideas and teachings of the light as well as new and great light systems.


Birth Mothers and Light Mothers prepare to receive for it is the time of the Great Conception and the Bringing of the Great Concepts—All Through Great Receiving.


Renew thyselves for the New Golden Age of Creation.


Receive the man, not as the patriarchal authority figure nor the Peter Pan promiscuous plaything—but the man who possesses the strength, the warmth and the caring love of support as mirrored consciousness.

The Light Legacy of the Platinum Ray

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sun, 04/07/2013 - 10:36


Do you know the freedom that comes from committing your life to the embodiment of mastery on Planet Earth?


It is the greatest of freedoms because it frees you from the bondage of anything still vibrating in lower frequency. It gives you the kindness, the grace and the loving force to navigate here, leaving a trail of golden light – the path for others to follow and find their way. What greater legacy?


With the torch of light you are holding in front of you and a trail of light behind you – you have arrived in the beacon of God’s Holy Light and the light of the inner sun inside you. You have arrived in your Moment of Mastery, the gift of the Platinum Ray.


~ The Platinum Ray via Giselle Koy

The Christed Ray: Today and Everyday, In Everyman

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sat, 03/30/2013 - 18:49


The Story of Easter and The Christed Ray: What the Sweeping Winds Truly Bring


Just as rumor, suspicion and upheaval spread throughout Rome in March in the Year of One, so too have the energies been stirred up in March in the Year of 2013.

For what is the nature of a sweep but to clear all settled particles of dirt, debris, skin, and waste; the discarded of humanity? Yes, that has been the intensity of the energies this March.

In Roman times, rumor of Christ as a threat of power to the Church and state was such that conspiracies and plans were made amongst all ruling factions. What to do with such a threat to power? What to do with such an uprising of all that was once settled?

Even among Christ’s own circle, the unrest began, leading up to the last supper, a moment suspended in time when Christ’s disciples heard the news he had been betrayed. The reaction is in all the faces in the painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. Most telling of all being the face of Christ himself; calm, knowing, shining in his Ascended Mastery and knowing the script that would change everything forever—the reason for his walk on Earth fulfilled.

Yes such was the sweep of energy of the Ides of March, the setting of the stage, Act II, preparing the world for the greatest and final Act, The Physical Death and Resurrection of Christ into the Christed. Thus bringing to Earth the Christed energy, The Christed Ray, The Ray available to all inhabitants on Earth. The Ray and the Way for Man’s Ascension.

Yes, Christ and the Resurrection, the Easter Story, the greatest of change to sweep through. Still sweeping and still radiating the Glorius Christed Ray into all men and turning All Hearts into Golden Christed Rays.


Channeled by Giselle Koy


Calling the High Council of Radiance

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Fri, 03/29/2013 - 12:35


We, the Sisters of the High and Holy Court of Radiance do bear the light of the New Golden Age and usher in the energies pervading this domain.

We, the Sisters of this Light possess the qualities needed at this moment in time to escort, proclaim and herald the presence of the New Rays, the Rays of Ascension and the Radiant Fields of Light Frequencies now available here on Planet Earth.

We are laying the beautiful lace mantilla of finery and filigree on the Head of Mother Earth, Gaia in Her Crowning Moment, Gaia Crowned as her Royal and Ascended Self.

We, the Sisters of this Light carry the divine feminine codes and yet appear as the mothers, leaders, business women, daughters, sisters, creators, healers and professionals of this day and age. Savvy in technology, touched to the core by our higher selves and motivated by the self-less service of Mother Mary, do hereby commit ourselves to this destiny work for the Ascension of All.

We are not the obvious choices of such radical lightworking yet We Are The Divine Feminine right under all our noses. Yes, it is a new band of Torchbearers, Light Weavers and Ray Wielders.

The Platinum Ray Report - March 2013 - Giselle Koy

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Sat, 03/23/2013 - 09:36


Yes, it has been a jostling movement of energy, much like the washing cycle--jostling free energy so that it may be congruently reorganized. The nature of the Platinum Ray is that of striking energy but this jostling too is a form of gentle quaking.


At the moment the Platinum Ray is like a pervading silvery sunset on the planet, blanketing and cocooning, infusing and permeating with purification.


The appearance of the Platinum Ray is always for the final and quickening stages of ascension which we are in now. The closest animal kingdom to this ray is the dolphin energy as they are great conduits for the Platinum Ray.


The oceans are the current beds for the Platinum Ray as the oceans are the cooling ponds of radiation and the purification power plants of the energies most out of alignment with ascension energies.


For the Platinum Ray brings in the master harmonic of the great striking chord of The Sonic Boom of Ascension.


So the most discordant energies are brought in first—working towards All Harmonics in Accord for the Quickening and Final Stages.


Hail the Platinum Ray and its Silver Light of Perfection In Plan and In Place Here on Planet Earth Now.


The Treasures of the Vatican: A Message from Serapis Bey and the Holy Overseers Delivered by Giselle Koy

Submitted by Giselle Koy on Mon, 03/04/2013 - 21:13


Serapis Bey

Wonder child of the Egyptian Mystics –
Yes it was a pleasure to meet as you could finally see me. I am somewhat of a “prodigy” master or actually such is the power of choosing how we look upon ascension. I am ancient yet I choose dewy youth – it is disarming.
I am a keeper of secrets and artifacts in that I have access to such things and their magical powers, much like you. You have seen the Arc of the Covenant and know what is inside.

You are also familiar with the constantly changing form of the Holy Grail. It is one if not THE most ephemeral objects on Earth, constantly morphing into difficult frequencies, emitting codes of light and representing all that is holy--the holiness that mankind can hold between two hands. Such is the nature of sacred treasures of Egypt. And the holiness that contains all.


The Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury

Under Vatican protection and keeper of many artifacts and holy items through the ages, this Office was the clearing house for many procured and “Vatican” claimed reassures.

It was the job of the Archbishop of Canterbury to “procure” or rather confiscate (take by force) these things as a favor to the Pope of course. The holder of such objects would be made to feel special, with special audience, etc, given favor by the Pope with pardons and absolutions.

Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Vatican Mafia so to speak, despicable injustices!

The Treasures of the Vatican will soon be exposed and made open to the public. It will be shocking; the hoarding and confiscation of holy objects, artifacts, art, great papers, documents, scrolls, jewels and monies. We say shocking!

At some point the Vatican will be turned to an open museum, but first it needs clearing and cleansing and a total re-ordering.

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