Co-Creating At Its Best (Annex Journals)

Submitted by Annex Journals on Tue, 12/24/2013 - 12:52

                           Good afternoon, it is nice to have an opportunity to visit to discuss many things that which are used for the purpose of co-creating. now what ? We can feel within your vibration there are things in which you are indecisive about. the first being is the direction in which your path is leading you towards. we would like to tell you that it is not your concern to worry so much about the details of your travels. you hold a lot of anxiety about the things you want to do. so much so that you are keeping yourself from actually doing them you see. you say, "well … there is not enough time to get done the things i need to get done" and we say that there is no getting it done. And there is no time. not in the way that you think of it anyway. this is a pulsating universe that is always expanding and we would like to tell you that there is always something new to do. Always something new to experience. you are not able to get anything done because you will always be in a state of wanting. you will experience moments of satisfaction; however you will always keep wanting.

                          Wanting and asking is unavoidable. you will always want something new and why wouldn't you ? you are a deliberate being that will always create your own universe. you are alive for the sole purpose of co-creating. there is no better truth than that. we can tell you that if you were to only think about the good feeling thoughts and let your emotions guide you to a good feeling place, that you will create the most wonderful experiences that life can offer. this is not some unknown secret that has been past down for generations. this is something that everyone knows on some level you see. everyone on your planet wants to feel good and everyone wants to feel a constant steady down stream vibration because it is who they really are. everyone wants to be connected to source. source is an extension of who you really are. many people find it difficult to believe that, but if you would only focus on the good feeling thoughts and let things just happen the way they are supposed to, you will agree that you will begin to fall into alignment with your natural feeling vibration. there is no exceptions. We are forever in your vortex and we know that you are always asking for your connection. Alignment is the only thing that should matter and it is the answer to everything that holds you apart from yourself. all the solutions you have been asking for is in your vortex and the way to get there is through your emotions. emotions are your indicator of whether you are in alignment or not. we can feel that you are starting to understand. many people everyday are finding their alignment to source. they are starting to realize that the vibrations they hold in their body and in their hearts and feelings are the ones that hold them apart from who they really are. 

                         you are magnificent beings and we love you where you are of every minute of everyday and we know that you hold love as the highest vibration imaginable. don't let yourself be guided by the thoughts that do not serve you. first and foremost you are the one who guides your thoughts. no one on this planet has the power to make you feel anything that you don't want to feel. you are in absolute control of what is coming to you. many people will say, " ANNEX, it is impossible to control every thought that pops into my mind". we know it can be difficult. but it is only as difficult as you allow it to be. see we know that if you hold a steady thought many thoughts that are alike in vibration will begin to flow to you. now you can play with this for a little but. if you were to take the time and just breathe and focus on your breath for at least 20 minutes a day and nothing else you will find that your mind will wander for a bit. but the more you do this exercise you will find that it will be easier to guide your thoughts back to the breath. this is a very simple exercise to illustrate that you can hold a steady thought and you can control your mind to where you want to focus you attention to. A few years ago our friend Manny was sitting and meditating and he was trying really hard to focus all of his attention to his breath and no matter what he tried, his mind seemed to wander and he just really couldn't focus. We taught him that if only he just learned to count his breath in and count his breath out he would have an easier time of quieting his mind and begin to control the thoughts in a more positive direction. it really is that easy. you must learn to tune out the noise to hold yourself apart from the rest of the world. you are part of a mass consciousness and yet you are calling yourself to the part of you that wants to know itself. 

                       We are very happy with the progress you have made as well as the mistakes you have made along the way. we love when you make mistakes because it further acknowledges that you are not on the path. we know that you will use it as an indicator to get back on the path.  when you experience a low vibration do not spend so much time coiling yourself in the negative because you are holding yourself in the negative vibration and what happens is the result of more negatives. Learn to release resistance to whatever vibration and emotion you find yourself in and you will notice that it didn't take that long to go back to that good feeling place. you will start to find that you are a deliberate creator and you will find your own power in the void. you will begin to start realizing who you are and who you have always been, and you will begin to notice that you were always a beautiful, magnificent, powerful being that creates worlds. Next blog we will begin speaking about the soul. we are extremely pleased that you have taken the time to read our blog. we know that this will start to help you in realizing your own power and who you really are. we are very happy that you are wanting to align again with the source that is you and we hope that this blog will help you find the new resolve. we love you very much as we remain forever in your vortex in constant and deliberate creation   



- Annex

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