Pruning the Non-Resonant Energetic Branches of Life

Submitted by nerdalicious on Sun, 01/26/2014 - 14:47

Look at he well deveoloped ego mind, certain of its correctness!

Greetings Dear ones,

Higher self here, maybe someone else. <grin> What is it that steers you away from your purpose? What is it that you are constantly trying to do but always get pulled away from? Why is that? What are the possible or likely culprits? What are you struggling with all the time or just frequently that you can’t quite get yourself to conquer? This body in its current incarnation is a troubleshooter and technical by nature and has a decent ability to eventually get things right. Perhaps there is a divine plan at work that your ego is battling against. Perhaps your ego really wants to do items A, B and C but can’t quite get there for some reason and this happens all the time? The rest of the alphabet keeps wanting in on the action.

Maybe there are divine influences at work in your subconscious that you are either fighting or denying.  Your ego or behavioral programmed mind keep trying to do certain things but you never quite get there in the timeframe or manner that you originally intended. Maybe you are actually operating in a divine-influenced timeframe that is not linear at all. We all have a menu of life paths to choose from. Some people have more choices than others for varying reasons. We consciously or unconsciously choose  from these on a minute by minute basis. We are after all in a free-will world and this law constantly applies. So what is it that you choose to do now? Is it in your best interest to pursue this path right now? Perhaps you are on a wild goose chase yet again? Maybe you have been on wild goose chases your whole life for more reasons that are not entirely of your own making?

The illusory world that still surrounds the vast majority of humanity at this time is based on distraction and this mind is a case in point. The trick then is to utilize discernment in a slightly different manner than many of you are used to. We are usually told to use discernment to gleam the truth from whatever information is being presented to us. Even most channelings are not pure, even those that we deem most reliable. I would caution many folks about believing everything Cobra says, for instance. At best he is a double agent of the Zionist factions, with an Israeli accent. But I digress.

The point being here is what paths are you mapping out for yourself and what are the bases for those decisions? Are they ego-based or divine/I AM based? Maybe you are trying to reconcile the two into a joint project. That would be ideal if you can do it. Again, the current mind here is and has been struggling for years to determine the best course of action to devote his energies into in order to do the most good. It is hard to perform nonlinear work in a divine fashion and determine your success from a 3D-based linear filter or programmed mind. It would be like trying to see how well you are gardening by planting your crops and expecting them to sprout up the next day or week. After a month, you see nothing and determine that maybe you shouldn’t be a gardener. A month after you give up, all kinds of crops pop up but you aren’t even looking there anymore. You’re making doilies.

The same applies to the current spiritual/golden age movement and the awakening masses who are frustrated by the seemingly lack of progress visible on the ground. Keep planting crops chelas! Refine your efforts that resonate the most, eliminate the ones that don’t bear fruit and focus on what feels the best outcome that will prevail.

This year 2014 is a year of pruning branches that will not bear fruit, especially for Capricorns like the author. This is a good process in order to not wear yourselves too thin in an increasing vibratory and energetic time crunch that you all find yourselves in. But don’t wear yourselves out spinning your wheels too much and recharge whenever necessary. Make a list of what steers you off course and ponder on it for a while. Don’t make any major decisions based on a limited time frame or perspective. Keep an open mind and be brutally honest. There are some things that you may be clinging to that might be hindering you, maybe not. Maybe there is some extra-dimensional technology working against our awakening. Self-assessment is never a bad thing as long as it is done for your highest good. Maybe you have too much stuff and eBay needs a visit to free up some much needed cash in order to pursue a worthy branch of non-linear divine resonant goodness!



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