Journey of the Awakened Heart
The Teachings of Archangel Michael
Greetings From Southern California
Hey folks Jeff Fasano here welcome to Journey of the Awakened Heart.
We are almost at the end of the first 3-month period Archangel Michael speaks about in his Outlook for 2014. He told us there would be doorway opening for us and if we choose to, we can walk through it and take a step to a new level in our life. Has a doorway opened for you? Have you felt a shift within you to make new choices with your life? I know I have. It takes great courage to shift and change our lives. To fully let go of the old and walk the pathway of the unknown. I felt a new doorway opening and it is an invitation to move deeper within my heart to trust and love in a new and more intimate way.
In conjunction with this I am sharing with you a wonderful message from Archangel Michael entitled "Open Your Heart"
You can scroll to the bottom to read his message.
If you haven't read or listened to it already, I invite you read and listen to Michael's entire 2014 Outlook. It is insightful and a wonderful guide on our pathway through the new year. I have posted them both on my site Journey of the Awakened Heart
Archangel Michael's 2014 Outlook
Click right here to read it
To Listen click here
Thank you so much for allowing me to share this with you......Peace Jeff
The Teachings of Archangel Michael
I am a trance channel, and have been a messenger for Archangel Michael's teachings since 2002. Michael's teachings are transformational and largely pertain to the personal process. They have transformed my life and affected me deeply, and it is because of this that I truly feel it is time for the world to know them and feel them so they can transform your life. That is why I feel it is now so important to share them with you and the world by connecting every week so you can experience the wisdom of Michael on a regular basis.
"There is a flame that burns deep inside you. It burns brightly and radiates outward from your heart with an effervescent energy. You can now choose to connect with that flame and radiate its spark out into the world. It is time to love you. The depth of your heart is awaiting you, come join it."
-Archangel Michael
I have created a site entitled Journey of the Awakened Heart dedicated to my book and the teachings of Archangel Michael. I would love for you to take a look and peruse through it to see all that is there for you.
You can continue to go to our site The Angel News Network to see what we are offering there:
I am currently facilitating gatherings in Southern California. You can experience the energy of Archangel Michael that comes through me as a trance channel. This is a sacred gathering, bringing together like-minded and spirited individuals. It is interactive as Michael connects to us with a group message then individually you will be able to speak with him and receive a personal message.
Redondo Beach California
April 11th and 18th
The Path Spiritual Learning Center
800 Torrance Blvd.
Redondo Beach California 90277
NEW PRICE $25 for the evening
Since I have been here in southern California many have hosted a Gathering with Archangel Michael. If you would like to host one please feel free to connect with me at jeff@theangelnewsnetwork.com
The Angel News Network
April 1st 2014
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to connect directly with an Angel?
Ask any question you have always wanted and receive guidance from Divine Realms?
The Angel News Network continues DIVINE DISCUSSIONS, an exciting new program where you can speak directly to a messenger from the divine realms.
DIVINE DISCUSSIONS is a unique format. Channels Jeff Fasano, Phillip Elton Collins and spiritual journalist Joel D. Anastasi will connect with Archangels, Ascended Masters and other higher realms entities that you may question about your life and the world.
We are offering this via teleconference and in our Ft. Lauderdale classroom. Our next discussion begins 4:00pm (Pacific)/7:00pm (Eastern), April 1st 2014. The program will be one hour. We are bringing this to you on a bi-monthly basis.
Experience the great self-empowerment and energetic shifts that can take place when you have a conversation with a divine being. We are excited to bring this program to you at this crucial time in mankind's history.
DIVINE DISCUSSIONS is being brought to you for a suggested $10.00 love-offering.
Our Teleconference access information is:
Access code: 565060#
Or meet at our Ft. Lauderdale classroom:
Pt. Pleasant Wellness Center Suite 202
1732 NE 26th St. Ft. Lauderdale Fl.
For all the information please visit the donation page on our site by clicking on this link: Love Offering Donation
You can make your love offering there.
Many of us now are in need of individual communication and healing concerning the shifts taking place in our world and within us as well. I am offering one on one sessions with Archangel Michael for those seeking in depth guidance and support for their personal growth. These sessions give you tools to release old habits and patterns to live a self-empowered life at a higher level of consciousness. They help you remember who you are, your innate gifts and realize your purpose in this lifetime to live your soul's divine plan. You can then move forward in your life with greater clarity, purpose, ease and joy.
These sessions can be done in person and by phone as well. It is personal and private and one hour in length. You will receive an audio recording of each session.
Each session is $100
If you would like to book a session please click on this link:
My Book
Everyone has an important life purpose, a reason for being. My book contains the teachings of Archangel Michael to guide and support you in uncovering who you are and why you are here. Finding your passion, realizing your purpose, and knowing why you matter so very much just for being you.
To read more about my book and purchase your paper copy or eBook please go to
My book is also available on Amazon and Kindle.

At The Angel News Network we have many wonderful books. If you would like to learn more about our books and purchase the paper copy or EBook please click on this link for all the information you need.
The Purpose of Archangel Michael's Teachings
The bodies of teachings and the messages, lessons and exercises that Michael brings us largely pertain to the personal process. It is a transformational process that moves us from the conceptual mind into our heart. We move within then ascend within as we raise our level of resonance and vibration. The process allows us to individually define our mission and purpose. And once we do this we can take from the teachings whatever we need, to bring ourselves and our endeavor's to the world. These teachings prepares us for We Consciousness. They prepare us to open our heart to move out into the world in our powerfulness and greatness by loving, honoring and valuing who we are. It is a preparatory process and gives us tools to use so we can choose We Consciousness. It is up us in the process, to move within and find our passion, purpose and mission. Then take that out into the world.
Channeled by Jeff Fasano
Open Your Heart
From the Archangelic realm of Michael this is Michael. As you are now moving into the depth and breadth of your heart space and moving into the grandness of self, the greatness of self, the wonderment of self, you are opening up to a greater sense of self. And now each and every one of you are moving closer towards a greater love of self because you are opening your heart to yourself.
So We ask you to open your heart. In this very moment in time, open your heart and allow your essence to flow out into the world freely. Open your hearts to transparency. Open your heart to authenticity. Open your heart to show the world the essence of you. How does this make you feel? What are the feelings coming up in this moment? As you open your heart and present yourself to the world, how does that make you feel, dear ones?
This is where you are headed and what will be transpiring as you move forward into We Consciousness. Opening up the depth and breadth of you, in full revelation of you, revealing yourself to the world.
We have spoken to you many times about judgment and shame and as We speak this to you right now, does judgment and shame arise within you? You see, it is about moving into the full being-ness of self, the uniqueness of you and allowing yourself the recognition of your uniqueness and yourself. Do you recognize yourselves?
Moving into full recognition of the essence of self, in the depth and breadth of your heart space, is only attainable by releasing the mask. Each and every one of you from time to time move in your third dimensional realm with the mask in place. It is important, to notice and observe when you are doing that. Are you fully being you? Or do you take a calculated risk when walking out amongst others in your third dimensional realm, that I will maybe, quite possibly expose all of me to the world. Or, do I keep the mask in place just enough so I will feel safe and secure?
Do you feel safe and secure? Is your objective to feel safe and secure? By projecting the mask outside of yourself in the third dimensional realm, this will give you the false notion or pretense that you are safe and secure.
So, We ask you, open your heart. Allow the effervescent white light of you to shine out on the world in the full being-ness of you in transparency and authenticity. It is time to be you. It is time to release looking for acceptance outside of yourself. It is time to ask yourself: Is it okay to be me? Is it perfectly acceptable by me to be me?
The reason why the mask has been put into place is because each and every one of you are seeking love. "I just want to be loved."
The old behavior was I will do this to be loved. I will give myself up to be loved. I will create this mask and be whatever they want me to be to be loved. So We ask you to open up to the love in the essence of yourself and allow that to shine out on the world. Declare, I am me! I love me and I am going to show me to everyone out in the world.! I will be with my feelings that come up. I feel exposed. I feel not good enough. I feel not perfect enough.
It is when those feelings arise within you, amongst many more, when the heart shuts down and you move into the mental body and utilize the mask because you need to avoid those feelings. I am feeling exposed, I am feeling not good enough, I am feeling not perfect enough, I am frightened. I am feeling unsafe. I am feeling out of control, so I will put up my mask and then I am in control of everything.
It is time to fully feel your feelings and be who you are. It is no longer a feasible choice, dear ones, to avoid your feelings. If you continue to avoid your feelings you will remain in the old habits, patterns and rituals of creating that mask to avoid your feelings.
As you move into a multi-dimensional awareness in We Consciousness, it is time now, dear ones, to feel your feelings and be you. For you are not those feelings, they are just feelings. Open your hearts to yourselves and love you. Can you love you where you are? Can you love you for being you? Can you love you as you are in the present moment and congregate with an open heart with others? As you move along the pathway in your third dimensional realm, and move within to heal what needs to be healed, you raise your awareness and consciousness to self and your resonance and vibration rises as well.
And along with this, while connecting to your soul's divine plan and your mission and purpose, you will be connecting with those on your pathway, resonating and vibrating similarly to you, if not the same, but also on the same pathway as you. Meaning, they are moving within, they are healing and they are opening their heart space and feeling their feelings.
So, as you are moving along your pathway, look at your relationships. It is these new relationships in We Consciousness that will allow you to be who you are in the accompaniment of others who are doing the same. Within this you are opening your heart to communicate and simply express where you are, when you are, and what you are feeling. And as each individual is accepting each other and themselves with acceptance and compassion, you will never be judged and shamed. You will be accepted in We Consciousness for uniqueness and being you.
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