5th Dimension 101

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 05/02/2014 - 23:06

Well I experienced the 5th dimension and above (I'll explain below) a couple of times now and since I go in and out within this dimension at different events in the years I can see how I'm not ready yet to be there all the time. It's hard when your not following in the good feed and sometimes it is hard to find it and get on it. Clearings and such is important to get all the necessary experience to be able to manage when where up in the fifth dimension since others around may not be at the same construct or vibrational patterning from where you have grown to, they can cause casualty's in the space that you hold or are at and it takes a lot of practice to be able to stay in the higher constructs when things don't always go right and bring about challenges. A difference between a 5th dimensional user will see more options accordingly to what is to be solved... take in note your awareness will be greater than the average persons, it will be more lighter=more senses=open than dense=closed=brick wall. While the lower density or ego (Which have levels to how your ego is formed and operates the lower denser levels are the ones we have the most problems with while the lighter ones are the ones ascending or learning to go in process) so the denser ego may as well defend for his own security of whom he is and what he has... beliefs.... Beliefs which are the most dangerous things to mankind and evolution in my book. That's why I always say they can be constructive or de-constructive I'll give you an example; "what I know is not a belief, it is what I know and It is truth," now another being can read/hear/watch what I have written and he can form a belief around that thus he creates a belief, that example of the belief, he would say; (he doesn't know what he's talking about he's confused.) That's an example of a De-constructive belief (there are no limits to what beliefs you can create... The denser operating ego will have created something of a lower frequency belief which we can call archon (De-constructive to the self the soul and can also expand and attack the truth created from a higher heart an example is jealousy as the main drive (The frequency of jealousy is lower than that of enlightenment, or joy, when this happen he might defend and attack instead of questioning it... it can become De-constructive not only for him but for you to. This is where the challenge may arise but if you are already walking within the fifth dimension your options toward this reaction will be evaluated on a higher frequency port and with practice you can learn how to be a light warrior. You now have the choice to be constructive (Question, as Why do you think so?) or deconstructive (Trying to free him 'saying other wise' I don't operate on belief's or I am that I am it's that simple) .Since its your turn the polarities reverse, so in this case if he has archonic and lower density programming always begin with your discernment remember if your in the fifth dimension you have more senses and awareness you can have a better sense of what to do and select the appropriate approchement constructive or deconstructive. Play your cards right use your inner knowledge and guidance from on high be the light and heal what he has created. This will give you more experience plus you will have cleared what he has created that was of a lower frequency and can cause harm damage two both respective players... If it is dealt with light hearted higher mind allocations you will have solve the link between you two and arrive to am arrangement making the belief constructive.

Sometimes when you know you can't do anything about it, sending love to this person might be enough to let him learn a lesson deeper into the day or weeks ahead. They might get a realizations that breaks them free from the archonic possession which are lower density beliefs=programming. Many use this way now it is more acceptable and easier. But when you have no choice but confrontation this is where walking in with your higher self becomes your life saver It's hard to reach the extremely higher realms and frequencies states of being we can explore with a lot of practice I am going to give a powerful meditation technique down below with an explanation of how we can go beyond the fifth dimension. 

Another thing once you have no more ego left you don't carry much beliefs it's more only source connection, creator god self, you can become your primal self almost feels like being an animal in the peaceful sense as an ascended being same as Jesus was.

But still when where at the fifth and above sometimes it takes super management to get things right till final ascension which never ends (there's multiple ascensions not necessarily the same) which I almost got to a couple of time it feels like your just getting extremely light and float out of your body but that was in 2012, now what happened in 2013 my body got supercharge and became so light. I might of learned these some way from all the downloads I received in those months June July august... I was able to live off of cosmic rays and it was intelligent and very detoxing and almost felt like an lighter body with extremely good feeling all the time and my endurance was up ten folds my speed was at extremes reflexes and pin point accuracy my balance was off the scale perfect you could of said he’s a true assassin but I'm not I don't want to kill anyone its just the skills I had developed in over little amount of time was at all extremity's It took from 22 August or 23 it started off as an huge explosion of light under meditation then I had to balance out the two hemispheres of the brain with my hands put out all fingers equal to the other hand touching together and all the slightest misaligned finger needed to be align at the micros milliliter and then that stance took on about 3 or 4hours with sacred geometry and other vision within the pineal, and after that blast of energy at the beginning my body was extremely warm I wormed up the top floor of this house. I was sitting there for 3 to 4 hours and it felt like 2 minutes but I was sitting there for 4hours at least, my frequency had rose high enough I was now beginning my second trip into the fifth dimension and above. Time condenses at each step you take up.

Now to explain a little how I got there from June every time I would come sit down on my couch perfectly straight knees crossed I would be getting pineal activity and the crown of my head would feel energy entering down and ameliorating the condition of my body and mood so I would do readings on the blog the archangels messages and mother gods and others that I would of been guided to, then I would sit down in meditation and send out white silver light in a helix form, translucent around objects, humans, flowing vigorously around everything that you can send it to, starting with yourself going up to further people around I would see vortexes of this light going on multiple people that I felt right sending it to them and then It would come back to me. So it overlapped as a double way helix with the core at my solar plexus expanding above and below meeting up in the center while flowing with each of their own respective direction clockwise and counter clockwise flowing until it get's up interlocking around me forming a torus flow. and then I would zoom out to seeing mother earth with the double-end funnels of this light at the center of where I am at on earth and go around from bottom going up while the top was going down each going at their respective directional flow making a torus... now after that I see it spreading to the mass areas of the world and spinning on the ground getting every single place and humans to have one activated, then I would zoom out further and see the planets in alignment and take there torus flow and make a star of David and connect them all with the center point earth only the earth and the sun have the silver white light the other planets is better to view it in gold and see them bridge across in space to inter-connect all together now earth and the sun has gold frequency with white silver linings of higher order DNA transmutation and Codon unlocks and time shift emergence from your preconceived timelines that which we work in or have created and disrupt the fabric of them all to adjust a higher frequency set of rules to which if done correctly will have achieved a core connection to each and everyone for a short amount of time. But with extensive use after a day or two you can already begin seeing results everyone experiences differ. This is something I always knew how to do It developed after a while and became more and more potent its in my subconscious to. Others have there own sense of meditation they can utilize and learn/create or re-remember from past lives so be guided to unlock your inner potentials.

Now this is where things get interesting this is how you get your newer senses after wards practicing it can be immersive and mendable if when you reach back to the place where all planets accordingly connected to Earth and the sun you can view these immersive rays and strings of energy and place the violet flame on top of the north pole going down and succumbing Earth over the vortexes and allow parts of the violet flame attach to strings of the fully made matrix to heal all them that need healing from the violet flame. It will be redistribute on a massive scale to all whom needs it basically you let the field we have created manage in higher order the effects of what need to happen next and then you can go zoom back in on your position and return to your basic awareness. doing this I find helps a lot even folks around me I see results instantly. I find it helps a lot If anyone has questions I'll be glad to answer them.

Namaste Be at One


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