HS Message - Inner Shifts, Transformation, and Restructuring in Progress

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Mon, 06/02/2014 - 02:57

by April Bender

It has been a rather peculiar week for you, has it not? In a purely inward sense. As previously announced, the new moon energies that permeated your physical realm as well as the layers of your light/solar body, brought with them the impetus for another mighty in-breath and/or "inner gateway opening" which brought in a higher quality multidimensional flow of information, memory, light coding activations, and/or "fire letters."

Each prior in-breath has grown in depth, intensity, and expansiveness to bring you and therefore the Collective, to the greatest in-pouring of higher (Christ) consciousness experienced thus far during this grand ascension cycle. It is this in-pouring, that you are in the middle of processing/integrating within all aspects of Self and therefore, the Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life at this time. It is also the effects of this in-pouring, that will see your very relationship to these aspects of Self and how you relate to/commune with those aspects - shift, change, and deepen - for they will begin to interact/overlap with one another much more seamlessly - as you've either purged or transformed so much of what once stood in the way of this type of healthy interaction/communion between aspects of Whole Self and Creation.

Though the new moon has technically passed, its energetic influence will continue to affect you today and in the days that follow, as you seek to integrate, reorder and utilize within - ALL that has been moved, activated, reconciled, reclaimed, renewed and transcended within Self as a result of these heightened inhalations/infusions and the further completion/refinement of the overall Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieval Sequencing Process.

As a result of this colossal amount of inner-shifting and lifting, you personally have felt somewhat "fragmented" lately, as the familiar worlds and the lattice structure/framework of them that previously existed within you, have been temporarily dissolved and/or separated while they further shift, transform or birth themselves anew, into a higher and more efficient configuration or octave. The same also holds true, for all your previous patterns of reaction and response, all your belief systems, even memories...all that you believed you were or contained. ALL THESE have recently been mirrored back to you and then abruptly dissolved so that you might choose to restructure and/or rebuild them using your newly acquired higher energetic materials/substances and/or information/codes. The subtle but far-reaching shift in perspective, awareness and/or consciousness that will naturally unfold as a result of this new vision or vantage point created through Self being re-envisioned and remade, is required for full passage through the fires of ascension/transmutation/resurrection.

This larger movement or impetus of course, will also quite naturally lead to the full spectrum activation and luminescence of your DNA and that of other Warriors of Light, which will in turn ripple out with a beam-like intensity across the Collective Mind/Web as their/your light codes or "fire letters" are shared/expressed outwardly during the next exhalation/full moon phase and beyond. You're actually already emanating these from your aura/light body now though to a small degree. However, once you've finished assimilating them, the potency with which you emanate them will be a thousand fold, further fueling and aiding in the ascension of the masses/Collective.

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