Humanity is on a roll towards the moment of awakening! As you read the mainstream news media reports of conflict, wars, crime, and corruption all over the world that may not seem to you to be a valid assessment, but I assure you it is. Yes, there is much going on that is unloving and causing suffering in the world today, but it is for the most part the result of an enormous clearing and releasing of the old energies of fear that have maintained and supported the illusion and those who would suppress and control you through it.
The unloving energies, mostly of fear, that have been predominant on Earth for eons are dissolving as more and more of you turn towards love in your relationships, and make the intent to be loving in every situation. The power of your loving intentions is tremendous, and those who would maintain the old ways through fear and force are now desperately attempting to raise the level of fear across the world because they urgently need those energies as they attempt to fortify the underpinnings of their power base and prevent its collapse. This they cannot do. The Tsunami of Love is unstoppable and totally irresistible and it is sweeping away the energies of fear that have held you in the thrall of the dark ones.
You are well aware of the massive uncovering of lies, deceits, and corruption that governments and international corporations have been involved with, as investigative journalists and whistleblowers determinedly and courageously publish vast amounts of evidence that has been concealed in order to allow those in positions of worldly power to carry out their destructive agendas. Arousing your fears has been one of the ways they used to justify their unjustifiable secrecy, claiming that it was in your best interests to allow them to do things in secret to keep you safe. It has now become abundantly clear how badly they have deceived you and betrayed your trust in them over the eons.
A few of your politicians while promising transparency during their election campaigns over the last few decades have totally failed to deliver on those promises. Some indeed had good intentions, but the power and influence of the political machine run wild presented them with insurmountable barriers on that front, and so they turned their attention elsewhere. And the increasingly raucous attempts by the mainstream media, under governmental and corporate control, to instill worldwide fear of terrorism are failing abysmally. Humanity will never again submit to fear.
Love is the power, the energy field of infinite potential in which creation rests in constant alert awareness. That potential is the creative idea that God unveiled at the moment of creation, and it is eternally present throughout Reality, available in every moment for his children to develop and expand.
Fear is the absence of Love, absence of that creative potential. It is illusory, but when believed in leads to depression, helplessness, and hopelessness. Do not engage with it, because you do have a choice, and when you choose fear instead of Reality, Love, you give power and energy to the illusion, and that you do not want to do. There is no one among you who enjoys being in fear, no one! But when you are in fear you cannot avoid projecting it outwards, sharing it and extending it. Instead refuse it, and embrace Love, you can do that, and you have limitless assistance from those in the spiritual realms to ensure your success.
Fear is also a state of mind, an unpleasant and personally power draining aspect of the illusion. Love is Reality. Embrace Love and fear dissolves because anything that is not in alignment and harmony with Love is unreal and cannot therefore hold out against It, being of the illusion it just ceases to exist. Increasing numbers of you are realizing this every day, and are refusing to be cowed into submission any longer. The days of darkness, fear, and unquestioning compliance are over because humanity has chosen to awaken from the nightmare in which it has been resting for eons.
The underlying assumptions upon which most of your laws rely are being deeply questioned, and those assumptions are being proven, in nearly every instance, to be false. A new era has truly dawned, and initially that appears to be rather unsettling. That is hardly surprising because you have become so conditioned to obeying mindless rules and regulations that when they are removed you feel for a moment quite unsteady. It is like experiencing a momentary sense of dizziness if you stand up too quickly after a catnap or after your meditation, but it clears quickly as you return to fully conscious alertness.
So, I shall remind you yet again: Love Is . . . there is nothing else. Anything that is not in alignment with Love is utterly unreal, and is only seemingly real when you close your hearts, allowing illusions to fill that empty space from which you have chosen to shut out Love. Open your hearts, invite Love to embrace them and flow through them to all sentient life, and experience the peace and contentment that that open state reveals.
Love is eternally and infinitely peaceful. When you operate from Love, from your natural state, there is no fear, no anxiety, no conflict, no damaging competitiveness, just glorious and harmonious cooperation. In that state worries and concerns dissolve because there is no room for them as you are completely filled with Love, and nothing else is sought or needed. Needs of all kinds are the tools of fear, tools that are now being seen to be broken and irreparable. In their place lies abundance waiting for your acceptance of it so that it can, by your allowing, dispel all humanity’s needs.
All is in place for your awakening and for your release from the illusion. When you take your daily time alone in meditation, prayer, or contemplation be sure to remind yourselves that you are never alone, that you are always in the company of your spiritual guides and mentors, who watch over you constantly offering you the love that you have so often sought, with a noticeable lack of success, outside yourselves. Love is your nature, and you are never separated from It, just temporarily unaware. Open your awareness, allow Love to embrace you warmly and enthusiastically just as It wants to.
With so very much love, Saul.