Sunday Musings ~ Oh Ye of little Faith…

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 05/03/2015 - 08:31

Thank Goodness, a little faith is all you need. Only a teeny weeny mustard seed of faith, said Jeshua, would move mountains for you. So true. But how different is faith from trust? Faith is the cornerstone to trust. Faith is the foundation that paths the way to knowing, and therefore fully trusting, that all you have faith in, will come to pass.

Faith lives in your Heart, alongside Trust. When you live a Heart-based reality, you will begin to FEEL the magic of your Heart Genie busy working for you. Imagine that! You have your very own magical Genie living inside of you!

By having faith and trust you’re automatically moving away from an ego/mind based reality to a Heart based reality. And that is the place inside of you where miracles and magic resides!

So few people realize this though.

I was listening to my Mother on the telephone yesterday. In the space of 10 minutes she said the word ‘hell’ at least 5 times. It is no wonder then that her reality (life experience) is much like that word. Every morning at 8am she watches the ‘Faith’ channel on TV and she tries to write down everything they’re saying in her little notepad. Sometimes during the day she would get out her notepad and go over her notes by reading them out loud to herself. When I asked why she reads the words out loud, she answered “I need to get this into my nut!!” She refers to her head as her nut…. Ironic that a nut often has a hard shell and is difficult, sometimes impossible, to open. The Heart, however, is easily opened. All it takes is love.

It is in your Heart that YOUR Truth lies and never anywhere else. Not on TV or in a book, or even in this blog you’re reading.


You never left Home without it. You just forgot it was there inside of you, patiently waiting for you.

Remember though that when you do find it to have faith and TRUST it. Never ever doubt it.

A little faith goes a long way, and it will move invisible mountains for you. But if you’re living inside your ego mind you won’t know this. You won’t have the knowing.

Remember to ask if you need a reinforcement of faith and trust. There is nothing you can ask for that won’t be granted. We truly are being fully loved and supported.

Lately I’ve been feeling bouts of despondence, much to Michael’s dismay. It’s not that I am completely unhappy, not at all. I’m just tired and I feel as if I don’t belong here in this world any longer. In the early hours of this morning I got up to make some tea and when I fell asleep again I dreamt of my Father. He has been closer to me in dream state than he ever was while embodied here on Earth. This morning we held each other closely and I felt his love for me. Afterwards I asked Michael if my Father knew how I’d been feeling lately and he said “Yes, your Father is concerned about you”. I asked if Metatron knew, and he said yes again. I asked him who else knew, and he said “Everyone”. I was amazed to hear this. I truly did not know my Soul Family knew how I’d been feeling. I keep thinking that the Internet as we know it here on Earth has nothing on the inter-stellar web of love and support there for us during every moment of our Earth journey.

So let this knowing encourage you also. There is a wonderful future ahead of us as grounded Celestial Beings. Soon we will be soaring right up there with the Stars!

I wish you Faith, Love, Joy and Peace for a magical and bliss filled Sunday!


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